When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1554: : This leader is very rich!

Inside the office of the six emergency departments.

The doctor on duty, Zhang Qin, looked at a certain big V who was selling badly there holding his mobile phone, and felt helpless.

Here nurse Xiao Ke came over: "Doctor Zhang, I called Professor Chen."

Zhang Qin was taken aback: "Professor Chen?"

The nurse nodded: "The director asked Professor Chen to come over."

Zhang Qin sighed. Although Chen Cang has good skills,... this kind of experience and ability in handling the relationship between doctors and patients is definitely inadequate compared to Director Yu, right?

Thinking of this, Zhang Qin can only hope that Comrade Police can come here sooner.

At this time, at the nurses station, a man held a mobile phone to broadcast live to the nurses station.

Two security guards around looked at the man.

"Comrade, stop broadcasting, this is the hospital!"

"You have seriously affected the normal operation of the hospital. We will call the police if you continue like this."

The man quickly said: "These two big brothers, you are security guards and you have your responsibilities, but I also have the right to protect my own rights?"

"You have also seen, my brother has such a big wound on his foot. Is it wrong for me to ask the doctor to stitch it up?"

"But look at the faces of these doctors and nurses."

"Is this a hospital? I don't know where I thought it was!"

"Our patient was injured and left blood. Where are you doing? Is this an emergency? If you don't deal with such anxious patients, do you deserve to be a white angel!"

The man said to the live camera:

"Dear friends, I will show you my brother’s foot. Look, such a big wound is now purulent. I went online on Baidu and said that the wound is so big that it needs to break the cold and it must be treated as soon as possible. The hospital doesn't care about us!"

"I really don't know what to do!"

"This is the sixth department of the emergency department of the Capital Emergency Center Hospital. After our emergency patients came, the nurses did their own things and ignored me. I couldn't find anyone for the doctor!"

"Ask, I'm busy! Asking is surgery! I asked the director, and I'm going out for a meeting!"

"Can such a hospital be able to guarantee the safety of our people?"

While speaking, the man turned to the camera and wept into tears.

"I really can't help it, I can only ask everyone to comment."

Zhang Qin couldn't help but said, "Don't shoot anymore. Shooting videos won't solve any problems. I already said I can help you deal with it now."

When the man heard this, he immediately smiled: "Sister doctor, how long I have been looking for you just now, but I can't find anyone. If I didn't tell you that I have hundreds of thousands of fans, would you agree?"

"Is this if I'm just an ordinary person and don't have hundreds of thousands of fans, then you can stop treatment!"

"This is the hospital!"

"A place that is dedicated to saving the dead, healing the wounded, healing the sick and saving people, can medical treatment become your superior privilege!"

Zhang Qin suddenly became angry: "You are a little foolish. How many times have you been to the hospital in a day? Every time you have a treatment and stitches, you give up. The hospital is opened by your home? Just serve you alone? "

"I'm telling you, I'm standing here today, take a picture, let me see what you can do!"

"Go, Xiao Ke, 39 bed rounds!"

Xiao Ke couldn't help but tugged Zhang Qin, and quickly whispered in his ear: "Doctor Zhang, calm down, if the leader sees this... you don't know the situation."

Zhang Qin took a deep breath, but he was helpless!

The man's face changed and he couldn't help but say loudly, "This doctor sister has a big temper, hey, let me be honest, you are like this, which makes us worry."

After speaking, the man started shooting at Zhang Qin: "Look at everyone, this is the doctor."

"People are really busy!"

"And these nurses..."

Zhang Qin's heart is also mad, and whoever encounters this kind of thing is upset!

At this moment, Chen Cang and Qin Yue hurriedly walked in.

"Hello, comrade, this is the hospital, what can I do for you."

Chen Cang said to the man.

The man turned around and saw Chen Cang, he couldn't help but stunned.

Because today Chen Cang and Qin Yue went out to see Sister Jiang, they cleaned up their shirts, trousers and shoes, and they also brought rare watches.

Zhang Qin and others were also taken aback when they saw Chen Cang: "Professor Chen!"

The man looked at Chen Cang: "Who are you?"

Chen Cang: "I am the team leader of the six emergency departments. If you have any needs, we can help you deal with it, but... don't open the live broadcast like this to affect the normal medical order of the hospital."

The man said, "Oh! Leader, good leader!"

Chen Cang: "Let's stop shooting for now, okay? You said that your brother is injured. Solving the problem is the key. You can't solve the problem by shooting this."

The man froze for a moment: "No, no, no, I have to help your hospital publicize it, expose it well, and give our people a publicity role to let them know how busy your doctor is! I don't have time to pay attention to patients!"

"Your doctor, ignore our patients~www.wuxiaspot.com~Nurses, do not ask, and even speak badly."

Xiao Ke was anxious: "We have been talking bad words for a while? You are all messing around!"

The man suddenly said: "We are patients, we are patients. We are calling a doctor to be humiliated?"

Chen Cang suddenly said, "You are not treating a disease like this, are you here to keep the heat away?"

A word made the man blush for a while!

"Okay! Well said!"

"My brother came to the hospital when he was ill. The doctor didn't give him any treatment. He said I was too hot. Friends in the live broadcast room, did you hear that?"

"This! It's the leader, he really has his own way of speaking, and he pushes responsibility!"

"I will give you a good picture of this leader!"

"Quietly, these shoes, shit, Liang Liang, what brand is this, sorry I really don't know."

"But I know this belt, this is a Hermès belt!"

"Tsk tsk, it's really unusual to be a leader, really rich! Everyone, take a look, this car key, this is... Ferrari, a team leader of the emergency department, driving a Ferrari!"

"I know this watch, Patek Philippe! It really has a brand name."

"It's really amazing, everyone knows the logo of this shirt, don't need me to say it!"

"Leader, how do you call this doctor leader?"

Chen Cang was also amused when he saw this.

This guy has a few brushes to attract hatred.

From beginning to end, the contradiction between the doctor and the patient was held in his hands.

Then, after Chen Cang said a few words, he immediately changed the subject and turned to Chen Cang's clothes.

After all, Qiu Fu has a lot in this society.

Moreover, once people in some professions have money, it really makes everyone feel uncomfortable.

After all, where did doctors earn so much money?

Didn’t it come from the patient?

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