When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1493: : Do not forget the original October marks

In the morning, a ray of sunlight came in from the window.

Gently sprinkled in the white ward, so that this white world, a little more warm, a little bleak.

This is a 14-story hepatobiliary surgical intensive care unit.

Maybe you feel the touch of the sun, or you feel the warmth of the world.

Sun Jian's finger joints moved slightly, and then... his consciousness gradually returned to his mind from the floating state.

He waited quietly.

Waiting for muscles to be controlled.

Waiting to open your eyes and see the world clearly.

For this moment, he struggled for a long time, he had a dream.

The dream is long and far away, he wants to wake up, he struggles desperately, he cannot die... his children, his wife, his parents are waiting for him...

Finally, he opened his eyes.

The first scene that came into view was sunlight.

The second act is an angel.

Yes, he knew that he was saved without the help of this group of white angels.

The color in the room is white.

The sound in the ear is dripping.

The smell in the nose is unique to the hospital.

The feeling on the finger is the blood oxygen saturation monitor.

It's great to live!

I'm still alive...

Thinking of this, Sun Jian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but don't know how long he can persist?

Have you found the source of liver?

Sun Jian now does not know that his mother donated the liver to herself.

At this time, a nurse also discovered his strange appearance, and hurried up to him, laughing happily: "Are you awake?"

Sun Jian opened his mouth, ah, and the voice was a little hoarse.


He was about to say something, and the little nurse said happily: "Wait a moment, the director, they are now on duty. I will go to the director immediately!"

Sun Jian was saved, and the nurses were very happy!

In recent days, Sun Jian's surgery and prognosis have become the top priority in the intensive care unit!

Everyone is looking forward to this young man waking up and not letting down this maternal love.

Sun Jian nodded: "I...oops..."

Sun Jian was slightly active and felt a severe pain in his right lower abdomen.

He reacted a little, and suddenly realized one thing: "I...I have surgery?"

The nurse heard the sound and nodded: "Yes, you have been operating for more than two days, today... finally waking up."

Speaking of which, the little nurse couldn't help but sigh, looking at the bed next door, and hesitated.

Sun Jian was very happy: "I...I found the source of liver?"

At this moment, Sun Jian suddenly glanced at the next bed along the nurse's field of vision.

At this glance, he was stunned.

He saw a familiar side lying on the bed, this face, this side... He looked at it for twenty-nine years, could he know who it was?

In an instant!

Sun Jian felt a clear thunderbolt suddenly sound in his mind!

Let him stunned directly!

How could he not understand what happened at this time?

He looked at his mother, holding back his inner turmoil and fear, and asked, "Hello... this... this is my mother?! Isn't it..."

Seeing this, the nurse couldn't help but sigh!

Sun Jian does not seem to know what happened.

For a time, the nurse took a deep breath.

To be honest, in such a long time in the hospital, I haven't seen much of this kind of sacrifice of my own son to save my son.

Aunt Fan Qinghua's shock to the nurse is unparalleled.

They go to see this aunt every day and look forward to her waking up sooner!


It's often not so easy.

"Your liver source is not so easy to find. Your mother donated 55 percent of her liver for you. In fact... if she can, she is willing to donate 100 percent!"

Hearing this sentence, Sun Jian felt that his body was shaking!

He had already guessed it!

Guess it from the beginning!

I didn't expect it to be true.

He was trembling, his hands were clenched, and his eyes were cracking!

Tears finally burst out of his eyes.

At this moment, he could not bear it anymore.

"No...no...no..." Sun Jian repeated a word in a low voice, lying there in pain, tears wet the pillow.

"Mom, you...mom, why are you so stupid! You..." Sun Jian closed his eyes in pain.

a long time……

"Nurse, can my mother survive?" Sun Jian suddenly responded and asked quickly.

The nurse suddenly disappeared: "I don't know, Aunt Fan is like you, and hasn't woke up until now."

Hearing this sentence, Sun Jian was silent, with helplessness in his eyes, guilt, and self-blame...

Mother's kindness, he can't survive this life.

The mother of someone else gave birth to someone else.

And his mother gave him two lives!

This love can't be changed in the next life and the next life!

For a time, Sun Jian really did not know what to say.

He looked at his mother like this, and she found...the mother was old.

The hair roots of the temples are much whiter, and you can see the crow's feet with your eyes closed, and you have spots on the skin without makeup...

He looked so quietly, tears blurring his eyes again and again.

Until Chen Cang they came to the office.

Sun Jian still has no look in his eyes.

Gao Ronghua quickly organized everyone to start a variety of inspections~www.wuxiaspot.com~Transaminase has reached a peak yesterday, and today it quickly fell back to normal!

This shows that liver function is good!

This also means the success of liver transplantation.

Bile secretion is also normal.

For a time, everyone was excited.


"Really successful!"

"Great operation!"

While everyone was talking, Sun Jian was silent.

Because my life was bought by my mother.

How does this make him happy?

For a long time, looking at the excitement in the room, Sun Jian's hoarse voice asked:

"Director, my mother... how is she..."

The words haven't come out, the tears have flowed, and the voice chokes!

Seeing this, Gao Ronghua said comfortingly: "The operation was done by Professor Chen himself, and the success rate is very high, but the reason why your mother has not yet awakened is actually not necessarily a bad thing."

"She has only 45 percent of her liver in the body, and we intend to intervene to allow the body to adapt to this internal environment as soon as possible."

"But we have tested it and everything in her body is stable."

"So, rest assured!"

After hearing this sentence, Sun Jian finally relieved.

still have a chance!

I still have the opportunity to be filial!

As long as his mother can wake up, he is willing to use the rest of his life to treat his mother well and be filial to her...

The youth does not know how to raise up,

For a long time, I don’t know what to do.

Now I have read the road on earth.

Do not forget the original October marks (stretch marks, surgical incisions, etc.).

Sun Jian looked at his mother quietly with his head on his side. For a long time, he didn't take such a careful look at the mother who gave birth to him.


ps: The poems are written by myself, they are not well written, and I don’t like light spraying. In fact, I like the last sentence... Don’t forget the original October marks.

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