When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1626: : Living in the same era with Chen Cang, it is sad, and...

The press conference scene!

Many people can't wait.

But Chen Cang hasn't appeared yet.

The people below have already begun to feel unbearable, who can wait for a day for surgery?

Have you waited for 12 hours?

Emotions have begun to breed, and there are many troubles!


Everyone held it back!

Because I want to know the results of today’s surgery...

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Chen Cang arrived at the scene.

When the door was pushed in, the scene suddenly boiled.

Everyone picked up the sound and croaked at Chen Cang.

I want to find any clues from Chen Cang.

However, Chen Cang's expression was very calm.

"Sorry, everyone has been waiting for a long time!" Chen Cang bowed to everyone.

"Because... I had 10 Parkinson's surgeries today and it took too much time. I hope you can understand!"

As soon as this is said!

All of a sudden the audience fell silent.

How many units have you made?


Yes, it must be four operations.

Because 10 is too exaggerated!

No one wants to believe it.

No... the 10 and 4 of this **** English are not homophonic!

Is it really 10?

Chen Cang's words directly calmed everyone present.

Everyone felt a little unrealistic.

Is this fake?

Chen Cang continued: "I will give you an introduction to today's surgery. If you have any questions, please ask!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Cang said lightly: “The first batch of Parkinson’s clinical trial operations totaled 10, including 5 simple stationary tremor, 3 muscle rigidity, 2 gait instability, 10 operations, success rate... …"

When talking about this, Chen Cang deliberately slowed down!

And everyone at the scene raised their heart to their throat.

Waiting for Chen Cang to speak!

"Success rate...100%!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room was blinded!

how can that be!

"Impossible, isn't this the clinical trial stage? How could it be 100%!"

"Yeah, isn't this a joke?"

"The success rate of Parkinson's surgery is 100%! My Cao and Professor Chen are awesome!"


Everyone below behaves differently.

After Chen Cang finished speaking, he smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I had 10 operations today and I was a little tired. Everyone should rest soon!"

After speaking, Chen Cang got up and left.

How could these reporters care about others? They quickly contacted the unit and started to send the news release directly!

after all!

This was said by Chen Cang himself.

Who is Chen Cang, shouldn't tell lies!

However, whether it is true or false, this number is enough to attract people's attention.

Sure enough, when these news were released.

In less than a day, the news that Chen Cang's surgical treatment of Parkinson's was 100% successful spread across the ocean!

For a time, there are countless people talking about it!

Everyone is a little skeptical.


You didn't brag like that!

This is equivalent to directly putting yourself in an awkward situation.

After all, the 100% success rate is no longer bragging, but digging holes for yourself!

This is simply not realistic!

Unless... Chen Cang has completely mastered Parkinson's surgical treatment.


The success rate of this type of surgery is very high.

The most important thing is that the operation should be very simple. After all, 10 operations are done a day, less than one operation in an hour, and the success rate is as high as 100%. Does this mean that the difficulty of this operation may be related to appendectomy Is the technique equivalent?

Thinking of this, everyone is a little crazy.

At this time, inside the Mayo Clinic.

After seeing this piece of data, Bertie was stunned and did not speak for a long time.

to be frank!

As an expert in the field of neurosurgery, although he has seen Chen Cang's operation with his own eyes, he knows that he is a genius.

But after getting the first day's clinical data, he was still shocked!

He thought that since Chen Cang decided to conduct clinical trials, the success rate might be relatively high!

But I didn't expect...

It was so high that it turned out to be 100%!

And, most importantly, he had 10 operations and all of them were successful!

These include patients with various symptoms such as resting tremor, muscle rigidity, and gait instability.

What does this mean, Chen Cang may have really overcome Parkinson's surgery!

Thinking of this, Bertie was really shocked by Chen Cang a little bit unstable.

Upon seeing this, the old friend on the side hurried over to comfort him:

"Bertie! Alright, there is no definite result yet, don't be so nervous!"

Bertie couldn't help laughing wryly!

Are they Mayo bad?

not bad!

They have the world's most advanced medical resources!

Is their team bad?

They definitely have the top talent team!

Did they study Parkinson for a short time?

Do not!

Never give up!

But...Chen Cang was ahead of them, and it was more than one step ahead!

Thinking of this, Mayo really felt frustrated.

The last time I saw Chen Cang using Google’s microscopic three-dimensional imaging, Bertie was hit hard. Chen Cangming had never used it, but...

That kind of technology directly made Bertie almost doubt his life ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has not recovered yet.

Now, another 100% success rate of Parkinson's surgery has been revealed!

The companion took a deep breath, he knew Bertie was also a strong person.

After all, as the youngest vice president in the field of neurosurgery in the world, he has his own pride.

"Berty, what if this data is fake? Or is it all made up by Chen Cang?"

Bertie heard the sound, looked at his friend, and said seriously: "You don't know Professor Chen Cang, you don't know what kind of person it is!"

"He never makes jokes about patients and surgery!"

"Moreover, this data, he doesn't need to fabricate it out of thin air, it has no meaning!"

"What's more... have you ever seen someone fabricate that they can do 10 Parkinson's a day, and the operation success rate is 100%?"

Bertie's words suffocated his companion for a while.

At this time, Hubert hurried over.

After hearing Bertie's words, he nodded: "Yes, Chen Cang has never been a bluffing person, he doesn't like bragging!"

"Since he dares to say, it must be true!"

"Dean Hubert!" After seeing Hubert, Bertie and her companion nodded and said hello: "Why are you here?"

Hubert called Bertie to his side and comforted: "I know you will be unhappy!"

Bertie smiled.

Hubert continued: "Then do you remember that I was preparing to establish the World Society of Digestive Surgery?"

"The society we established, Chen Cang is the president!"

"Do you remember how Chen Cang shattered Jim Lawrence's confidence?"

"Living in an era with Chen Cang is sad and lucky!"

"At least... he showed you scenery that you might not see in your lifetime!"

(End of this chapter)

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