When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1534: : You teach me, I will do it!

Outside the gate of the emergency department.

Miao Yongzhen and Liu Xun quarreled again!

"What is important? The health of the child or the game is important!"

"Miao Yongzhen, I think you are a vanity of interest, full of mind!"

"Can you do some unrealistic dreams every day? Is it not good to be ordinary? Can't you let your child be an ordinary person?"

Liu Xunqi blushed and looked at Miao Yongzhen with wide eyes.

"I really thought that it would be great to meet some celebrities after participating in a few days of programming? Isn't that your life good? We still get our own lives!"

Miao Yongzhen couldn't help shouting loudly: "OK! I understand the truth! I don't need you to teach me!"

"I'm just like a sinner, don't I hope the child is alright?"

Where did Liu Xun stand, gasping for breath!

"Everything is good for children!"

"For the good of your child, you will not take him to the variety show!"

"For the good of the child, you will not take him to the draft!"

"For children, for children, I think these are for your own vanity!"

"Miao Yongzhen, Miao Yongzhen, are you living tired?"

Miao Yongzhen was said to have no complete skin, and his face was blue and purple, and he was speechless for a long time!

Liu Xun looked at her: "I tell you, don't you want to take your children to the show! This is impossible!"

"If you want to say this again, let's divorce!"

After speaking, Liu Xun turned and left.

Miao Yongzhen was left standing speechless.

Today's blow is too big!

Standing outside, she felt as if the world had changed color at once.

It's really a blow!

Removal of the pineal gland tumor, maybe his genius son disappeared!

To be honest, I'm really upset!

Is it a misdiagnosis?

Thinking of this, she picked up the phone and contacted the program group of "The Strongest Brain" and told the other party the truth.

Explain why you can’t participate in the show.

After receiving the news, the other party immediately contacted the leader and fed back the past!

Liu Zewei is the character who is relaunching this year.

After all, it is really hard to find a true genius and such a sensible man!

After learning that Liu Zewei was ill.

The program group seems to smell the sense of smell, which seems to be an opportunity to increase traffic.

Contact Nansu Provincial People's Hospital Neurosurgery directly!

This is one of the earliest neurosurgery specialties in China and the first neurosurgery in the province. It is a key discipline in the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan” for science, education and health.

Director Ji Junming contacted Chen Cang that day after learning about the matter.

At this time, Chen Cang was not idle.

On the same day, it was decided that CT-guided biopsy should be given to the patient to obtain tissue locally in the lesion to confirm the pathological diagnosis.

This is necessary for the histological diagnosis of intracranial tumors and the development of appropriate treatment plans.

However, when the result appeared, everyone was blinded!

Because the patient showed pineal blastoma!

After learning the news, Chen Cang was also anxious.

Because this pineal gland blastoma originates from the pineal gland, it has a high degree of malignancy, is infiltrative, grows quickly, is easy to metastasize, and has a short survival period. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment are very important.

Moreover, there is no definite understanding of whether the tumor has metastasized or not, and how malignant it is.

This way!

Only surgery can solve the problem.

However, in this way, it is particularly important to develop a safe and effective surgery with a high success rate!

At this time, Chen Cang also received a call from Ji Junming, Director of Neurosurgery, People's Hospital of Nansu Province.

It's all a system, and several acquaintances can recognize each other.

After some communication, Chen Cang made a decision!

Start a remote video conference to discuss this case!

On the same day, Chen Cang held the first remote video conference in the capital emergency center for general consultation!

Participants in this video conference are: Department of Neurosurgery at Tiantan Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery at Union Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery at Nansu Province, Department of Neurosurgery at Huashan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University!

This conference can be said to have gathered the pinnacle of domestic neurosurgery!

However, the difficulty of such a complex nervous system pineal gland blastoma is enormous.

This time the discussion lasted for an entire afternoon, and even directly extended to the evening.

Everyone also put forward many ideas!

At this time, Ji Junming suddenly said: "I studied at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota last year. I heard that they have a microscopic technique that improves the Poppen approach, which may be in the removal of the pineal gland. Very helpful in the field of oncology!"

This sentence directly awoke Chen Cang.

You know, he was at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota but he saved their grandson.

He decided to contact him to see if he could get help!

Chen Cang did not turn off the video conference and contacted Hubert directly!

After receiving the call from Chen Cang, Hubert was pleasantly surprised!

"Dear Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time! I heard that you are married, I'm sorry I didn't attend your wedding!"

Chen Cang said quickly: "Mr. Hubert, I have something to trouble you."

After finishing, Chen Cang directly told Liu Weize about the situation with the other party in detail!

After hearing this news, Hubert frowned suddenly, very cautiously!

This is the first time Chen Cang has sought help from him.

Thinking of this, Hubert quickly said, "Wait a moment, I'll go find Bertie!"

It didn't take long for the phone to hang up, and the phone was connected again!

"Professor Chen, this is Bertie. I am very interested in this case. Is it convenient to open the screen?"

Chen Cang nodded at www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Turn on the computer, log in to the account, and open the video.

Chen Cang described Liu Zewei's situation in detail.

Bertie also has a tight eyebrow!

After careful discussion, Bertie suddenly said:

"The improved Poppen approach microscopy technique is indeed very effective in removing tumors in the pineal region, but... this operation is very difficult, and our maturity rate is not high."

"The patient is a rare pineal blastoma, and I am still a bit worried about this!"

"Maybe I have no way to successfully complete such an operation!"

"Even if it is delivered to Minnesota, we may not guarantee the success of the operation!"

"But, I'm still curious. Does this tumor really stimulate patients and increase IQ? I'm looking forward to what it looks like after the operation!"

"I think it can be tried, but... I hope not too much!"

When Chen Cang heard the sound, he felt a sudden urge and said directly, "I have an idea!"

Bertie froze: "What?"

Chen Cang said seriously: "I don't know if Mr. Bertie would mind sending me the video of this operation, I will complete this operation!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around him froze!

Does this work?

Even Bertie is dumbfounded!


ps: I'm sorry, I can only write seven chapters. There are too many things to be queried. Today I can only change seven.

By the way, a patient asked for help in the book review area: where to look for chordoma.

This is also a congenital tumor with a low degree of malignancy.

I don’t know the specifics of the treatment hospital. I can only recommend some top neurosurgery hospitals:

Temple of Heaven, West China, PLA General Hospital, Xiangya, Xuanwu Hospital, these are all good.

As an expert, I really don't know.

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