When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1457: : The ignorant are fearless!

Chen Cang's words attracted everyone's attention at once!

The whole room was quiet!

Even Alvin in an independent office in the same place sighed with emotion.

The quarrel in the office has been going on for half an hour, but still no result.

But after Chen Cang fell in love, he instantly controlled the audience!

A lightly written sentence instantly caught everyone's attention!

This really makes people feel shocked!

Who is Morgan?

This is the top cardiology surgeon hired by Saudi Royal Hospital with high salary, and vice president of the World AATS Association.

Others are also top doctors.

But after seeing Chen Cang, Morgan's attitude puzzled Alvin.

The same is the vice president, is the gap so large?

Of course it's big!

Although Chen Cang bears the name of vice president, in fact, in the eyes of all AATS people, this is the strength of the president!

Compared with other associations, AATS values ​​individual industry status and capabilities.

Hearing Chen Cang's words, everyone was really curious.

Professor Jia, who opposed Morgan, couldn't help but say: "Chairman Chen, the patient's condition is very special, with very obvious pulmonary hypertension and high pulmonary vascular resistance."

"Moreover, heart transplantation must be performed under cardiopulmonary bypass. In this way, the degree of danger increases again, and it is very likely that the operating table cannot be placed!"

Looking at Professor A who was worried, Chen Cang nodded: "It is true that conventional heart transplant surgery is not suitable for patients."

"However, I have a surgery that is just right!"

As soon as this word came out, all the people around him suddenly stared at Chen Cang.

During the speech, Chen Cang walked directly to the mannequin on the desk and said directly, "What if I add another heart to the patient?"

Suddenly, everyone was quiet!

Add another heart?


Thinking of this, everyone felt some scalp numbness!

How is this possible?

How can the human body allow two hearts?

If someone else said this idea, it was definitely questioned by everyone, but... the person speaking was Chen Cang!

This is President Chen Cang who was rated as the gospel of cardiac surgery in the 21st century.

It didn’t take long for me to become a vice president, and he was a powerful man who successfully applied non-stop cardiac and cardioplegic techniques.

Even Morgan was staring at Chen Cang with wide eyes, frowning slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Chen Cang continued: "To be precise, this is called heterotopic heart transplantation, and it can also be called side-by-side heart transplantation!

The donor heart is transplanted into the right chest cavity of the recipient without removing the recipient's heart, and the donor's and recipient's heart share the circulatory function after surgery. "

Chen Cang said, gesturing with gestures, cleverly simulate the operation!

All the experts at the scene stared at Chen Cang with wide eyes, and kept thinking about the possibility and feasibility in his mind.

Time goes by one minute and one second!

Except for Chen Cang who spoke alone in the whole office, the others said nothing.

But the shock and sense of identity in their eyes made it difficult for them to restore calm!

so amazing!

They looked at Chen Cang's eyes full of shock.

Morgen murmured: "This is a genius idea!"

Professor A nodded as well: "No... it's not just genius..."

The two looked at each other and recalled an evaluation of Chen Cang by Chen Cang's team at the AATS2020 meeting.

The two couldn't help saying: "Pervert!"

That's right, apart from the perverts, they really can't think of any adjectives to describe President Chen's ideas!

After Chen Cang introduced all methods,

Looking at everyone, he said with a smile: "What do you think?"

Morgan directly applauded and praised: "I agree, this idea is simply great!"

"This does not remove the original heart, and there are several obvious advantages of performing heterotopic heart transplantation in parallel!"

"First, the first point! When the donor heart loses acute rejection function, the original recipient heart can maintain the patient's life and wait for another heart transplant;

Secondly, the second advantage is that it is suitable for patients with pulmonary hypertension and high pulmonary vascular resistance, and it can even improve and treat this pulmonary hypertension! "

Professor A nodded: "Yes, I even feel that this method has opened a door in the field of heart transplantation and expanded the possibilities of heart transplantation!"

"But... the operation time is too long, the operation is complicated, and the doctor is too demanding!"

Chen Cang said at this time: "Well, if everyone has no opinion, then it is so decided!"

After Chen Cang finished speaking, the scene was extremely quiet, and no one gave a negative opinion.

Alvin looked at Chen Cang when he came in and decided the plan directly.

Chen Cang called Abate in and said all the circumstances and requirements.

Then began to prepare.

The donor heart is different from other tissues, and the longest time to tolerate ischemia cannot exceed three or four hours.

Moreover, there is about one hour to be reserved for heart transplant operations here.

In this way, the transportation time on the road should be limited to two hours.

This increases the difficulty of selection.

However, the loss is based on national strength. Otherwise, it is very difficult to find.

And the hospital here cannot be idle.

Heart transplant surgery is more demanding.

In addition to the need for extensive preoperative examination.

The most critical part is that the time for the donor to take the heart and the recipient to install the artificial heart-lung machine should be well connected.

Chen Cang sat silently in the office.

Without a word.

The directors around did not dare to come and bother.

Everyone always feels that Chen Cang has a momentum.

In fact, Chen Cang just pondered the skills of exchange again.

Meng Meng's favorability cost 40 points and exchanged for such a skill.

[Parallel Heart Transplantation]: Master level.

Finally, Morgan could not help but came over: "Professor Chen, look...can I help you?"

Chen Cang nodded: "Well, yes, Professor Morgan has worked hard!"

When Morgan heard it, he was immediately excited: "No hard work, no hard work, thank you Professor Chen!"

"I must study hard!"

Chen Cang heard it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ smiled awkwardly: "Well, come on."

to be frank……

He is really not joking about the difficulty of this operation.

It took Chen Cang a long time to learn.

After all, there is one more heart in the right chest cavity, and the relationship between the heart and lung tissue must be handled well so as not to compress the breath.

Then it is very difficult to deal with large vessels and so on!


It is a good thing to go to school.

Can not combat the enthusiasm of children.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang glanced at Morgan with encouragement!

Hope not to be hit in a while...

After all, Chen Cang's mentality almost collapsed during his practice!

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