When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1561: : Dangerous nurse! (No. 1

In fact, I have been a doctor for a long time.

Just habitually automatically do not believe certain answers from patients.

Not because of mistrust.

It's because of the opponent's non-cooperation.

In fact, Chen Cang deliberately asked about the history of Ye You just now, instead of saying "the life history of unclean niche" or other straightforward names.

To be honest, there are really not many people who know the name Ye Youshi, but it makes sense for Chen Cang to ask.

When the man was sent for blood draw, Chen Cang said hello to Huang Binhai: "You go and collect family history with their parents, and then ask the patient for a head CT."

Huang Binhai nodded, but Chen Cang directly followed the nurse who collected the blood.

"Be careful when you draw him blood later, don't pierce yourself."

How long has the little nurse just been here? When she saw Chen Cang caring about herself so much, she couldn't help but blush. After all, she could be cared by Professor Chen personally. The little nurse's inner satisfaction and happiness were overwhelming!

"Thank you Professor Chen!"

The nurse on the side was also a little envious.

Who is Chen Cang?

Lao Ma had to admit that this was the male **** of the emergency center.

The head nurse on the side came over: "What's wrong, Professor Chen?"

The head nurse is different from these young nurses. They are experienced and know that it is impossible for Chen Cang to come over and ask for help.

She seemed to realize that Chen Cang had something to say!

Chen Cang nodded: "Well, there is a small problem."

"I can't rule out whether he was infected with HIV, so... You ask the nurse to pay attention, of course, it was also broken."

After hearing this, the head nurse frowned slightly and nodded.

In fact, many times, nurses are at greater risk than doctors.

After all, nurses are required to do every day infusion and injection treatment.

In many cases, doctors will give orders at best. If the operation is not performed, the risk is not that great.

So, sometimes nurses are really risky.

This requires that there must be a good communication between the doctor and the responsible nurse, otherwise... it is really not a minority that the blood needle of the infusion set pierces one's own hand.

Many protection measures and protection awareness must be improved.

After Chen Cang settled down with the nurse, he got up and walked to the boy's side.

Can't help but ask: "Do you have any unclean niche history?"

The man suddenly stopped.

Looking at Chen Cang, after a moment of silence, he shook his head: "No."

Chen Cang nodded.

Believe it or not, let's wait for the result of the test, anyway, the result of the test will not lie.

There are not many cases of lymphadenopathy in Chen Cang, but...most of them are more dangerous, and the more common ones in clinical practice are also caused by infection.

But in this case of the patient, student, 19 years old, how could you possibly be infected?

Therefore, the next consideration is: lymphatic tuberculosis, leukemia, malignant tumors, and...AIDS!

Apart from these few clinical situations, Chen Cang could not think of other possibilities.

When Chen Cang first heard about this patient in the operating room, Chen Cang, like most people, was dumbfounded.

After all, even a bunch of diseases must have a cause, right?

Or there must be one main symptom?

This is the so-called chief complaint.

In fact, the main complaint that seems very simple, like the patient just now, what do you think is accommodation?

Does the whole body hurt?


Or something else?

Neither can be used as the main clue.

And Chen Cang directly grasped the key link in the middle-the swollen lymph nodes throughout the body.

Chen Cang thinks this is a clue.

After the blood was drawn, the patient was temporarily sent to the ward, and further examination was needed.

Sometimes, for such intractable diseases, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​the regulations and know how to deal with it.

It takes a while to wait for the results of the inspection.

At this time, the patient had just arrived in the radiology department, and not long after lying in bed, the epilepsy had a sudden attack again.

At this time, the bed had not been sent to the instrument, and the patient twitched and rolled off to the ground!

Huang Binhai's complexion changed and he ignored the examination, and sent the patient directly to the rescue room for anti-epileptic sedation treatment.

When Chen Cang arrived, the patient was already asleep.

But blood oozes from the corners of the mouth.

When Huang Binhai was about to open his mouth to see the situation, Chen Cang put on his gloves and said to Huang Binhai, "I'm coming!"

While talking, Chen Cang opened his mouth and took a look. Even if the treatment was timely, he still bit his tongue.

The patient's parents learned that the child was sick again, and were a little nervous standing at the door.

Now it is the cause of epilepsy to be investigated.

Chen Cang frowned: "Continue to push to do the inspection, but...this time for the NMR, just see what's going on, you can take care of it."

Now the reason is unknown, there is no way to start treatment.

The rescue method can only be symptomatic treatment.

In this way, although it seems that the patient's symptoms are effectively suppressed in a short period of time, in the long run, the cause must be found.

How can a 19-year-old patient have such a disease?

There must be a cause!

Huang Binhai nodded, UU reading www.uukanshu.com waited for the patient to stabilize before taking it to the radiology department again.

This time, Huang Binhai personally stared at the man entering the machine, which was relieved.

The family members saw Chen Cang coming out at this time, and asked anxiously.

"Professor Chen...what happened? What happened to my son?"

Chen Cang shook his head: "It's hard to be sure right now, and there are no inspection results."

"But... I think you should still be mentally prepared!"

In a word, let the patient's family not calm down!

The words of being psychologically prepared have all come out, can it be simple?

When the family members heard this, the first reaction must be that they could not believe it!

"Doctor, have you made a mistake? This child is only 19 years old, so he must be mentally prepared for any illness!"

"Yes, doctor, don't scare us!"

Chen Cang shook his head: "I didn't scare you. I just told the truth. All the patients with swollen lymph nodes all over the body I have seen so far are at higher risk."

"And... the patient is also accompanied by intracranial lesions, which is the most critical."

Chen Cang is now suspected of multi-organ metastasis of malignant tumor!

Because only this situation can explain the patient's performance clearly.

The whole body pain, is it cancer pain?

Can epileptic seizures be caused by abnormal intracranial discharge caused by brain metastasis of tumor?

Can not be ruled out!

There are also patients with headaches, general weakness, and decreased resistance...

Wait, all the predisposing factors make Chen Cang have to think about this problem.

The possibility of lymphatic tuberculosis is relatively low.

Because lymphatic tuberculosis does not cause seizures.

Diagnosis, that's it, every condition is a clue.

As a doctor, you must try to figure it out patiently and carefully.

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