When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1602: : Take the initiative to abdicate!

"About a month ago, my hands began to shake slightly. I didn't pay attention to it at first, but until the shaking I couldn't restrain it, and it even seriously affected my work and life, I realized that I might be sick.

In the days that followed, I was at a loss. It seemed that the disease had drained my soul and all my strength, like a walking dead.

Professor Chen found me and he told me that he could save me"

At this moment, everyone froze for a while, obviously a little skeptical.

After all, everyone knows what Parkinson is like, and all those who watch the operation are professional and technical personnel.

For a while, everyone in the live broadcast room began to talk hotly, boiling over.

"This is impossible"

"Hope, fry two at a time"

"Yes, I definitely don't believe it, Parkinson is treated with surgery"

At this moment, almost everyone began to question.

Suddenly someone said: "Does Professor Chen need to hype?"

This sentence immediately made everyone speechless

Yes indeed

Professor Chen Cang is such a low-key person, will he hype?

It can even be said that he needs hype

He only needs to post a dynamic:

"I had a Parkinson's operation today. It hurt. It was a success. Buy a catty chicken drumstick to celebrate."

Such a dynamic is enough to make him famous all over the world

Zhou Hongguang smiled and said, "Perhaps everyone thinks Parkinson can't be cured at all, let alone surgery."

"However, the fact is like this. Half a month ago, I underwent a Parkinson's operation. Professor Chen performed the operation. The operation was very successful and the postoperative recovery was also very good. In this way, I have such a way to return to the operating table. Opportunity"

"This is a small video I will play next, which is the operation scene. I believe that after seeing it, everyone will believe that all this is true."

"Moreover, my Parkinson's diagnosis should be available in many hospitals"

"However, I said these words not to prove anything, but to take advantage of this opportunity to earnestly thank Professor Chen."

"Thank you for giving me a chance to be a doctor again"

After speaking, he left the camera.

A small video of the operation was also broadcast in the live broadcast room.

After seeing this video, everyone was stunned.

Professor Chen is really doing surgery on Zhou Hongguang

This is real

Everyone clearly saw that under Chen Cang’s operation, Zhou Hongguang’s hand shaking gradually slowed down and then stopped.

After seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

"My Cao"

"This is real"

"Professor Chen, did you hang up, even Parkinson was treated by you with surgery"

"I really rely on Professor Chen, this is too strong, right"

In the live broadcast room, everyone felt their scalp numb after seeing this scene

Even Parkinson can be treated with surgery

This may become the only effective treatment for Parkinson's disease at present.

At this moment, everyone was excited and excited.

Because what Chen Cang has done is more than just a difficult operation

And it created a miracle

A miracle to cure the intractable Parkinson's disease

In the live broadcast room, everyone was very excited.

How hard is it to conquer a disease

Everyone is a doctor and knows well

Not to mention the problems of the century like Parkinson’s, even some minor problems, if you can overcome them, you can basically stabilize your Godhead

Therefore, Chen Cang's attack on Parkinson really shocked everyone.

This is not a new technique, this is a future

At this moment, everyone has only one idea

Has Chen Cang already conquered Parkinson or just an accidental operation

have to say

Still know the goods.

In the live broadcast crowd, because of everyone’s discussion, many neurosurgery doctors joined

After all, how can such an operation that overcomes Parkinson's not attract everyone's attention?

"This is an operation under stereotactic technology, but the degree of difficulty and complexity exceeds the level of existing stereotactic surgery. Both the accuracy and the manipulation of the operation are too high."


This small video didn't appear for too long and ended immediately.

Many neurosurgeons have not had time to watch it.

After Zhou Hongguang bowed to the crowd again, he said: "Today's liver transplant operation for a relative's donor liver is over. I also learned this operation from Professor Chen."

"Thank you for your support today, goodbye"

After that, the live broadcast is closed

In the operating room, Chen Cang took the initiative to applaud and gave it to Zhou Hongguang.

When everyone saw this, they also started to respond.

Everyone is very happy for Director Zhou's recovery.

Chen Cang smiled and said: "Congratulations, Director Zhou, this time the disease did not affect you, but made your operation more sophisticated"

Zhou Hongguang nodded, which he didn't expect.

Sometimes, after a person has experienced something, his state of mind will change greatly.

It can even be said to be metamorphosis

And Zhou Hongguang is like this at this time.

He ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to have found his future direction after being in shackles for a long time.

My mind is stable, and my hands are more stable

After the live broadcast ended, the response continued.

Of course, Ji Jianye also watched this live broadcast

And from beginning to end.

Not a single detail is left.

After reading it, Ji Jianye didn't say a word, sitting in a chair and drinking a pot of tea.

Are you angry?

pissed off

But there are some things that you can't stop.

Ji Jianye is only regretful.

Looking closely at his life, hasn’t it been the uneasy road to the rise of a hero?

From being excluded from the people of the province, to top academicians, from no surgery to perform, to top experts in liver transplantation, from starting from scratch to tens of billions of wealth, who is not a person?

Ji Jianye can also see clearly that he is not a person who does not know how to advance or retreat.

It’s just that the Jianye Group, which looks like a big business, is actually not that safe.

Ji Jianye needs to stand up as an academician for shelter.

So he cannot retreat.

To be honest, at this level, he wants to retire, but he can’t retire. You must know that in this life, many times do not live for themselves.

Isn't he willing to retire?

of course I know.

But the plate is big, there are more scruples.

However, the current situation is very clear.

Ji Jianye is not only lifeless.

Instead, he was relieved.

Time is also fate

The older people are, the more faithful they are.

See things more clearly and farther.

If you are not below, you will be squeezed down.

After hesitating again and again, Ji Jianye called and called the life assistant and secretary.

"Prepare, go to the engineering institute tomorrow morning, I want to retire."

"Also prepare a gift and send it to 301, saying that I wish Director Zhou a speedy recovery."

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