When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1613: : Husband and wife, 10 lifu!

Sometimes reality is more moving than story!

Qiao Chengan's hands trembled slightly.

I have made all preparations!

Even if you have someone you like, a junior or an affair, Qiao Chengan will not feel so uncomfortable.

However, life is such abruptly giving Qiao Chengan such a sharp turn.


Holding his mobile phone, Qiao Chengan watched this familiar and empty phone number call at least once a day, which may last for a year or two!

Think of the slippers she prepared, clothes one size smaller...

At this moment, Qiao Chengan's tears couldn't stop flowing down.

He didn't care about wiping tears, but just bent over and squatted down like this.

Squatting in front of Guo Baoye, looking at this "fascinating" woman!

Full moon face, central obesity, purple skin streaks, acne...

These are pathological products!

As the director of the ICU, I have enough patience with patients and a wealth of knowledge, but...why did I not discover such typical symptoms! ?

Ask yourself, as a husband, do you really qualify?

Qiao Chengan feels very guilty!

I gave the patient the best temper and attitude, but gave the worst, irritable and cold side to the person who loves me the most!

For so many years, it seems...I really don’t care enough about people who love me, and I’m not tolerant enough!

In fact, family members, loved ones, and loved ones may also become patients!

Shouldn't you care more about them?

The woman in front of her, even if she broke off the mother-daughter relationship with her parents, she still had to follow herself. After Fengzi got married, she came to the capital...

Such a woman, when she had a disease, not only did she not give enough care, she actually felt that her menopause was early!

Qiao Chengan, Qiao Chengan!

Are you... are you worthy?

Tears kept dripping.

How many years have you shed tears?

This time, Qiao Chengan's inner guilt, self-blame, moved... and so on, all kinds of complicated moods made him dare not look up for a long time!

Pituitary tumors are indeed not rare things, accounting for about 10% of intracranial tumors, and most of them are benign tumors.

And what is the pituitary?

This is a central headquarters for the human body to secrete hormones!

The human body does not turn, the pituitary has the final say!

This is not an exaggeration. As a neuroendocrine organ, it is mainly involved in the function of the endocrine system.

Basically all the hormones you can think of are related to the pituitary gland.

Therefore, when the pituitary gland produces tumors, endocrine disorders will also occur.

Some pituitary tumors have no function and do not secrete hormones, while some pituitary glands secrete various complex hormones.

Qiao Chengan cautiously touched his wife's hands. He hadn't held these hands for half a year, but at this time... because too much growth hormone had caused slight acromegaly.

Moreover, the self who slept in the same bed did not realize that his wife had been amenorrhea for two years!

No wonder the sanitary napkins were made two years ago...

This is not necessary at all!

Pituitary tumors caused decreased secretion of gonadotropins, causing amenorrhea...

If these things happen to others, they will not be able to discover that it is possible.

But what about yourself?

I have witnessed how many patients like this with my own eyes, and even actively help diagnose them!

But such a relative, a person next to a pillow has undergone so many changes, he didn't even notice it?


If it weren't for Chen Cang, Qiao Chengan would not even dare to think about the future!

Joining is really divorced, can Guo Baoye survive healthy? Will his future be happy?

Do not!

It is a lonely sea.

Thinking of this, Qiao Chengan was calm and terrible.

Is the wife changed?

I changed myself!

At this moment, Qiao Chengan began to introspect wildly.


Life requires atonement.

At this time, Qiao Chengan's wife suddenly opened her eyes and found him touching his hand, squatting on the ground and crying silently.

Guo Baoye was also stunned in this scene!

Even... was scared!

"You...what are you doing?"

Qiao Chengan was taken aback by the sound. He quickly stood up, turned around, and wiped away the tears.

Then he turned around.

This hallucination of pituitary tumors is not continuous, but intermittent attacks.

The main reason is unknown, but it should be related to the secretion of hormones!

Guo Baoye was a little uneasy when Qiao Chengan looked so affectionately!

In the past two years, she has also found that she has lived what she hates.

Nagging, anxiety, and even inexplicable anger.

Although she was of good quality, she began to get fatter, and her sudden amenorrhea the year before made her think that her menopause had suddenly advanced.

Go to the gynecological examination, the other party also said that the secretion of **** hormones is less.

Gradually... the beard around the lips became more and more obvious, and to cover up, I started to paint heavy makeup...

The character is getting worse and worse, seeing no one is not going well...

Moreover, she always feels that Qiao Chengan has changed, calling sneaky, maybe there are women outside, right?

This made Guo Baoye a little uneasy himself!

In fact, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ For hallucinations, the patient's own feelings are not clear, and even in many cases, it is easy to be forgotten!

Those who called Qiao Chengan in the past were only hallucinations caused by the memories in her heart.

a long time!

Guo Baoye sighed. Maybe it doesn't feel good to drag them like this?

When Qiao Chengan filed for divorce, Guo Baoye was very excited.


Now it seems that dragging is meaningless.

Over the years, I have really become what I hate!

In retrospect, the two were sitting together.

I once proudly said to Qiao Chengan: "I will be fifty years old in the future, and I will be as beautiful as a flower. I will definitely not nag you, I... I will never be like my mother!"

How stupid was you back then?

Life always teaches us how to be human!

I have changed……

He also changed...

Perhaps divorce should be the best choice!

Thinking of this, Guo Baoye sat up, looked at Qiao Chengan, and said seriously:

"Cheng'an, I agreed, let's... get a divorce!"

After Qiao Chengan heard this, his face changed, and he turned around and hugged Guo Baoye, who was obese and out of shape!

"No, baby, no divorce, no divorce forever!"

"It's all on me, all on me!"

"I didn't make a qualified husband!"

"I was wrong, give me a chance, I will cherish you even more in the days to come!"

At this time, Qiao Chengan burst into tears, his voice choked, but he was determined!

At this scene, Chen Cang, who was watching from the side, couldn't help but sighed.

Husband and wife.

Ten miles of Fushou.

The ups and downs of the world, the lack of life, are like smoke and waves.

Passing years,

Talk about,

Rouge and tears are showering with pear blossoms, and now people are absolutely crazy!

Sigh a sigh.

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