When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1455: : Transfer?


At this time, the capital of Pakistan.


Abate said goodbye to Sidis and hurriedly left.

Subsequently, a plane took off and headed for Karachi port.

As the largest port in Pakistan, this is a gateway from Asia to the world.

After arriving at the port airport, Abate brought a group of armed soldiers to a room.

Finally, I saw a man in his fifties with a gentle but dying voice.

Seeing Abate coming, Hannifor was lying on the bed, dying and said, "Hello, President Abate!"

Abate quickly stepped forward, holding Hanifu's hands in both hands: "Welcome home! Professor Hannifu!"

After Hanifu heard this, he smiled and fainted!

Seeing this, Abate's face changed: "Doctor!"

Afterwards, several medical staff hurriedly hurried to start some examinations.

After some examination, the headed doctor said:

"Mr. President, Professor Hanniford is not very stable, blood pressure and heart rate are very unstable, it is recommended to transfer to the hospital first."

Upon hearing this, Abate suddenly changed his face: "Go to the Capital Military Hospital."

A few hours later, Hannifu was taken to a hospital in the Capital Military Region.

Rescue started quickly!

After hearing the news, Alvin hurried to come!

In the early morning, the capital of Pakistan touched many people's hearts today.

After seeing Hannifor, Alvin said to all the doctors, "We must rescue at all costs!"

Seeing President Alvin, Abate couldn't help but ask: "Today, Jia Zheng, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, has called many times to consult Hannifu, shall we...notify?"

Alvin frowned when he heard the news.

To be honest, Pakistan’s economic development has been lagging behind, but this international border conflict has never stopped, and arms exports have become a major development plan.

However, five years ago, the export value of Pakistan’s weapons products was only about 60 million US dollars. In recent years, military sales have continued to rise, mainly due to the opening of the international market with the JF-17 "Owl" fighter, which is expected to exceed 1 billion US dollars!

The "Owl" series of aircraft is the product of Sino-Pakistani cooperation, or more precisely, it should be an aspect of China's support for Pakistan.

Hannifor is a top scientist in the field of aircraft engines, especially in the latest vertical lift field.

Therefore, Hannifu's extradition to China has become a good opportunity for cooperation between China and Pakistan.

Now that Hannifu’s successful return to China has given President Alvin more ideas.

After hesitating for a long time, Alvin said directly: "If you don't say it, let's say that the situation of Sidis has not stabilized and has not fully recovered after the operation. You can arrange for the Chinese rescue team to assist the diagnosis and let Sidis cooperate. ."

After Abate listened, there was some silence: "But...this rescue..."

"Moreover, the most important thing is that Professor Hannifor's situation is not stable now, maybe he needs to..."

Abate didn't finish it, but... the meaning is clear.

If there is no Chinese rescue team, Hannifu will not find it, even Sidisi is dead!

Alvin is a little angry!

As the president of the country, the first thing that comes to mind is his own country.

Cooperation is cooperation.

But who doesn't want to have their own independent technology?

Hannifor is now their biggest bargaining chip.

The vertical lift fighter is now a great weapon in the world. The American f35, Russian Jacques 141, and Harrier fighters are all good things that sound.

But now that the F35 can be mass-produced, the Harrier fighter has long fallen behind, but the Jacques 141 cannot be mass-produced.

This makes vertical lift fighters the world's most sought-after goods.

This is a rare opportunity for Pakistan, which is in desperate need of capital development, not to mention the sweetness of "Xiao" export.

After listening to Abate, Alvin said: "I don't believe that our entire country can't save a person!"

"What about our special warfare hospital?"

One night, the entire Pakistani capital military area was in a hurry.

At four o'clock in the morning.

When the top experts of the Special Warfare Hospital came out embarrassed.

Alvin knew the result!

Even their top doctors cannot find specific causes for Hannifor?

Abate looked at Alvin and was helpless.

In this world, if you want to be strong, you must not be partial, and the development of the country must not be partial.

However...Pakistan has no partiality.

They are very average and all industries have limited development.

Alvin was still a little unbelievable and said, "Contact Saudi Arabia to find the top doctor!"

Abate sighed and nodded.

As a veritable "oil kingdom", Saudi Arabia is also an ally of Pakistan, but it is one of the richest countries in the world.

Therefore, the Royal Saudi Hospital has the most medical foreign academicians in the world.

Without him, rich!

Abate contacted overnight, and finally in the morning, a medical team arrived in the capital of Pakistan.

Leading the team is Morgan, who is known as a Fellow of the Royal College of Medicine.



The next morning.

After eating breakfast, Chen Cang and others arrived at the hospital.

After today's rounds of inspection, Chen Cang may be returning home.

Cheng Guotao caught up with Chen Cang: "Professor Chen, phone, Minister Jia!"

Chen Cang was taken aback for a moment and answered the phone: "Hello Minister Jia!"

Jia Zheng nodded and said, "Professor Chen, worked hard. After returning home, we will definitely attend your wedding!"

"The motherland will not forget what you did!"

Chen Cang couldn't help but smiled: "Minister Jia is polite and will definitely welcome you when the time comes."

What Chen Cang actually wanted to say is that Minister Jia must solve the accommodation problem by himself...

Jia Zheng's words returned to the right, Zheng Zheng said: "Professor Chen, there is one thing, please pay attention."

"Sidis's recovery, you have to make a good judgment and estimate..."

Jia Zheng explained some things.

Although Chen Cang was a little curious, he kept his curiosity and nodded.


During the round, Shiba personally followed.

After seeing Sidis ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ after seeing himself, the other party even greeted him.


Chen Cang was curious that Sidis's memory seemed to be missing.

This made Chen Cang a little sorry.

After all, such a big brain injury is inevitable to cause amnesia.

After telling Jia Zheng, the rescue work of Chen Cang and others was completely over!

Although Chen Cang was a little lost, but this time the copy is already very satisfied, 30,000 points.

Also exchanged a lot of good things.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang decided to look for it after he got on the plane.

In the morning, Abate personally came and sent everyone away.


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