When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1584: : Who said it can't be cured?

Chen Cang waved his hand and smiled: "Well, I know, you go back!"

He Zhiqian just left!

During this period of cooperation with Zhou Hongguang, He Zhiqian was convinced by Director Zhou's knowledge and ability.

This is really a great person.

However, can such a powerful person not get a good result?

He Zhiqian really feels a pity.

However, after he left, Chen Cang looked at the cabinet full of books in a daze!

His mood is the same as He Zhiqian.

But what can we do?

A certain leader is Parkinson, and there is no cure.

Can this disease really get better?

No doctor can be sure!

Isn't it... there really is no way?

Not necessarily?

After all, the times are different!

The emperor in the past couldn't eat spicy sauce. Doesn't it mean that you can't do it now?

After thinking of this, Chen Cang turned on the computer and began to check the online papers!

Maybe everyone is not sure what Parkinson is.

Parkinson can actually be called tremor and paralysis!

As the name suggests, his main manifestations are tremor, paralysis, and movement disorders!

Although this is a common neurodegenerative disease in middle-aged and elderly people, it is also the most common extrapyramidal disease in middle-aged and elderly people.

Now the main treatment is medication.

It is nothing more than those anticholinergic drugs, and the follow-up levodopa.

However, the effect of these drugs seems to be very general!

There is basically no cure!

Thinking of this, Chen Cang was a little upset.

But... Chen Cang still thinks that there should be cutting-edge research.

Look carefully!

Chen Cang's eyes lit up suddenly.


And there are many, but most of them are acupuncture.

Especially the name is very domineering!

"Ghost stitch!"

"Weak Yang Needling Method!"

"The Five Elements Needle Method!"


These are really very simple. You only need to use the real qi in the chest to prevent the qi from performing acupuncture, and then the performance is a little harder, and sweating can cure the patient.

It's a pity... Chen Cang is not really angry, otherwise you can try!

Chen Cang could only abandon Baidu and start to log in to query some foreign papers.

However, Chen Cang really found some of this trick!

Many foreign experts have studied Parkinson's and discovered that there is a magical neurosurgery that has the opportunity to treat Parkinson's!

There was an accident when a doctor used a procedure called Stereotaxic Destruction of the Pallidus to treat Parkinson's disease!

That is……

He found that damaging the ventrolateral nucleus of the thalamus has a better effect on symptoms such as tremor.

After Chen Cang saw it, he suddenly felt a little familiar.

After thinking about it, Chen Cang suddenly lit up.

Yes indeed!

Didn’t you just get a reward?

Reward a perfect [stereotactic surgery].

Since what they tried was stereotactic surgery, shouldn't you try it?

Chen Cang began to search for papers in related fields.

One day passed by rolling his eyes.


Chen Cang really found that there is a real opportunity for stereotactic surgery.

The only difficulty is that stereotactic head surgery is too difficult!

As a difficult operation in the field of neurosurgery, there are really not many people who can do it well!

After making up his mind, Chen Cang took a deep breath.

He decided to give it a try!

What if there is a chance?


Chen Cang had an idea and tried to inquire the system.

[Can stereotactic surgery-Parkinson surgery be activated? ! 】

【Ding! Tip: Yes! Activate now? 】

After hearing the system prompt, Chen Cang was excited!

Really? !

Can Parkinson really be treated surgically?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang suddenly became excited.

This is not just a successful operation!

This will be an opportunity to change history...

Do not!

To be precise, this will be an opportunity to successfully create history.


This is a nightmare for many people.

Once successful, how many people will benefit?


Chen Cang feels that he will win an international award for this?

My own surgery was amazing before!

But there are people who can do it well.

But now this time is different.

It may be impossible to create yourself.

Thinking of this, Chen Cang excitedly entered the training space.



Chen Cang also contacted Zhou Hongguang these two days.

Finally, Chen Cang got in touch.

According to the address sent by the other party, Chen Cang found Zhou Hongguang.

To be honest, Chen Cang was stunned when he saw him like this!

He looked at Zhou Hongguang, who was somewhat decadent and lost, and didn't know how to persuade him.

For a surgeon, the appearance of Parkinson is equivalent to directly ruining the future and the future!

What academician?



Zhou Hongguang was sitting on the ground, next to it were wine bottles, white and red.

With his wet hair sticking to his scalp, he looked like a decadent middle-aged man.

This is the most prosperous street in the capital. There is one of the most promising liver transplant surgeons in the country and an empty dream.

There is nothing more heartbreaking than a broken dream!

There is nothing more vulnerable than hope to lose.

Zhou Hongguang sat on the steps, looking at the feet beside him, the familiar leather shoes, the familiar taste, the familiar...but he did not dare to look up at Teacher Chen.


Everything is gone!

What dream?

What future?

Haha, now it's just a phantom dream!

Zhou Hongguang felt that God was really teasing himself.

Obviously I have a chance!

Obviously I can.

Why is this?

An almost unexpected operation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ let Zhou Hongguang bid farewell to the surgical stage.

However, the entire 301 hospital's hepatobiliary surgery doctors knew about it.

Thinking that it won’t take long, the news of becoming a waste will spread throughout the capital!

Do not……

Maybe it's spread now.

Watching Chen Cang's footsteps, Zhou Hongguang knew that maybe he... is already famous, right?

One-month academician selection!

For Zhou Hongguang, it has become a satire.

What can I do after writing?

In the end it was nothing!


Chen Cang took the initiative to stretch out his hand and reached out to Zhou Hongguang: "Get up?"

Zhou Hongguang shook his head.

Not embarrassed.

Chen Cang continued: "What a big deal!"

When Zhou Hongguang heard this, he immediately raised his head and widened his eyes with excitement, and looked at Chen Cang complicatedly: "How big is the matter?"

"This is the biggest dream of my life!"

"Finally, I had a chance to achieve it, but now... it's shattered!"

"Do you know the sound of broken dreams? It's like this!"

While talking, he picked up the wine bottle and smashed it directly on his head!

"Is such that!"

The blood shed slowly.

Chen Cang remained calm, he knew...this was just a trauma.

The real pain is the internal injury!


He still stretched out his hand: "Who said Parkinson can't be treated?"


ps: Thanks to the big guy "Fu Xiaoer 520" for the 40,000 rewards, and become the leader of this book, thank you guys! Add more!

Today is really stuck.

After stroking the outline, it finally went smoothly.

Tomorrow is the last day of July. I kneel down to ask for a monthly pass... Please!

Big guys, ask for a monthly pass, it's the last day...no double.

I'm about to cry... Thanks.

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