When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

: One thousand five hundred and forty two: Do ​​you understand?

That's right!

Chen Cang is very good at playing with mirrors.

He even wrote a book about a guide to playing with mirrors.

Unfortunately, neither Luy nor the engineer has seen it.

Otherwise, Luyl will definitely unlock a lot of new knowledge.

The engineer was so excited that he almost cried!

"Miss Luier, if you bring such talents back to the company, the boss will definitely give you a big villa in New York, trust me!"

Rui Er helpless: "The boss has seen it!"

That's right!

Brewster really saw it.

He saw Walter screaming excitedly in the office watching the footage on TV.

"Oh! Gosh, what did I see!"

"Do you know what this is? This is my gospel! My Walter's name is also recorded in the history of neurosurgery!"

"Brewster, look! Look at what kind of baby we invented!"

For a long time, Walter was a little tired with excitement, and he couldn't help asking, "Who is performing the operation? Bertie?"

Brewster shook his head: "No, this is in China, the capital of China, Professor Chen Cang is performing an operation!"

After hearing the name Chen Cang, Walter was taken aback.

He frowned, quickly opened his bag and took out a book from his pocket.

And Brewster continued: "In other words, you may not believe it. This is the first time Professor Chen Cang has used our equipment in practice. I didn't expect... I really didn't expect such a picture!"

"I even feel that our instruments will definitely sell out!"

"We will give a big gift to the development of neurosurgery, and you, Walter, you have done a miracle!"

"I really can't believe it. This is the first time Professor Chen Cang has used..."

Brewster's voice did not finish, and Walter on the side suddenly said excitedly:

"I believe it! I believe he is the first time!"

This sentence surprised Brewster: "Why?"

Walter walked up to Brewster and pressed a book directly on the table: "Look, what book is this?"

Brewster took the book and took a closer look, and suddenly he was taken aback: ""Tips and Guide to the Use of Endoscope"!"

Var characteristic head: "Look at the author!"

After seeing the author, Brewster suddenly realized!

"You mean... this Chen Cang... is that Chen Cang!?"

Val said: "Yes, except for him, I can't think of anyone who can play with the mirror so well!"

Brewster also calmed down!

"No wonder...this is easy to explain."

"When making changes this year, no wonder you have to add more elements in it."

Var characteristic head: "Yes, it is because I was inspired by this book!"

"Professor Chen Cang is definitely a master of this skill!"

"Maybe no one knows endoscopy better than him. This is really a terrible person."

Brewster took a deep breath too!

He knew what Walter was thinking.

After a long time, Brewster suddenly said: "If Professor Chen is hired as our technical consultant, how much do you think should be paid?"

Walter was taken aback, he hadn't thought about this problem.

But when Brewster asked, Walter told the truth.

"The price will be very high, because...except Professor Chen Cang, no one can formulate our guidelines for the microscopic imaging dissection instrument!"

"And again, no one can make this technology popular!"

"If you spend money, I think it's best to divide it up."

Brewster was stunned suddenly: "Split?"

Val’s characteristic head: "Yes, the same share or shares as me! With the treatment of chief engineer! But... Actually, Professor Chen's status may need to be higher than me!"

Walter has great respect for Chen Cang!

Because the development of cavity mirrors is precisely because of the appearance of Chen Cang, it truly ushered in a true spring!

However, the market for cavity mirrors has finally been saturated.

And microscopic imaging technology is developing!

Want to seize this opportunity.

Chen Cang is the key factor.

Who said the doctor had no way out!

Just because you haven't gone the right way!

After a moment of contemplation, Brewster said to Walter: "I need to discuss this matter with the board of directors."

Indeed, after all, their project is just one of Google’s new research and development projects.

But when it comes to shares, he is not the person in charge who can make decisions.

Val said: "Well, look, those who watch the live broadcast are crazy!"

Brewster stared at the comment area with emotion!

"Professor Chen Cang is really a miracle man!"

"No, he is a pervert!"

At this time the comment area has exploded.

"Oh my God, what exactly is such an instrument!"

"Yes, with such imaging technology, we can definitely do a lot of neurosurgery!"

"Has China's neurosurgery developed to this point?"

"It's terrible! It's even crazy compared to the Mayo neurosurgery I saw!"

"Yes, give me an operation, I can complete pituitary glioma surgery!"


Seeing everyone's madness, Walter said with some emotion: "They thought it was our instrument!"

"I gave them an instrument~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they won't need it!"

"This is the same as if I gave you a carving knife, you can't give me a David! There are countless scalpels, but Michelangelo has only one!"

Brewster has a headache.

Now the public opinion has reached this point.

He believes that after the operation, there may be countless people inquiring about the microscopic imaging dissection technique.

That's right!

Now the people who see the operation are a little bloated.

They feel that the credit for the operation may be due to the instrument.

However, only these engineers understand that it is Chen Cang who is really powerful, the user!

Brewster said: "I don't think it will be a big problem for Chen Cang to take the shares after this matter is fermented."

Walter said: "This is a good thing. If someone finds Chen Cang, I believe he will surpass Google's microscopic imaging technology."

Brewster frowned slightly, and he nodded cautiously: "Yeah! I will contact the board of directors."

At this time in the operating room.

Chen Cang has already set up the lens here.

Ready to start surgery!

At this time, Chen Cang glanced at Wu Hui and asked with a smile, "Do you understand?"

Wu Hui's eyes lit up at this moment!

Nodded vigorously: "Understand a little bit."

Chen Cang looked at Xue Zhengren, Ji Junming and others: "Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded: "Yeah! I understand."

Bertie's eyes widened.


This group of people are too confident, right?

Chen Cang did not speak, but smiled: "Take the suction device, curette, and bipolar electrocoagulation."

"Give me this attractor."

"Give me the curette!"



ps: Two chapters will be delivered, and there will be more in the evening, ask for a monthly pass.


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