When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1586: : Too early!

It hurts!

I cried in pain!

Tired of crying!

Every step along the way is persistent.

Zhou Hongguang, who is in his fifties, cried like a child.

He threw himself into Chen Cang's arms, howling and crying.

It's like a child who has worked hard for so long and suddenly has no future.

It seems that the hard work of a lifetime has disappeared at this moment.

Chen Cang can understand this mood!

However, the people around did not understand.

They looked at Chen Cang holding Zhou Hongguang's comfort, and there was a sudden chill!

The little girls who talked with Chen Cang just now looked at this scene and couldn't help sighing!

What a handsome guy, as a result...


After a long time, Zhou Hongguang got up and looked at Chen Cang: "Professor Chen...but what?"

Chen Cang rolled his eyes, this guy just remembered mine, but he hasn't finished it yet!

Chen Cang simply said, "I don't want your house and car."

Chen Cang got up, took a sip of wine, looked at Zhou Hongguang and said seriously: "You should know the effect of Parkinson's medical treatment."

"My treatment is surgery, which will be very difficult! Similarly, the risks and sequelae of surgery will be relatively high!"

"You have to think about it..."

Chen Cang's voice has not fallen yet!

Zhou Hongguang interrupted Chen Cang directly: "Yes! I do! I really do!"

"This is my only chance, Professor Chen, you must help me!"


"I am not afraid of sequelae, and I am not afraid of failure!"

"I'm a useless person now, and I can fail there!"

Zhou Hongguang was a little gaffe with excitement.

He said seriously: "Really, I really want to!"

"Where do I look like a person now?"

"Look at me, lost in my soul, and I can't bring up any interest in life. I have become like this. Could it be worse than now?"

"Look at me, I can't even hold a glass of wine now. I am a surgeon!"

"Liver transplantation, this is the greatest love and pursuit of my life. I have paid more for liver transplantation than my son. Can you say I can give up?"

"Professor Chen... If you don't come today, I will confess my fate!"

"Now I really don't want to let it go. I want to try again. If I fail, I will fail. I'm not afraid of death!"

"I...I just want to be a good surgeon. Is it really that difficult?"

Hearing Zhou Hongguang's voice hoarse with exhaustion, he was hoarse and struggling.

Chen Cang understands that this is the obsession of a generation of medical workers.

Just like Professor Zhu, a nuclear physics scientist.

They have been in their posts and persisted for a lifetime.

In any case, it is worthy of respect.

Chen Cang smiled, poured another glass of wine for Zhou Hongguang, and handed it over: "Come on, after drinking this glass, you will go home tomorrow and have a good rest, ask for a vacation from your unit, and come to me for hospitalization the day after tomorrow."

Zhou Hongguang blushed and nodded: "Okay!"

"Come on! Do it!"


With a crisp voice, the two drank it.

Zhou Hongguang collapsed on the ground as soon as he went out, really drinking too much.

But it was a pleasure to drink.

It was his happiest day since this time.

After Parkinson's attack, his hands were shaking every day!

Only drinking alcohol can be better.

Chen Cang had also heard that there was a director who was prepared to drink in order to keep his hands from shaking during the operation.


Times are different.

If driving under the influence of alcohol is a penalty.

This drunk operation might have been chopped off by the patient's family!

After Chen Cang was helpless, he took out Zhou Hongguang's phone and called his wife.

It didn't take long for the call to be connected.

"Sister-in-law, hello, this is Chen Cang, yes, Director Zhou is with me, all right, thank you!"

Director Zhou's wife was very worried about him and drove over to pick him up.

After waiting for about 30 minutes, an Audi Q7 stopped at the intersection.

A woman trot all the way anxiously.

Saw Zhou Hongguang who was so drunk.

The woman is very distressed.

She understands him very well, she walked all her life, perhaps the person who knew him best.

Carefully helped him into the car.

"Professor Chen, thank you, I will take you back when you get in the car?"

"No need for my sister-in-law, forget it... I'll go back with you, Director Zhou is drinking too much, I guess you can't help him, I'll help you."

After speaking, Chen Cang followed in the car.

Along the way, the woman looked worriedly at Zhou Hongguang from time to time, her eyes full of pity.

"Hey... Lao Zhou has really worked hard for a lifetime!"

"When we got married, he almost delayed the wedding for an operation!"

"When his father left, he was admitted to the hospital at 301, but... he came back and took a look at his father. Less than 5 minutes later, he wiped away his tears and went into another operating room."

"In this life! Lao Zhou gave his greatest love to a liver transplant. I really hope he can realize his dream."

"I'm not a doctor, and sometimes I can't help much."

The woman blamed herself.

"However, he was very happy some time ago, thank you Professor Chen, you gave him a hope!"

"At that time, he was in his fifties and couldn't fall asleep all night with excitement. He got up in the middle of the night to read a book and praised you for how good you were!"

"I am really happy to see this scene!"

When talking, the woman's face was filled with happiness.

It seems that when Lao Zhou is happy, he is happy.

"It's a pity, who would have thought, I took a full moon wine and came back~www.wuxiaspot.com~ after drinking a glass or two, I got this disease when I came back!"

"Hey...I just knew that someone from his ancestors had this disease!"


"During this time, I understand him very well, but...I don't know how to persuade him, but he came back drunk to sober him up and talk to him..."

Chen Cang looked at the woman with a sad face.

Can't help but say:

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, Ji people have their own natural looks. Director Zhou is not without help, there is still a chance!"

Women don’t understand medicine, but they also know that Parkinson’s is an intractable disease.

She shook her head: "Professor Chen, I don't know medicine, I know this disease is too difficult!"

"But... is this true?"

Chen Cang nodded and smiled: "Yeah!"



The next day, the news that Zhou Hongguang had Parkinson spread.

After Chen Cang returned to the emergency center, he heard people chatting on the way.

At this time, it is not these people who are happiest.

But Tan Feiyue and Ji Jianye.

Zhou Hongguang is the most powerful competitor.

Now that Zhou Hongguang is down, the two are naturally going to compete well!

He Zhiqian came over, and after seeing Chen Cang, he couldn't help asking: "Professor Chen, you... saw him?"

Chen Cang nodded: "Hmm!"

He Zhiqian sighed for a long time: "Hey... God is jealous of talents!"

"By the way, can we publish our books?"

Chen Cang smiled slightly: "Why didn't you post?"

"Director Zhou hasn't been removed yet, has he?"


ps: Five sets of guarantees at night, finish writing this story.

Ask for a monthly pass, thanks!

On the last day, rush, rush.

Ask for a monthly pass, please everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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