When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1489: : Is this a hand?

Everyone looked at Chen Cang who was full of confidence, and he was a little stunned!

Children make choices?

Adults naturally need everything...

Compared to us, you are a child!

A group of old guys looked at each other, and everyone was a little embarrassed by Chen Cang's sudden pretense.

If the old horse is here, he will be very comfortable, and even feel comfortable thinking about it and learning another trick!

It is a pity that these people in front of them don't know much about Chen's brushwork.

Can't help but talk, and looked at each other.

"I want everything, but... is it possible?"

"Yeah, two adults with one liver come to use it, even Master Wu may not be able to do it well!"

"Yeah, how can it be so simple."

Zhou Hongguang couldn't help but say: "Go check it out, just in case...if it is possible?"

Yes, Zhou Hongguang is full of confidence in Chen Cang.

He is inferior to the elder horse in the process of disintegration.

Everyone heard Zhou Hongguang's words and nodded.

In fact, today Zhou Hongguang is the greatest strength of everyone, but seeing this posture...


Let's go step by step!

Sun Jian is still in an unstable coma stage. After all, the situation is still unstable. Although levodopa can help restore nerve function, it always needs a process!

The operation is performed in two operating rooms.

The first step is the operation of the donor group, Fan Qinghua.

At this time, Fan Qinghua closed his eyes. This short half an hour was very important to her.

There are countless scenes in her mind, from Sun Jian's birth to learning to call her mother, from turning over to walking, from eating herself to dressing independently...and then getting married and having children.

Whenever thinking of these, Fan Tsinghua feels worth it!

Fan Qinghua was very happy to see Chen Cang coming in, making everyone stunned.

Chen Cang couldn't help asking: "Auntie, aren't you afraid?"

Fan Qinghua smiled: "I know you, Professor Chen! Great celebrity, you are here to see the leader. The deputy leader of the expert group, my civilians can see you for treatment, I am content!"

"Professor Chen, in the end... I have another request!"

Chen Cang nodded: "Well, you say."

Fan Qinghua's wet eyes said: "I must save my son, I will die...I don't care!"

"He is alive, this house is there, if he is gone, this house is gone..."

Chen Cang smiled, stared at Fan Qinghua, and said with a smile: "It will be all right!"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the anesthesiologist: "Prepare for anesthesia."

"Aunt Fan, just get some sleep!"



The operation begins!

Chen Cang cut the skin skillfully, opening the abdomen layer by layer.

"Cancellation of autologous blood transfusion, no blood transfusion, no diversion technique!"

At this time, Chen Cang suddenly confessed, leaving everyone ready to circulate suddenly stunned!

Zhou Hongguang and others looked up at Chen Cang: "Is this... enough time?"

At this stage, during ordinary liver transplantation, it is indeed a good thing to remove the liver from the liver donor without using the diversion technique!

Because of this, the operation time will be greatly shortened!

However, this is because there is no need to consider the life of the donor.

If you want to remove the liver from a living person, it is best if there is circulation.

Because of this, there will be plenty of time!

Zhou Hongguang did not question Chen Cang's operation, but was handling the work in accordance with Chen Cang's requirements.

But still remind one sentence: "The time of no liver stage and inferior vena cava must be controlled within 1h."

Chen Cang nodded: "Well, I'll do it!"

After entering the abdomen.

Chen Cang's skillful free liver.

In fact, this step is similar to liver resection, but it is much more careful than liver resection.

Surgery is never independent, but superimposed on each other.

Chen Cang has never learned tricuspid valve repair surgery, but his proficiency in mitral valve allows him to handle the tricuspid valve with ease!

Next, Chen Cang dissected the first and second liver hives respectively...

Immediately the operation is at a critical time!

How to remove the liver?

How much is removed?

Where to start?

With this doubt, everyone turned their eyes to Chen Cang.

At this time, Chen Cang took a deep breath and said: "Director Zhou, help me get a scalpel, remember to give it to me later!"

Zhou Hongguang nodded: "Okay! But what blunt separation do you use?"

Chen Cang bowed his head, already holding the liver in his hand, and at the same time said lightly: "Hand break the liver!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone in the office suddenly drooled!

As a classic dish, "hand breaking liver" is very marketable!

But... this **** thing is surgery!

However, at this time, Chen Cang's hands have already begun to operate!

I saw Chen Cang exerted a little force along the left longitudinal groove, and the liver parenchyma broke off!

Chen Cang's hands have a slight sense of touch and information feedback to the liver under the blessing of perception gloves!

The liver parenchyma just separated, but it did not damage any blood vessels and nerves!

This operation was cautious, but everyone was dumbfounded!

This is too strong?

Liver breaking free?

And the grasp of blood vessels in the liver is so good~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gao Ronghua, who is ready to stop bleeding, holds the hemostatic gauze in place!

Because...because the small blood vessels are not damaged, let alone other large blood vessels!

Complete and complete!

Actually... gives an illusion.

After everyone saw this scene, they were really shocked!

"Professor Chen, this is..." Zhou Hongguang asked in surprise without holding back.

Chen Cang looked at Zhou Hongguang in a rare and strange way: "This is a blunt separation!"

Zhou Hongguang suddenly stopped talking.

Everyone is also speechless choking!

Of course they knew it was a blunt separation.

But it was the first time I saw it bluntly separated by hand.

Chen Cang explained: "The liver integrity of the patient is better. If the knife handle and hemostatic forceps are used to separate, the strength is not in place."

"It's different with your fingers, you can clearly feel the texture, strength, thickness, etc. of the liver. Through this information, you can constantly change the strength, which can prevent accidental damage to nerves and blood vessels, and prevent excessive tissue opening. Reduce the destruction of organizational functions."

After talking, Chen Cang said: "Give me a scalpel."

Hearing everyone's words, the scene was quiet again!

Everyone glanced down at their hands.

Looked at Chen Cang's hands again...

Do I have a pair of artificial hands?

Everyone has this idea!

Zhou Hongguang was born for the first time. Does my hand feel like trotters!

Do other people's hands have such good perception?

Can you feel the difference in liver texture to preserve blood vessels and nerves?

My hand is trotters? Only pick booger and wipe the ass?

Thinking of this, Zhou Hongguang really doubted his life!

He couldn't help but secretly looked up at others.

I was afraid that someone would know that I was out of place.

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