When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1498: : Grey industrial chain

More and more people were watching at the entrance of the emergency room at this time.

Chen Cang didn't panic, after all, he was a big wind and waves, and there were many things to see.

What's more, people are not really trying to find fault this time.

The mother is really uncomfortable.

Chen Cang pondered for a moment that the most important thing at the top of the list was not other things, but to restore the blood pressure of the elderly first.

The simple way is to drink water to expand blood volume.

However, it is clear that this situation is relatively slow.

The most direct way is sodium chloride injection!

Thinking of this, Chen Cang quickly said, "Let's calm down first. Let's improve the situation of the elderly first, so let's talk about something else, okay?"

The children of the old man also felt a bit reasonable when they saw Chen Cang's words.

They are not troublemakers, but they are absolutely not afraid of things.

If something goes wrong, save people first!

Otherwise, it makes no sense!

"Hurry up!" one of the men said angrily.

The headed middle-aged person glanced at the other party and then looked at Chen Cang: "Yes, save people first."

The middle-aged people didn't talk much, because this matter has nothing to do with Chen Cang, and it doesn't make any sense to talk about these things with Chen Cang.

He wouldn't find a young guy to vent.

Chen Cang nodded and hurriedly asked the nurse to send the old man to the ward, instead of going to the emergency room, he simply hung physiological saline.

Seeing this, the family of the other party couldn't help but say: "It's too confusing? A normal saline solution can solve the problem? What the **** is my mother?"

The younger man couldn't help but stare at Chen Cang with wide eyes and couldn't hold his breath.

Chen Cang: "It is not that I am reluctant to use medicine, but that there is no need to use medicine at all."

"So let's say this happened mainly because we bought the wrong medicine."

As soon as the words came out, the three of them suddenly stared at Chen Cang, "This is still wrong? We are taking prescriptions, we don't understand, do people still understand the drugs?"

The older middle-aged man also said in a deep voice: "Boy, the person in charge is responsible for speaking."

Chen Cang sighed: "But it really can't be blamed."

"Actually, the medicine prescribed by Director Yue is "Tabazole", and the "Depazole" we buy!"

"Although there is only one radical difference between these two drugs, it really doesn't matter at all. The elderly are hyperthyroidism, tabazole is a drug for treating hyperthyroidism, and dibazole is to lower blood pressure and relax blood vessels. medicine."

"So, after taking the medicine, the old man not only didn't get better, but he fainted because of the lowered blood pressure!"

After listening to Chen Cang's words, the field quieted down instantly!

No one argued.

No one spoke...

For a long time, I bought the wrong medicine!

This is embarrassing.

The onlookers around whispered in succession.

But the three family members were still in the same place, and suddenly they didn't know what to say.

Actually, it was not Chen Cang who was willing to favor Yue Liang, but...how to say, to be precise, he was even more reluctant to make the gaffe worse.

"You should go to the pharmacy to buy the wrong medicine!"

"Yes, other doctors don't matter."


In fact, this shows that there are some differences. In the past, when disputes occurred, most people may be on the patient's side anyway.

But over the years, some changes have taken place.

Everyone is more inclined to help.

The middle-aged man had a clear logic. He sighed and said helplessly: "This doctor is too scribbled."

Chen Cang nodded: "Indeed, we are also responsible for this matter. I will communicate with Director Yue, and we will discuss with them how to deal with it."


Chen Cang felt that Yue Liang had a great responsibility.

First, hospital prescriptions are generally electronic prescriptions if they are prescribed in the hospital.

The paperless era has been in hospitals for many years. Especially in an international metropolis like the capital, there are few written prescriptions.

But it is not absolute, and handwritten paper prescriptions are still not eliminated.

This is a supply chain, and many doctors will cooperate with outside pharmacies.

For example, how much medicine do I prescribe, and how much does it cost me at the end of the month.

At this time, the doctor will give a handwritten prescription to let them go to the designated place to buy medicine.

The pharmacy outside is, after all, a private enterprise. The waiter came today and left tomorrow. There are not a few stable ones. Who can guarantee that the drug will be known?

It's no wonder that there is no problem!

This gray "industrial chain" has been around for many years, otherwise why would there be so many pharmacies next to the hospital?

After all, there are already hospitals, what pharmacies are open!

Therefore, this cannot be solved by Chen Cang.

But it is okay to go out and ask the patient to buy medicine. At the very least, you must respect the patient.

This is good for tabazole and debazole, and it's not fatal.

If there is any clarithromycin and clindamycin, or promethazine and chlorpromazine ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this is potentially life-threatening.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang felt that this matter should make Director Yue sound the alarm.

About half an hour later, the old man's blood pressure gradually recovered.

After all, drug effects are limited.

Debazole itself is not a powerful antihypertensive drug, plus drug metabolism, saline expansion, etc... The patient recovers quickly.

Such things as blood pressure can't be felt at ordinary times. When the blood pressure is low, you suddenly feel abnormal.

The old man's condition improved, and his family hurried to the side.

After being scared for a long time, he finally calmed down.

"Doctor, thank you!" the middle-aged man sighed.

Chen Cang smiled: "It's okay, it's our responsibility."

At this time, Yu Yong came back after the operation.

Chen Cang said to the patient's family: "This is our director, and I believe the director will give you an explanation."

Yu Yonggang froze for a moment: "Chen Cang, what's going on?"

Chen Cang sighed and told what happened today.

After finishing the speech, Yu Yonggang's complexion fell suddenly.

To be honest, Yu Yonggang hates this kind of thing.

Unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened on his head.

Does this allow him to endure?

Thinking of this, Yu Yonggang took a deep breath and said to the patient's family: "Relax on this matter, I will give you a satisfactory answer!"

Acknowledged by Yu Yonggang, the middle-aged man nodded.

Mother is fine, and he is not too angry, but this kind of thing is a landmine after all, I don’t know when it will detonate.

The middle-aged man sighed and said, "Director Yu, this matter is not only a matter of our family, it may be a matter of many patients."

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