When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1582: : Someone wants a divorce!

Chen Cang had just returned to the capital here, and not long after he came to the hospital, he heard several nurses whispering about where they were.

Only then learned a news.

Director Qiao Chengan wants a divorce.

Qiao Chengan is the director of the six emergency department ICU, and has always been Lao Yu's left arm and right arm.

The gentleman is not good at arguing with others, and whoever meets is a smile.

Moreover, the popularity is surprisingly good!

It seems that everyone in the emergency department talks about Director Qiao: Director Qiao is a nice person.

Even Chen Cang was trained in pancreatic surgery with the help of Director Qiao Cheng'an. The training was very successful and the harvest was naturally quite fruitful.

But Chen Cang really couldn't understand why such a kind Director Qiao suddenly divorced?

Seeing Chen Cang coming in, several nurses quickly smiled apologetically:

"Professor Chen early!"

After speaking, I ran to be busy and didn't gossip there anymore.

It's a coincidence that Director Qiao Chengan just passed by here.

Director Qiao is only in his early forties, young and promising, and looks very temperamental, giving people a bookish look.

Chen Cang didn't understand. People like Director Qiao feel very comfortable. Why do people like this get divorced?

However, sometimes life and work are two sides.

And every family has a difficult lesson.

Who can say it clearly?

Chen Cang smiled and said hello: "Morning, Director Qiao!"

Qiao Chengan still smiled as always, but there were a lot of bloodshot eyes in his eyes today.

I can see that it is really haggard.

Even the hair that is always delicately taken care of is a little flustered today.

"Professor Chen is early." Qiao Chengan replied with a smile.

After a meeting, Chen Cang didn't say anything.

When the class was handed in in the morning, Director Qiao returned to the ICU, and then Lao Ma whispered to Chen Cang: "Old Qiao is probably going to be divorced this time!"

Chen Cang was curiously stunned: "Why?"

Lao Ma sighed: "There are a few serious patients this week. When Lao Qiao was on duty, his wife was in the emergency department."

"You also know Old Qiao's character, he doesn't like making loud noises, but... such a man with a good character quarreled with his wife in the office. I heard that... it seems to be related to cheating. !"

Chen Cang was taken aback: "I see Director Qiao... not like a cheating person!"

Lao Ma nodded: "Indeed, I still know this very well. Lao Qiao stays up and down, let alone puts it forward. Who knows what's going on!"

"Is it... his wife's problem?" Lao Ma couldn't help but frown and asked.

After Chen Cang heard this, he was taken aback and shook his head.

The two of them just chatted two or three sentences like this, and they started to work on their own.

Monday is more precious.

A big round was needed in the morning, and Wu Hui and Huang Binhai and Liu also adapted to the rhythm of Chen Cang's round.

The patient's situation has been prepared in advance.

After the patient stabilized, he was transferred to the inpatient department, where he could not stay in the emergency department for a few days.

After a week of adjustments, there are not as many patients in the inpatient department.

In addition, Chen Cang's rounds were very fast, and the rounds ended less than 10 o'clock.

Chen Cang couldn't be free during this time.

There was an operation in the afternoon, and in the morning Chen Cang began to sort out the list and documents sent by the Second Provincial Hospital!

Chen Cang can't let his guard down on recruitment matters.

After all, I will be my own team in the future, but I can't just do it casually.

In fact, it is much more troublesome to engage in administration than to engage in clinical practice, because many things must be considered, the pros and cons must be weighed, and...

All in all, Chen Cang has now discovered why Dean Wu Tongfu slowly faded out of the clinic.

At noon, Chen Cang and Lao Ma went to the hospital cafeteria for a meal.

But some directors came one after another.

"Professor Chen, I heard that the emergency building of your second hospital has just been established. Is there any shortage of people?"

Chen Cang was taken aback: "Well, of course it is missing. I am thirsty for talents now. Dongyang Province is no better than our capital. There are not so many top talents!"

When these directors heard this, they quickly said: "Professor Chen, I don’t want to avoid relatives. I have a student who has graduated with a Ph.D. and has not yet started working. I think it’s good to follow you, do you think?"

When someone starts, there are more people!

Many people came one after another.

"Yes! Professor Chen, my student is a boy. He works hard and has no targets. I can't afford a house if I stay in Beijing. I think Dongyang Province is pretty good. I published a "Liver Transplant" last year..."

"My student is a husband and wife file, so it is more suitable. Staying in Amyang is steadfast. You know, the husband and wife file can be kept!"


Everyone hopes that their students can follow Chen Cang to a certain way out.

In fact, being a teacher is still very caring about students.

But Chen Cang did not directly agree.

After hesitating for a while, he said: "Okay, everyone go back and ask them to send me the introduction to the mailbox."

When Chen Cang said so, the directors around him became happy.

In any case, Chen Cang did not refuse.

This means there is still a chance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ OK, OK, thank you Professor Chen! "

"Yes, no matter whether it can be done or not, Professor Chen's heart has come!"

"Yes, it is an open recruitment after all."


Back in the office, Chen Cang called Li Baoshan for another hour.

In the afternoon it was surgery again.

An intracranial tumor resection that is not very difficult.

This time, Chen Cang assisted and Wu Hui took the lead.

The operation went well.

But at this time, He Zhiqian hurried to the emergency room.

Hurriedly asked the nurse: "Where is Professor Chen?"

The nurse saw that Director He was so anxious, she said quickly: "Director He, Professor Chen has gone to surgery!"

After learning the news, He Zhiqian patted his forehead!

Yes, Professor Chen never took the mobile phone during the operation.

This is already a habit.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly got up and walked towards the operating room.

It's really unpredictable!

Who would have thought such a thing would happen!

As he walked, He Zhiqian sighed constantly.

When it came time for the operation, Chen Cang happened to be busy with the operation.

Chen Cang valued and liked Wu Hui more and more.

This person's learning ability is too strong.

Intracranial tumor resection is an advanced version of neurosurgery, but what Wu Hui did is impressive and faintly masterful!

Chen Cang looked at the experience bar, and Wu Hui was already on the verge of a breakthrough.

The worst is an opportunity.

Chen Cang satisfactorily said: "Director Wu, good, well done."

Wu Hui blushed, and it was a great honor for him to be praised by Chen Cang.

Everyone has seen Chen Cang's intracranial tumor resection, it can be said to be a legendary operation!

At this moment, He Zhiqian walked in.

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