When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1524: : The king-level boss is reproduced!

Once teratoma is diagnosed, early surgical resection should be sought!

Even if he is in the fourth ventricle, it is no exception.

But in any case, the risk, observability, and rareness of this operation are worth watching!

Everyone is a little nervous before the operation.

In fact, surgery should not be performed with emotions, so that it is stable after coming out.

Everyone is looking forward to the operation!

And to be honest.

This operation, Chen Cang felt that he should be a king-level monster.

Because this location is too special, and the tumor is entangled with the brain stem, cerebellum, blood vessels, and nerves.

as predicted!

After general anesthesia took effect, Chen Cang made a straight incision in the midline of the posterior cranial fossa, opening the foramen magnum and the posterior arch of the atlas.

After the dura was cut open, I immediately saw the swelling of the lumps of the fourth ventricle area!

After seeing this scene, everyone watching the operation on the spot frowned slightly!

The difficulty is a bit high!

Next, we need to seriously find and analyze this teratoma.

At this time, the teratoma actually deformed in the ventricle.

From the middle hole down and back to the cisterna magna, embedded in the upper end of the spinal canal.

The surface of the entire teratoma is purple-brown, with obvious nodules and a slightly tough texture.

At this time, a burst of news came into Chen Cang's mind!

[Teratoma: lv97 level, king-level boss! Please be careful! Please be careful! 】

Looking at the bright red prompt, Chen Cang frowned.

It seems that the situation is more difficult than I thought!

[King-class teratoma, has 6 common blood arteries and branches, and is closely connected to the brainstem, and has a straddle to the optic nerve area, please handle carefully! 】

Not only Chen Cang, but after seeing this scene, everyone around was suddenly nervous.

Because it can be clearly seen, the choroid plexus tumor is purple-red like a mulberry. Although the surrounding tissue has a clear boundary, the relationship with the surrounding neighbors is very complicated. Many blood supply arterial branches and the optic nerve have a ride...

Is this too complicated?

Chen Cang took a deep breath.

King level!

Must win.

Not only to reward, but also to save the girl.

In fact, he still has a question to wait for the girl to be better when he is ready to ask himself: where is he not as good as this horse.

The operation started and several assistants around were very nervous.

And Chen Cang also dispelled the idea of ​​letting everyone do the part!

After all, this operation may not be careless.

The first step should still be free brain tissue and teratoma.

When driving carefully use the brain pressure plate to pull the lumbo tissue to the two sides to reveal the main body of the tumor.

At this time, you can also see that the blood supply artery comes from a small branch of the posterior cerebellar artery, about 3 on each side.

These need to be cleaned!

However, if you want to go around, it is clear that this space will not work.

It must also enter the tumor from the underside of the cerebellar tonsils and the side of the fourth ventricle, as a result, it is a great test for the operation and angle of both hands.

Chen Cang took a deep breath, it was difficult to operate at this angle with both hands.

Lao Ma's feelings today are that he entered the operating room as a family member. The sound of hooting seems to be the same as that of his daughter.

At this time, the blood vessels on the surface of the tumor should be cut off by electrocoagulation.

This process may seem simple, but it must be dealt with, divided into categories, and repaired after surgical treatment.

In this step, Chen Cang did very fast!

It took less than 10 minutes to complete the processing.

Subsequently, he directly sutured the teratoma with silk thread, gently pulled the tumor back, and placed a cotton piece between the tumor and the bottom of the fourth ventricle to reduce the harassment of the brainstem during the operation.

In this scene, everyone who saw it shined.

What a clever trick!

Good and precise operation!

Great thoughts!

Chen Cang did not stop, and the blood supply arteries on the deep sides of both sides were again electrocoagulated and cut off.

The top side of the tumor is free in front and finally disconnected from the base of the tumor!

At this time, everyone whispered excitedly!

"Can be removed!"

"Yes! Professor Chen is really stable!"

"It happened so fast!"

However, before everyone was too happy, they were suddenly surprised to find something!

This teratoma seems to have adhered to the tissues inside the brain!

The news was like bad news.

Indeed, the boundaries are clear!

However, the adhesion is serious!

How to deal with it?

The teratoma is too large, and the base of the base is tightly attached to the bottom of the fourth ventricle, making it difficult to separate.

Under normal circumstances, thin-layer tumor tissue remains at this time to prevent damage to the brain stem and cause serious consequences.

However, the patient is not a normal tumor, this is teratoma!

A very important feature of teratoma is its easy recurrence.

Once cleaned up, it is easy to relapse easily!

At this rate, it will be another big trouble soon!

Therefore, it is particularly important to remove residual tissues!

After a moment, Chen Cang said: "Give me the microscope, adjust it to eight times!"

Indeed, at this time, differential microsurgery must be used.


The brain stem is easily affected.

After seeing this scene, everyone stopped talking.

Want to remind Chen Cang to speak later.

However, Chen Cang has made up his mind and must clean it up.

After wearing the eightfold mirror, Chen Cang felt very good under the mirror.

He held the peeler and non-invasive tweezers with both hands, and carefully peeled off little by little ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this step, everyone looked nervous.

No one in the operating room dared to exhale loudly, let alone speak.

The difference between microscope and usual time is reflected.

And Chen Cang's hands controlled the control ability to the extreme.

A little bit of cleanup.

Don't dare to relax!

The dense beads of sweat spread all over Chen Cang's forehead, neck, face...

It's really hard!

Chen Cang breathed his breath.

Dare not care!

This is not a driver's license test, there are two opportunities, the big deal can still cost money to re-test.

But this is only once.

Fight for it!

This is a 97-level king-level boss!

Chen Cang wants to know what will reward him!

Work hard!

Come on!


The precise operation makes the difficulty of the operation continue to increase.

Chen Cang felt the underwear was soaked.

at last!

An hour later, when Chen Cang's eyes were a little uncomfortable.

The operation was successful!

Chen Cang carefully separated from the front side of the top of the tumor, and finally disconnected from the base of the tumor!

At this time, I don’t know who whispered:

"Open! Open! Really free!"

"Grass hold... This is too strong, this **** one can also clean up successfully!"

"Yeah, clean it up on the brainstem, what's the problem with tiger's mouth tooth extraction, courageous! It's too strong!"

Everyone in the room exclaimed!

Too strong.

This operation has once again refreshed Chen Cang's technology in the field of neurosurgery!


ps: Cough cough, seven more to send, begging for monthly tickets.

I found that when I didn't update enough, I didn't dare to read the comments, I had no confidence!


Ask for monthly tickets...

(End of this chapter)

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