When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1594: : Well, I have a clear consciousness!

When I was young, there was a saying: Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry, and you are not afraid to travel around the world!

Now these doctors here are all big faces!

Chen Cang reports the coordinates from time to time:

"X-axis=14mm, Y-axis=4~5mm, Z-axis=0."

"Well, measure the front and back (Y axis), up and down (Z axis), and inside and outside (X axis) distances from the target point to the instrument origin or central ray point!"


Wu Hui quickly adjusted the orientation instrument.

The nurses here were not idle either. What Chen Cang said was written on the whiteboard behind him honestly.

The whole process is really complicated.




Every step Chen Cang felt his head was huge.

At this time, Chen Cang discovered his shortcomings: lack of computing power!

My memory has indeed made a qualitative leap along with the production of his talent 【Remembering】!

But... Calculating ability, um, is still at the level of a physical education teacher!

Otherwise, I had already passed the Xiehe undergraduate.

Chen Cang sighed!

However, there is naturally a way to hang up.

For example, the sense of space of a four-dimensional map!

With the help of the film, the orientation instrument, etc., Chen Cang can already clearly and accurately grasp the position of the mid-thalamic nucleus!


Naturally, it is impossible to learn the operation alone, right?

Chen Cang hesitated for a long time, but still felt that the instrument must be perfected.

Otherwise, in the future, you will have to bring a mathematician to perform calculations.

as predicted!

Looking at the bunch of numbers on the whiteboard like a geometric equation, I was a little confused!

too difficult!

We are obviously surgeons, how do we study mathematics?

On the side, Wu Tongfu was lost in thought. Should he put forward a suggestion at the next CPPCC meeting: Medical students should increase their math courses?

Thinking of this, Wu Tongfu shuddered, for fear that he would be executed by his own group of graduate students.

After all, medical students are already tired as dogs. If you add one more math, don’t live!

At this time, Chen Cang reported.

He has accurately obtained the coordinates of the target point.

At this time, Wu Hui also quickly adjusted the orientation instrument.

Adjust the three coordinate axes of the directional instrument according to the target coordinate data, that is, move the instrument coordinate origin to the side, back and forth, and up and down.

After adjustment, Chen Cang said quickly: "Okay! Don't move!"

At this moment, the origin of the coordinates coincides with the target point.

In this way, Chen Cang can perform guided puncture through the surgical instrument carrier set on the sphere of the bow frame, and the needle can be inserted from any point to accurately reach the target point!

This is the core charm of directional surgery.

There are too many restricted areas in the skull.

It is very difficult to get there smoothly, so such a neurosurgery directional operation that can reduce damage and accurately control is produced.

Here, Chen Cang raised his head and glanced at the anesthesiologist: "Mr. Zhou, how long will it take?"

Zhou He blurted out: "It's almost there, just a few minutes!"

The anaesthetist must be more precise about the dose.

Especially this time-limited general anesthesia.

Many surgeries require general anesthesia in order to prevent patient intolerance during the treatment process!

Chen Cang nodded: "Prepare for local anaesthesia."

Zhou He nodded.

Time passed by every minute!

About three minutes later, Zhou Hongguang suddenly opened his eyes!

Woke up!

He stared at Chen Cang wide-eyed: "I... am I alright?"

Chen Cang smiled: "The operation has just begun!"

Zhou Hongguang said in a daze: "This anesthetic, it's so exciting, I'm the same as I slept all day."

Anesthesiologist Zhou He said earnestly: "As long as I let you sleep, you have to sleep for as long, or else... it's my dereliction of duty."

Chen Cang couldn't help laughing.

indeed so.

After the local anesthesia, Chen Cang continued to start the operation without delay!

When the brain needle slowly penetrates and reaches the position of the mid-thalamic nucleus, which is the target point.

Chen Cang suddenly asked, "Director Zhou, what did you eat yesterday morning?"

Zhou Hongguang was speechless: "When is it all you ask me this question!"

At this time, Wu Tongfu was also panicked!

Hu Chuanbang and Zhao Furun behind them said in unison: "Dean Wu, don't be nervous!"

"This is Chen Jiashou testing Director Zhou's nerve function!"

Wu Tongfu was relieved!

Zhou Hongguang couldn't help but said: "Tofu Nao, You Tiao!"

Chen Cang said, "Sweet and salty?"

Zhou Hongguang felt cold for a while!

However, the skull is all up, it's strange if it's cold!

Zhou Hongguang couldn't help but said, "You shit... this is a question of arguing!"

Well, clear consciousness, clear consciousness, and normal mental function!

Even the quoted posts can be distinguished clearly.

Not bad!

The operation success rate is a bit higher!

Afterwards, Chen Cang said to Wu Hui: "Check the nerve function, first check the eyes, reflect the light..."

For about five minutes, Zhou Hongguang was very cooperative!

"Nerve function is normal!"

Chen Cang nodded: "OK!"

After speaking, Chen Cang clenched his brain tightly.

Ready to discharge!

At this time, Chen Cang extremely hoped that his [Beautiful Eye] could become [Perspective Eye]!

After all, this kind of blind operation... is too difficult!

"Prepare for the first electrical stimulation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to observe nerve function!"

"Do a good job monitoring!"

"Ready, you can start!" Wu Hui said quickly.

Chen Cang nodded and manipulated the switch with a pin in his hand, and an electric discharge was generated!

During the operation, the most difficult part is the stimulation and destruction of the targeted foci again and again.

The difficulty is difficult to grasp!

Chen Cang didn't dare to use force every time, he had to control it carefully.


Wu Hui here needs to constantly pay close attention to and observe the patient's response and clinical effects!

This is essential for achieving satisfactory results and preventing complications.

There can be no deviations in the brain needles!

Otherwise, the symptoms will not be relieved, and even... there will be many unexpected complications!

Chen Cang's palms are sweat!

But the brain acupuncture doesn't move at all!

Seeing Chen Cang's situation, Wu Tongfu and the others were all nervous and uneasy!

Start blessing silently!

"Come on!"


At this moment, Wu Tongfu's mouth suddenly twitched!

The nurse on the side opened his eyes suddenly.

Even Wu Tongfu and others are serious!

If something goes wrong at this time, it is very troublesome!

Even Hu Chuanbang and Zhao Furun have unconsciously pulled their hands.

It's so nervous!

And now!

Wu Hui was surprisingly calm, because Professor Chen had already explained clearly before the operation that many complications were well understood. He said quickly:

"Professor Chen, appeared, the corners of his mouth twitched!"

Chen Cang heard the sound and said quickly: "Prepare sedatives!"


It is best to use less or less sedatives during the operation to keep the patient highly awake and cooperative.

But after this happens, it must be controlled!


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