When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1551: : Magical Sister Jiang

The whole room is not small at all.

The collocation is very loose, not compact at all.

The surrounding colors are all relaxing and comfortable colors.

The voice lingered in the ear, making people want to close their eyes.

Chen Cang couldn't help but praised: "Good place!"

It was also the first time for Qin Yue to come, and she was a little surprised: "Yeah, I would have come earlier if I knew it, and work here... it's just enjoyment!"

Before long, the door of the room opened.

A man walked out of the room, with decent clothes, a hearty smile, and bright leather shoes, which gave people the feeling of luxury.

At the same time, a woman in her thirties dressed... very comfortable standing at the door, wearing loose clothes, felt very relaxed.

"Doctor Jiang, goodbye, I will come again next week."

"Go slow, don't send it."

The woman waited for the man to leave and entered the elevator before turning back. She frowned slightly, and she seemed to have a headache.

But at the moment of turning around, after seeing Qin Yue, he laughed: "Yueyue, here comes!"

"Hello, Senior Sister Jiang!" Qin Yue smiled and held the woman's hand: "This is my husband, Chen Cang!"

"This is my Senior Sister Jiang, Jiangnan."

Chen Cang was taken aback for a moment, the original name was Jiangnan.

Jiangnan is in her thirties and she is no longer a little girl. She feels indescribable, but she feels really comfortable.


A feeling of story.

However, this is a state that is not what this age group should have.

"Looking up to the name for a long time, Professor Chen, I am sorry today, I have been waiting for a long time!" Jiang Nan said with a smile.

Chen Cang nodded and smiled: "You're welcome."

Jiang Nan opened the door and said, "Come in and sit down."

After that, I turned off the light on the display at the door.

It means that the door should not be opened today.

The feeling in the room is much simpler and simpler than the exterior decoration. This floor is relatively high. In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the sky is up and the capital is down.

The light colors in the room give people a refreshing feeling.

To be honest, the psychologists do it themselves, not many simple ones.

The chat of the three was very harmonious.

Chen Cang found that Jiangnan listened most of the time.

But her feedback is always very accurate and direct to the soul!

Know you well!

That's right!

This feeling made Chen Cang feel a little scary.

The more Qin Yue talked with her, the happier.

Hearing happy things, it seems that Jiangnan is happier than Qin Yue. When it comes to sad scenes, Jiangnan is more sad than Qin Yue...

This made Chen Cang somewhat suspicious.

Is it pretend?


It's not like it!

What is going on here?

Chen Cang was thinking.

Qin Yue and Jiang Nan are chatting.

After an unknown period of time, Qin Yue suddenly took Chen Cang's hand and said:

"In fact, Senior Sister Jiang is also very poor."

In a word, the smile on Jiang Nan's face turned away, and his expression turned calm and helpless.

Chen Cang frowned slightly: "What's wrong?"

Qin Yue said: "Senior Sister actually has a strange symptom, that is... She always feels that she can feel the pain and happiness of others."

In a word, Chen Cang's expression changed!

He suddenly thought of a miraculous illness.

Jiang Nan patted Qin Yue's hand and said, "Let me do it!"

Chen Cang glanced at Qin Yue and found that the girl's eyes were smiling.

Only then did Chen Cang know that this is this ghost girl, who came to the clinic with herself!

Jiang Nan smiled: "Actually, I originally wanted to come and find you in person, but... after talking with Yueyue, she said that she had to come to me for a tour."

"I brought Professor Chen here. I'm really sorry."

Jiang Nan had to respect Chen Cang.

To be honest, Chen Cang's rank is far from her comparable.

It is really hard to say how many people can invite Chen Cang to see a doctor at home, aside from family and friends.

This is the deputy leader of the Central Health Expert Group.

Seeing the leader.

Chen Cang shook his head: "You are polite, Ms. Jiang has something to say directly."

Jiang Nan nodded: "Actually... I have been in this situation for many years, and I am even used to it."

"Whenever someone complains about happiness, I seem to feel the pain of the other person 100%, even, it is a kind of empathy, it seems that things have experienced the same in me."

"And in the same way, when others are sharing happiness, I can also feel that happiness, which is even a kind of empathetic happiness, just like a telepathy."

"This has happened before. When I was a kid, I saw someone knocking their teeth or being kicked in the face by a football. I always felt a kind of "so painful" sympathy. However, this sympathy was extremely strong, almost so strong. Can fully appreciate it."

"When I see others hugging, I will feel the feeling of being hugged.

Seeing other people’s arms bleeding, I will feel a pain in the arm.

What's more, when I see someone dying, I can feel the body is experiencing a kind of "strange tranquility", can feel the cold morgue, and even feel the chest shrinking slowly, my own Breathing is getting weaker,

At this time, I must leave the scene immediately~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to stimulate myself with other scenes, distract my attention, and realize that I am still alive..."

Chen Cang was stunned!

This is a person who can fully perceive the pain of others, who happens to be a psychologist!


Chen Cang suddenly felt that it was this empathy that made Jiangnan stand out in this highly competitive industry!

After all, the particularity of the profession of psychological counselor requires more than just solutions, but more sharing.

He needs to understand the pain of others and the difficulties of others. At this time, you can put forward your own suggestions and ideas.

Jiangnan is officially such a woman who can understand the difficulties and sufferings of others.

Jiang Nan smiled and said: "So, I decided to study psychology at university, hoping to use my own uniqueness to help others, because I can understand them better.

I can help eliminate their pain, as long as others get better, I can feel more comfortable myself! "

Qin Yue listened to Jiangnan telling everything like a story.

Somewhat surprised!

Is this really possible?

This will not be a special function!

And Chen Cang nodded. Having such an ability is really a weapon for the counselor.

Regardless of the physical or psychological pain of others, he always tries to comfort him and encourage him, so that he can get better as soon as possible.

For a long time, there was silence in the room!

Jiang Nan looked at Chen Cang and couldn't help asking: "Professor Chen...I...what's wrong with me?"

Qin Yue also looked at Chen Cang curiously.

Chen Cang took a deep breath and said slowly: "If I guessed correctly, this is a disease!"

"It's called synesthesia!"



ps: Today, there are only five chapters due to looking up the information for too long, sorry!

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