When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1570: : Doubt about life

Qin Yue: "My dad can't do it!"

"There is still a big gap from the academician. I guess my uncle can! But... he doesn't belong to our family."

Chen Cang was speechless.

If Lao Qin knew that his girl was so dark, he would definitely regret giving birth to this girl!

Qin Yueming is indeed very capable, maybe he is really capable of becoming an academician.

However, Chen Cang was a little curious and couldn't help but said: "Then what do you mean by a third academician? What you mean by..."

Qin Yue smiled, her eyes full of charm.

"Husband, whether you are a third academician or a fourth academician, it depends on how hard you work!"

After speaking, Qin Yue sat up and looked at Chen Cang: "I forgot about business today!"

at this time!

Chen Cang suddenly realized!

Now he understood what was going on.



Early the next morning.

Chen Cang went to work and ran into Xu Ziming as soon as he arrived at the hospital.

However, I saw him walking on the road humming a little song.

Chen Cang nodded immediately, yes!

This is what a normal person should look like.

"Happy?" Chen Cang took the initiative to move forward and asked with a smile.

When Xu Ziming saw Chen Cang, he was immediately happy: "Hurt, Professor Chen, early! Can you be unhappy to see you?"

Chen Cang was taken aback: "That's it? Nothing else to be happy about?"

Xu Ziming nodded: "Yes, this is not enough!?"

Chen Cang suddenly frowned. Is this guy acting stupid with me?

Chen Cang sneered, don't you say it?

If you don't say it, neither will I!

I don't believe you can hold it back!

The next few days.

What should Chen Cang do.

But the point is to train Wu Hui.

He found that this guy's talent is really good.

Many things can be done at one point.

Especially in the field of intracranial tumor resection, it feels very good.

Chen Cang feels that he should be accumulating.

Wu Hui is in his early forties and graduated with a postgraduate degree. He has a Ph.D. and has passed the exam.

But now the hospital has not hired for a long time.

Chen Cang felt that after he finished this year, he would talk to Dean Wu before going back and give Wu Hui a high treatment.

Generally speaking, the relationship between hospitals and doctors' appointments is such a relationship.

Doctors are divided into chief physician (intermediate professional title), deputy chief physician (deputy senior), and chief physician (positive senior).

However, the number of titles in hospitals is limited.

Many doctors have long been deputy senior titles, but they are not hired. The hospital may still give them the treatment of attending doctors.

That's how Wu Hui is.

Obviously, the chief physician has already been appointed, but the hospital hired an associate senior officer.

This treatment is different.

In the past two days, Gong Daizhen took the initiative to contact Chen Cang.

I talked about academicians with Chen Cang intentionally or unintentionally.


Xu Ziming still didn't find himself.


He didn't seem to care about it at all.

Chen Cang can be regarded as such, the patience of this fellow is much stronger than himself.

Isn't this guy worried at all?

Finally, Xu Ziming still called.

Chen Cang sneered, old boy, I thought you were so ambitious!

After speaking, Chen Cang couldn't wait to answer the phone.

"what's up?"

Xu Ziming smiled shyly: "Professor Chen, this...The people recruited in advance by the Heartbeat Medical Research Center have already arrived in Corey. I said...If you have time, I will arrange it and you can say a few words!"

"After all... your fans are here! They are all here!"

Chen Cang was stunned for a moment, a little surprised: "That's it?"

Xu Ziming was taken aback!

"Oh! No, there are many outstanding talents among the recruits this time, and there are even a few members of the Nobel Prize team. Oh! By the way, the members of the World AATS Association also recommended people."

Chen Cang's tone was cold: "That's it?"

Xu Ziming couldn't bear it anymore: "Yes...Yes!"

"Is there anything more important than this?"

Chen Cang rolled his eyes.

This guy!

Ru Zi can not be taught!

Rotten wood cannot be carved!


Chen Cang couldn't help but said, "I heard that you were nominated as an academician?"

Xu Ziming was taken aback, and smiled: "Hurt! This matter, trivial matter, don't bother!"

Chen Cang:...

Is this still a small matter?

How big is your heart?

Seeing Chen Cang's silence, Xu Ziming explained: "Professor Chen, let me tell you, this time...I am going to accompany you! Other people want to go, I am here to accompany you for a walk through the scene, you know... "

Chen Cang's face was dark: "I don't understand!"

"This time the academician, you can get it, and you can get it if you don't. If you don't, I will drive you out of the division!"

After speaking, Chen Cang hung up with a click.

Xu Ziming was left with a dazed look!


What do we rely on to compete for academicians?

Rely on the face?

Does it rely on the kidney?

No way!

Thinking of this, Xu Ziming sighed.

Liu Quan came over at this time and saw Xu Ziming's look unlovable, he couldn't help asking, "Director...what's wrong?"

Xu Ziming looked at Liu Quan earnestly: "Xiao Liu, do you look like an academician?"

Since Liu Quan was thrown by Chen Cang on a plane and sent back to China last time, he has really learned his lesson and has been reflecting on it for a long time!

He feels that he is just as sweet as success, and the ability to flatter!

Therefore, he learned from it!

Decided to change over!

at last!

He still waited for the opportunity!

Sure enough, sure enough!

The opportunity is for those who are prepared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hearing the director's question, Liu Quan took a deep breath, stared at Xu Ziming earnestly, and looked around him three times!

Then he said with a prudent and determined expression: "Director, I think you are an academician!"

"Really, I think you are just one chance from the academician!"

"With your qualifications, ability, hard work, talent, luck...Who can this academician be you?!"

Thinking of this, Liu Quan suddenly reacted to a question.

Why does the director ask himself this question?

Could it be... someone denied it?


Liu Quan decided to give full play to his research results during this period!

"Director, let me tell you!"

"Whoever thinks you are not worthy of being this academician is blind!"

"Really, don't let them talk nonsense. They are all losers. I wish you were as mediocre as them."

"Really, don't listen to these people. On the road to success, you are absolutely alone!"

"Furthermore, in this life, shouldn't people just work hard to move forward? People don't work hard! What is the difference with salted fish?"

The more Liu Quan said, the more it felt wrong.


Why is the director's face getting darker and darker?

Liu Quan doesn't understand...

However, the director's next words let him understand a truth!

In a person's life, things are impermanent.

Xu Ziming looked at Liu Quan and couldn't help but said: "I am the salted fish in your mouth, that mediocre middle-aged old man!"

After speaking, Xu Ziming walked toward the front.

Leave Liu Quan there and start to doubt life!


ps: Don’t wait, everyone.

Not because of anything else, but because on the train, the lights are going to be turned off, so I won’t write anymore...

To attend the wedding of the brother on the bed next to the graduate dormitory.

Go to Shijiazhuang.

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