When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1615: : Parkinson's progress!

Wu Hui suddenly thought of something. He looked at Chen Cang and asked, "Professor Chen, can I change the effective date of the contract?"

Chen Cang was taken aback for a moment: "January 1, 2021, is it inappropriate?"

Wu Hui blushed, Jia Chou wanted to say but was embarrassed to say it!

After hesitating for a moment, I thought that Chen Cang was also his own nobleman, not an outsider.

He sighed and laughed at himself: "I am preparing for a divorce recently, and I am fighting for custody of my child."

Hearing Wu Hui saying this, Chen Cang was taken aback!


Divorce is popular now?

Director Qiao Cheng’an’s affairs have just gone down now, so how come Wu Hui’s divorce happened again!

Could it be...what's wrong with Wu Hui's wife?

Chen Cang couldn't help but sighed: "Well, yes, do you think it will be more appropriate?"

Wu Hui couldn't help but said, "It's okay now!"

Wu Hui blushed a little after speaking out.

After all, he also knows something about the Second People's Hospital of Dongyang Province. Now the decoration has been completed, and the recruitment of personnel is not perfect. After going there, he will give money. This money is obviously inappropriate!

Wu Hui said quickly: "I don't have to pay for this year's salary, but...I hope this settlement allowance, house...I need a home!"

After thinking for a while, Chen Cang said directly: "Yes, but...the hospital is okay, there is no need for you to go now!

Well, let me say hello to Dean Wu. You can continue working here first, and when I leave, just go with me! "

Wu Hui's eyes lit up: "Thank you Professor Chen!"

Chen Cang dialed Wu Tongfu's phone and told him about Wu Hui.

Wu Tongfu doesn't pay much attention to Wu Hui. After all, after so many years of transparency, Wu Tongfu, as the dean of such a big hospital, is really not familiar with it. At most, he has heard the name.

Now that Chen Cang said it, Wu Tongfu didn't say much.

Chen Cang has made such a great contribution to the emergency center hospital. How many people is it like?

Moreover, the personnel themselves are free.

Wu Hui and Chen Cang talked a lot about family matters.

Chen Cang was also helpless.

This kind of thing is not uncommon.

To be honest, in this huge capital, you are not qualified to make people poor with you.

But if you leave because you are poor, you are not eligible to enjoy the melting and wealth.

Chen Cang smiled and said, "Walk and see, who can talk about the future!"

Wu Hui nodded.

After the matter was dealt with, Chen Cang said, "You solve your personal problems first."

"I have a lot of things on my side that need your help."

Wu Hui nodded gratefully and left.



In the following days, Chen Cang was very fulfilling.

Now he has discovered the benefits of having an office.

It's really convenient!

Out of the old horse, very few people usually come.

Moreover, Lao Ma is also very witty, knowing that Chen Cang has been busy lately, and he occasionally sends some fruits to eat and drink. Basically, he doesn't bother, and the contents inside will not move.

Parkinson's research preparation has reached a white-hot stage.

Now in the field of neurosurgery, Parkinson has suddenly become the hottest topic.

Almost every hospital and scientific research institution are assigning staff to try to make breakthroughs.

After all, the human brain itself is a forbidden zone, and the amount of money spent on it by major scientific research institutions every year is innumerable.

Anyone who makes a breakthrough can benefit infinitely.

However, gradually, more and more people began to question the authenticity and reliability of Chen Cang's operation.

The failure of animal surgery after time has made them

After all, is it really possible to treat Parkinson's with surgery?

There are more and more voices on the Internet.

However, Chen Cang remained silent.

Because he has also entered a dead end now.

That is the cause of Parkinson's disease is still not found.

The breakthrough of the mid-thalamic nucleus is even more difficult!

This made Chen Cang seem to be in a quagmire!

How can I do?

The idea of ​​follow-up research was suddenly interrupted.

Just after Chen Cang gave Guo Baoye the tumor surgery, Wu Hui suddenly reminded Chen Cang.

"Sometimes, it's just like removing the appendix. Does the specific appendix have any effect? ​​We still don't know, but the removal will definitely relieve the current symptoms. That's enough!"

"Medicine itself is a developing discipline, and it cannot be achieved in one step. The medical truths of the past are constantly being overthrown!"

After hearing this sentence, Chen Cang suddenly realized it!

Yes indeed!

I fell into the trap of perfectionism.

I'm a surgeon, OK?

Where do I need to figure out Parkinson's physiopathological research? What I need to do is treat patients, that's enough!

After thinking it over, Chen Cang's thoughts are now clear.

Back in the office, when Chen Cang was preparing to formulate a plan, he suddenly recalled the task rewards a few days ago!

After getting it, Chen Cang didn't study it because he was too busy.

There is a golden lucky bag and a golden skill book. Chen Cang has seen these two treasures, so he didn't open it in a hurry!

But... what is the special reward?

What is in-depth analysis?

These two are the biggest mystery.

[Special rewards! Get the corresponding gift pack according to the host's current maximum demand! Is it open? 】

Chen Cang was overjoyed!

Is this a tip?

What tricks can you find when you open it at a critical time.

Chen Cang did not hesitate at all and chose to activate directly.

【Ding! Congratulations, your child will get one of your current talent skills, which is randomly...ding! Congratulations, your child will get a talent skill: Perfect Eye! 】

Chen Cang was stunned!


Is this my biggest need now?

I let my son get [Perfect Eye]?

This...is another breast enhancement everyone?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang was a little stunned.

The special reward, just... it's gone! ?

It’s okay to get a [Remember]...

Chen Cang couldn't help sighing.

Although I didn't get any clues about Parkinson's, but...it seems okay to get rewards for children!

In the long run, this special reward is actually relatively better.


What about Parkinson?

Chen Cang turned his attention to another reward.

It is also a [depth analysis] with golden light!

What's the use of this?

[In-depth analysis ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tip: After an in-depth analysis of certain diseases, topics, and problems, you can sort out and sort out the tedious knowledge, so that you have a deeper grasp of knowledge. At the same time, after sorting out, The progress bar reward can be activated! 】

After Chen Cang heard this, his heart suddenly moved!

[Can Parkinson's surgery and surgical treatment be analyzed in depth? 】

【Ding! can! Reminder: It is recommended that you read a lot of related books and materials before activation. After using the in-depth analysis, you can get a higher progress bar. 】

Chen Cang suddenly looked overjoyed!

I am a man who has a [Remember]!

Moreover, in the past few days, Wu Hui, Hu Chuanbang and others have almost collected all relevant information about Parkinson from the Internet!

Pile up into mountains!

In the following time, Chen Cang almost forgot to sleep and eat~www.wuxiaspot.com~……

Now every book is a wealth of progress bar experience in Chen Cang's view.

Regardless of whether you can understand it or not, memorize it!

As a result, an emotional scene appeared in the office.

In the morning, Professor Chen came the earliest ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the evening, Professor Chen left the latest, and he was still studying.

This scene really shocked everyone.

Otherwise Professor Chen succeeded!

Diligence is not terrible. The terrible thing is that those with better talents than you, better than you, and more handsome than you work harder than you!

This is the most uncomfortable!

Chen Cang's efforts are all in the eyes of everyone.

Time passed day by day!

Finally, Chen Cang feels almost done. At this moment, Chen Cang decisively chooses to activate [Deep Analysis]



ps: There are still two chapters in the evening, don’t worry, the veteran is afraid that everyone will be anxious.

By the way... ask for a ticket

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