When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1606: : Cang, you are too dog!

The list of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2020 will be announced today!

Many people are very excited.

The hospital also attaches great importance to this kind of thing.

After all, being able to add an academician to the hospital is also a matter of face.

Now these high-end hospitals are no longer compared with how many doctors, masters and doctoral supervisors!

It's how much head strength there are, such as how many national academic succession instructors, how many national famous doctors, how many experts with State Council subsidies, etc...

Among these names, the most powerful one is the title of "Academician"!

Therefore, everyone is discussing this topic today.


By noon, the result was still not coming down.

Waiting is really upset.

But what should Chen Cang do!

At noon, Chen Cang went to the cafeteria for dinner.

After eating, Lao Ma came over with the luxurious meal in the cafeteria!

"Come, come, eat together!"

Chen Cang looked at Lao Ma curiously: "Yeah, I've lost the money? Why is it so grand today?"

Lao Ma said happily: "I am really happy today!"

Chen Cang was taken aback: "What's wrong?"

Lao Ma said happily, "I won an award today!"

Chen Cang was stunned for a moment, and became curious. What awards can Lao Ma get?

"Excellent Young Pioneer? Or the title of Excellent Little Red Flower?"

Lao Ma made a cut, happy in his heart, not as knowledgeable as Chen Cang!

In this way, Chen Cang became curious: "What award? Wu Jieping Medical Award? Or National Science and Technology Award for Progress?"

When the old horse heard this, he blushed suddenly: "What and what! I got this!"

While talking, Lao Ma took out a red book.

Chen Cang saw it as a certificate of honor.

It's like a scholarship certificate from my university.

Chen Cang couldn't help but give a thumbs up: "Awesome, bare material, can sell for at least 15 yuan!"

That's right!

This should be ordered by the school in bulk.

Lao Ma couldn't help but sneered: "You, it's too vulgar, can this be measured by money? This is honor, okay?"

While talking, Lao Ma grabbed the certificate of honor: "Have you seen? Professor Ma Yuehui, the supervisor of master's students, is hereby awarded the title of excellent master's supervisor for 2019-2020!"

Chen Cang rolled his eyes: "That's it?"

Lao Ma nodded: "Yes! This is a certificate from the Graduate School of Peking University School of Medicine!"

Chen Cang looked at the luxurious lunch, and decided not to be as knowledgeable as Lao Ma.

Seeing how happy the old horse was, Chen Cang also began to slap on the horse!

It's the first time that Lao Ma enjoys Chen Cang's flattery, and it is naturally extremely comfortable!

This flattering!

Can be addicted immediately!

For example, the old Ma at this time was a little swollen when photographed by Chen Cang.

He looked at Chen Cang: "Well, Cang'er, in fact, sometimes, the greatest joy of being a doctor is not just doing surgery!"

"It's also about teaching and educating people!"

"Look at me, my two graduate students, one is better than the other!"

At this moment, there was a lot of discussion on the side table.

"The list of academicians has been announced, look at it!"

"Really? Come on, send me a link!"

The people who were eating suddenly became lively.

Chen Cang quickly turned on the phone and checked it.

But the web card cannot be opened for a long time!

Chen Cang said quickly, "Come on, check it out quickly to see who went up this year!"

Lao Ma was stunned for a moment: "Who goes up and has a relationship with you! Anyway, there is no you!"

When Chen Cang heard this, he did not refute.

After all, my academician training task is not acceptable to ordinary people.

Three academicians!

The first two will pass!

All three academicians have gone up, what kind of rewards do you have to get? !

Thinking of this, Chen Cang was a little excited.

However, Lao Ma’s mouth is cheap, and he is still very reliable.

In addition, the speed of 5G network grabbing is indeed a lot faster, and the web page will be opened soon.

After opening it, Lao Ma took the lead to read it again.

"Oh! That's okay, Director Xu Ziming is indeed selected! And the director of our hospital, vice president Jiang, this year our hospital was selected two academicians!"

"This time, Old Wu Ke is really going to be happy. Our hospital was admitted to two academicians at once!"

Chen Cang hurriedly took it over and looked at it: "Come on, let me take a quick look, have Zhou Hongguang and Xiehe Gong Daizhen in 301 up there?"

Lao Ma couldn't help but said, "What does it have to do with you when people go up?"

Chen Cang smiled: "There are my students inside!"

Lao Ma rolled his eyes and handed the phone to Chen Cang: "Chee, Cang'er, your cowhide is really blowing up!"

Chen Cang took a look at his mobile phone and found that there were not many newcomers selected this year, with fewer than 20 in the medical industry.

And Gong Daizhen, Zhou Hongguang, and Xu Ziming were all selected!

Chen Cang suddenly became excited.

mission completed!

It's definitely done!

Thinking of this, Chen Cang looked forward to it.

The difficulty of this task is not low, what rewards can I get?

【Ding! Congratulations, for successfully completing the academician training task, Gong Daizhen, Zhou Hongguang, and Xu Ziming have all been selected as academicians and have received generous rewards! 】

【Ding! Congratulations, you have: 1. Golden Lucky Bag x1; 2. Deep Analysis x1; 3. Golden Skill Book x1; 4. In view of the successful completion of the task~www.wuxiaspot.com~ get a special reward x1! 】

Seeing three golden rays of light flashing, Chen Cang suddenly became excited!

Three perfect rewards.

Make a big profit!

Moreover, there is a special reward!

Thinking of this, Chen Cang's heart suddenly became excited!

At this moment, Chen Cang felt that everything was worth it!

Here, everyone around suddenly started talking!

"I'll go, look, and see Director Xu's personal introduction!"

"What is the name of Director Xu? Academician Xu!"

"Yes, but... Look at Academician Xu's personal introduction! Also, there is Zhou Hongguang's!"

Lao Ma opened Xu Ziming curiously, glanced at the excited Chen Cang, and couldn't help saying, "Cang'er, this doesn't look like your style."

"I haven't become an academician, so happy to see others!"


Before the words fell, the old Ma opened his mouth but couldn't speak!

He stared at Chen Cang with wide eyes: "You...when did you become a national famous medical instructor?"

Chen Cang smiled faintly: "Don't worry, look at Zhou Hongguang again!"

Lao Ma was taken aback and opened Zhou Hongguang's introduction!

I saw that in the profile:

"Zhou Hongguang, male, 53 years old, chief physician, doctoral supervisor, academic heir to the national famous doctor Chen Cang..."

Ma's brain suddenly crashed!

He looked at Chen Cang's smiling face, suddenly so sad!

The certificate of outstanding master's tutor in his hand suddenly disappeared.

Chen Cang is already an academician's teacher!

And... still an academic advisor!


"Cang...you are too dog!"


ps: Let’s change five for the time being today, ask for a monthly pass...

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