When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1516: : I, stand on the side of authority!

This time.

The open confrontation between the emergency center hospital and the patients in this court attracted many people's attention.

Even wake up many medical units.

Compromise and peace of mind can really solve the problem.

For those with ulterior motives, the most appropriate method is to punch hard.

This time, the emergency center paid the lowest 20,000 yuan.

Although still losing money makes people feel uncomfortable.

But this money is already money for humanitarian care. After all, the hospital is a collective unit. Even if someone commits suicide in this place, they have to give some money.

This seems to have become a feature!

However, everything is difficult at first, and this time the toughness of the emergency center hospital has made many hospitals see hope.

Perhaps in the coming days, neither of these 20,000 yuan will need to be paid out, or even the other party will be responsible for the court's related trial costs.

Finally, let the medical troublemakers compensate the hospital for tens of thousands of yuan influencing public order.

Everything is possible.

As the so-called hard work is difficult at the beginning, the way is to go first and then go straight.

This time, Chen Cang and a group of people from the emergency department of the First Aid Center Hospital appeared in the vision of the medical unit.

And Chen Cang and others also played a role model.

After the trial ended, the judge looked at Chen Cang and left.

Give a thumbs up to Chen Cang before leaving!

it goes without saying.

Although he is not convenient to say something, but the meaning is also clear enough.

He has enough compassion for the dead, and having such a child may be his greatest sorrow.

Similarly, for these family members, his heart is also dismissive.

Although being a judge should be fair and just, in the past few years, he really did not know how many times he saw the "bad guy" succeed and the "evil guy" won.

No way, hey... sometimes, things are not that simple.

The judge's power is not as great as imagined!

And today, seeing the brave confrontation of the hospital standing up, although the compensation is still 20,000 yuan, it makes no faults!

Even for future development, it is of great significance!

The law needs to be perfected step by step.

The result of this verdict made him feel really cool!

The trial is over!

Many doctors who came to the scene were excited!

This is like a victory, a great encouragement to everyone.

Li Yue looked at Chen Cang gratefully: "Professor Chen, thank you very much!"

Everyone nodded one after another. Indeed, this time it will be so smooth, absolutely without Chen Cang's help.

This is the importance of Chen Cang.

At this time's court, Chen Cang's attendance as an auxiliary expert witness is of great significance!

To know what Chen Cang's identity and status are!

His words have more weight than any paper basis!

"Yes! If it weren't for Professor Chen today, it would never have been so smooth!"

"This is estimated to be the first time in our country that a person like Chen Cang has participated in the court trial! And not yet as a third-party appraisal agency, but as an auxiliary expert witness!"

"Professor Chen is mighty!"

"Really, praise you!"

When they arrived at Chen Cang, they were always cautious and cautious. It was impossible to talk indiscriminately and testify indiscriminately.

You can even participate in things you can’t do, and most people won’t.

Because there is risk!

Therefore, Chen Cang may be rarely spoke on the side of the hospital.

Because of this, Chen Cang directly captured the hearts of many hospitals and doctors.

Because this doctor is very bloody!

But in fact, this kind of flesh-and-blood people can be more likeable.


Lao Ma is also very happy, excitedly holding Chen Cang's face, can't help but yank: "Cang'er, do you know which point I like you?"

When Chen Cang was stunned, Lao Ma was kicked by Lao Yu!

"Go, go back and say, this is the court, don't learn this two fool!"

The old horse is very wronged!

Has he even confiscated his right to be confiscated by Lao Yu?

"Yu Yonggang, be careful I sue you for beating the doctor, and now the doctor is going to be sentenced!"

Lao Yu turned a blind eye: "The doctor beats the doctor without sentence!"

He said to Chen Cang: "Let's go back first."

The crowd nodded one after another.

Leaving the old horse dull and gloomy.

Happiness belongs to others, I have nothing...


When he came out of the court, Chen Cang saw that the outside world was full of reporters!

However, the old horse saw this and said to Lao Yu: "I'll get the car!"

After talking about it, head down and head up!

Thinking that I was the first defendant to come out, I believe these people will certainly ask themselves many questions!

Thinking of this, the old Ma Wensi springs, comparable to Cao Zhi, seven steps into poetry, ready to wait for reporters to interview.

However, after seeing the old horse coming down, this group of people gave way one after another!

One way...one way!

Seeing the dense crowd suddenly opened a road, the old Mad suddenly dumbfounded.

He said to the reporter: "I am..."

"Let everyone give way, give the driver a way out!"

When the old horse heard the sound, it was suddenly in the same place, silent for a long time!


Who is the driver!

You are the driver!

However, in order to appear formal, the old horse deliberately opened Mambah today.

Everyone knows how to wear this kind of car like a driver~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not to mention five big and three big men like Lao Ma.

This looks like a driver, but also a part-time bodyguard.

"Professor Chen, hello, first of all congratulations to the emergency center hospital for winning the case. I want to interview you. What do you think of the current contradiction between doctors and patients?"

Chen Cang didn't want to have too much trouble with reporters.

However, not all journalists are bad guys, and many people have professional ethics.

This is true in any industry!

Moreover, rather than avoiding it, it is better to say something positively.

Chen Cang looked at the reporter and paused.

This scene excited the reporters.

After all, Chen Cang rarely appears in the media, and there are few interviews.

This time the topic is very hot. With the interview of Chen Cang, this is absolutely welcome!

Chen Cang said lightly: "The root cause of the contradiction between doctors and patients is still the imperfect and unreasonable medical system."

"But this is not a problem that we can solve at present. The fuse of the contradiction between doctors and patients is that medical treatment has become a tool for profit-making for interested people!"

"Whether it is a doctor or a patient, each other is used as a tool for profit. I am against this."

"In the future, I may not necessarily stand on one side, but I will participate in the third-party identification, and those who disturb the normal medical order will be severely punished!"

"In the beginning, someone asked me whether I was on the side of the hospital or on the side of justice. I now give my position and I stand on the side of authority!"

As soon as this word came out, it was domineering!

I stand on the side of authority!

Who can question?

I am not representing justice, but the authority of knowledge.

This is both a commitment and a responsibility!

"I believe these are only temporary!"

After talking, Chen Cang got up and left!

Chen Cang smiled slightly:

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