When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1591: : You can buy 1 get 1 free if you win the prize, right?

Chen Cang smiled: "You haven't been hospitalized for a long time, this time you can have a thorough examination!"

Zhou Hongguang nodded and smiled: "Alright!"

After listening to Chen Cang's explanation, he felt relieved in his heart!

If the operation is successful.

He made a comeback, fought back against the wind, and while becoming an academician, he could also reap the hearts of the people.

Even if the operation failed!

The release of this internal magazine, coupled with the propaganda of some interested people, will definitely bring unprecedented impact!

In this case, it is worth it!

No loss in this life!

Chen Cang said to Wu Hui: "Check it, check everything that can be checked, check everything about syphilis and AIDS... check it all!"

"This is the owner of the capital's third suite, so you can't peel it off if you catch the local tyrant!"

Zhou Hongguang was in a good mood to be enlightened by Chen Cang.

I couldn't help but curse with a smile: "You Chen peeled skin! Just peeled the skin, what kind of AIDS, hepatitis B?"

Wu Hui said with a smile: "Director Zhou, Professor Chen is worried about your long-term surgery. It's okay to have a checkup. The surgeon for so many years will see if there is any possibility of occupational exposure!

Chen Cang nodded and smiled.

This Wu Hui is really good.

The understanding ability is very good.

For a time, Zhou Hongguang did everything he could.

The "Wednesday Set" of the inspection fee is a little distressed.

Zhou Hongguang didn't like the name "Wednesday Set" very much. He felt that it was too tacky and did not feel modern.

Chen Cang is a talented man!

The name is excellent, and a fashionable name is given: "Q7 of the week!"

Zhou Hongguang is convinced. Compared to Q7, Wednesday is better.

After the examination results come out, the operation can begin here.

At the same time!

Far away in the Barbican Centre in London, the award ceremony officially began.

At the meeting, the voice of people was boiling, and it was an unprecedented grand occasion.

The host shouted enthusiastically!

"Hello everyone, audience friends, every annual medical awards ceremony will be very exciting!"

"Because this is a medical feast, this is the advancement of life sciences, this is a milestone victory for mankind to overcome diseases!"


"I announce that the annual medical award ceremony of the World Biomedical Center has begun now!"

There was a wave of applause.

After all, the World Biomedical Center is an international organization, and the annual medical award is second only to the Lasker Medical Award.

Such an award is comparable to the "Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award" and the three awards in China.

Of course, internationally, the influence of this award is even higher!

To get this award, as long as you persist for a few years, the Lasker Medical Award will beckon to you!

Xu Ziming was very excited!

Accompanied by the beginning of the award ceremony.

The list of winners was announced by Camby Roosevelt, winner of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

Camby stood on the stage and looked at everyone with a smile: "This year, I am honored to stand here and announce the list of winners!"

"At the same time, I am also looking forward to meeting the winners, because you are all good."

"I can't help it, I can't help but start announcing it, because I really want to meet one of them!"

"Okay, I now announce that the first place: Chen Cang team! Chen Cang, Xu Ziming!"

After speaking, Camby stood on the stage excitedly and looked at everyone excitedly: "Professor Chen Cang is very young, but I'm telling the truth and come here admiringly. I really want to meet Professor Chen! Thank you for the platform..."

Everyone at the scene was taken aback!

Unexpectedly, Camby would have such a high evaluation of Chen Cang.

This is a Nobel Prize winner!

At this time, Xu Ziming trot on stage excitedly!

Only then did Xu Ziming say: "Sorry, Professor Chen is doing a very important research, and there is no way to get to the scene. Hello everyone, I am Xu Ziming!"

Hearing Xu Ziming's words, everyone was stunned!

Camby also sighed.

To be honest, Chen Cang's influence in the eyes of these people is extraordinary!

Camby smiled and shook hands with Xu Ziming: "You are great, and your papers with Professor Chen have benefited me a lot. Come on!"

Xu Ziming smiled: "Thank you!"

Camby made a joke: "I just didn't see the legendary Professor Chen, I feel a little regretful!"

The host also nodded and said: "Professor Chen rarely attends meetings and activities, it is really too mysterious!"

At this time, Xu Ziming suddenly said: "Maybe...it will not be long before Professor Chen will appear in everyone's sight again!"

"I believe that Professor Chen's ongoing research is enough to change and shock the world!"

Hearing Xu Ziming's words, there was a lot of discussion on the spot!

Camby asked curiously: "Did Professor Chen have found anything in the field of cardiac surgery?"

The host smiled: "I guess it's digestive surgery! After all, he is the president of the World Society of Digestive Surgery, and he hasn't published it yet."

Xu Ziming said mysteriously: "Um... Actually the publication will be published soon, but this is not what I said."

"Professor Chen's research this time is not in the field of heart surgery and general surgery!"

Everyone suddenly became curious!

Isn't Professor Chen good at these two aspects?

He is not these two places, where would he be?

When Xu Ziming stepped down, he smiled mysteriously and pointed to his head: "It might be here too!"

After speaking, Xu Ziming accepted the award and stepped down!

Everyone was left in shock!

"Nervous system? Neurosurgery?"

"is it possible?"

"Yes! Neurosurgery is too professional! Although Professor Chen is amazing~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he is still young! How can he be proficient in so many disciplines?

And... what innovative inventions can there be in the nervous system! "

At this time, a man said: "Have you forgotten the surgery broadcast by Professor Chen some time ago? Have you recorded the operation record of chopsticks surgery to remove pineal blastoma under Google microimaging technology?"

"How amazing! Professor Chen is definitely an excellent neurosurgeon, I prove it!"

"But... what kind of discovery was it?"


An "Annual Medicine Award" organized by the World Biomedical Center has become a seminar on "Predicting Chen Cang"!

Everyone is curious!

What is Chen Cang studying?

Camby Roosevelt's heart was even more itchy.

And this time.

Standing below Xu Ziming, with a smile leaking from the corner of his mouth, he sent a WeChat message to Chen Cang: "Mr. Chen, everything is going well!"

in fact!

These were arranged by Chen Cang.

All he has to do is heat!

Once Parkinson's surgery is successful, Chen Cang is bound to become a leader in neurosurgery!

Chen Cang has not forgotten his mission!

He is going to win this year's "Wang Zhongcheng Young Chinese Neurosurgeon Award!"

in case……

if things go smoothly.

Chen Cang doesn't mind winning the "Global Neurosurgery Young Doctor Award!"

In fact, you can buy one get one free for awards, right?


ps: Seven more arrives, please ask for a monthly pass for the end of August guarantee, tomorrow will continue to explode, ask for a monthly pass, big brothers!


How about the monthly pass...

Add more tomorrow!

Sapo bouncing and selling cute and cute faces...what!

Do your best, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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