When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1644: : Open a hospital?

Chen Cang feels that he is still very lucky!

I can meet girls like Qin Yue, and parents like Lao Qin and Ji Ruyun.

Ji Ruyun cared very favorably and almost selfishly for herself. It seemed that what the world did to me, as long as my family was good, this feeling made Chen Cang very practical.

What to save the world... Let others do it...

Lao Qin put forward valuable opinions on Chen Cang's life based on his rich life experience.

These are precious wealth!

Looking at Qin Yue in his arms, Chen Cang was very satisfied!

But... he suddenly hesitated.

Today... Probability gems should not be used!

After all, his trumpet is not perfect!

How about... wait?

hold on!

Chen Cang suddenly came up with an idea.

Just like before playing games to wash the baby's attributes, after coming out, the length is perfect!

Abnormal talent and outstanding skills!

After making up his mind, Chen Cang put away the gem of probability.

at night.

Qin Xiaoyuan and Ji Ruyun could not sleep over and over again!

"Why there is no movement!"

"Oh, go to sleep!"

"What do I sleep for? My grandson asked me to come out in a dream. I can't be responsible?"


"You said they don't understand this knowledge, right?"

"Oh, they are doctors, what do you think?"

"Ohhhhh, keep your voice down, stop snoring, there is a voice!"

"That's the cat from the house next door upstairs!"



In the morning, Chen Cang found that Lao Qin had already prepared breakfast.

Qin Yue yawned, "Dad, so early! Where's my mother?"

Lao Qin smiled awkwardly: "Oh! Your mother suffered from insomnia last night. She was so happy to see you guys coming back. She couldn't sleep. You didn't sleep until dawn!"

Qin Yue let out a cry, and there is no doubt that he is there.

In the morning, Chen Cang went to the Second Provincial Hospital with Qin Yue.

Everyone has been busy moving to the new building recently.

Seeing Chen Cang and Qin Yue coming, everyone was naturally very happy.

The department is not very busy, Chang Lina saw the two coming, and with a weird smile, she rushed towards Qin Yue!

"Yueyue, come, let me touch it, is it mellow!"

Qin Yue's face suddenly changed:? ? ?

"Rellow, what the hell?"

Chang Lina touched her belly: "My eldest nephew hasn't come out yet?"

Qin Yue rolled his eyes.

Chang Lina said with a smile: "Brother Cang, can you do it!"

Chen Cang didn't mind joking, and said with a smile: "I'm selecting excellent DNA!"

When Wang Qian heard this, he hurriedly walked out, patted Chen Cang's ass, and squeezed it!

Chen Cang's expression changed: "Dog thief, believe it or not, I will send you to the medical record room!"

Everyone suddenly laughed.

Chen Cang also saw Shi Na today, to be honest, he almost didn't recognize it!

This is dressed, this hair is also done, there is light makeup on the face, and it is pretty.

Chen Bingsheng is too busy now. He is now in the same group with Wang Yong and undergoes many operations.

After seeing Chen Cang, his eyes lit up and he smiled and said, "Let you bully me, see if you see it, I am back!"

Shi Na suddenly smiled and said, "Ask Qin Yue who listens to whom at home?"

Everyone suddenly laughed again.

Shi Na is much more cheerful.

Chen Cang is not here today to tell the old story, so let's take a look at everyone.

The emergency department was also busy, and it didn't take long for everyone to be busy. Not to mention Chen Cang's arrival, even if his parents came, they didn't care about the hospitality.

While talking, Chen Cang arrived at the secretary Tan Liguo's office.

Qin Xiaoyuan told Chen Cang to come around and sit down and chat with Tan Liguo.

The hospital's executive leaders didn't go to the gathering of the medical industry the night before yesterday.

Especially those leaders who have no business but only administrative positions.

They are more sensitive after all.

After all, Chen Cang and the others were sitting together. It could be an academic gathering, but it would be inappropriate for people like Tan Liguo to go there, and the impact would not be good.

This is actually the freedom of doctors, there are not so many restrictions.

In Qin Xiaoyuan's words, Tan Liguo is the secretary of the hospital after all, and there are many people under his hands. The key is to have rich experience!

After Chen Cang came, Tan Liguo's help would be indispensable.

After all, the new dean is yet to be determined, and Tan Liguo can become Chen Cang's support.

Sure enough, Chen Cang's arrival gave Tan Liguo some surprises.

We greeted with a smile and made tea in person.

The two chatted carefully.

Did not say any details.

After all, when you come back later, it's not necessary to guarantee this kind of painting.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

Chen Cang drove directly to the First Hospital of Dongda University.

A lot of people have gathered in the conference room at this time.

All came to listen to Chen Cang's explanation of yesterday's surgery video.

Chen Cang spoke very carefully.

It took a full hour or so.

The amount of information is huge, and everyone listens with great relish and endless aftertastes.

Everyone left time for discussion. At this time, Chen Cang walked up to Gong Daizhen and remembered that Director Gong seemed to have something to say yesterday. He couldn't help but curiously asked: "By the way, Director Gong, what are you going to say yesterday? ?"

Gong Daizhen heard Chen Cang's words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Teacher, have you ever thought of creating a medical beauty brand?"

After Chen Cang listened, he was taken aback!

He really didn't think about this problem!

Plastic surgery is Chen Cang's starting skill.

At that time in Zhixin Plastic Surgery Hospital, Chen Cang can be said to have achieved the beginning of his life.

But after I went to the capital, I rarely performed related operations.

Therefore, after hearing what Gong Daizhen said, Chen Cang's first reaction was a little dazed.

When Gong Daizhen saw Chen Cang hesitate, her eyes lit up. She felt that this meant there was still a chance!

"Teacher, in fact, I think there is still a big sinking market for medical aesthetics, and medical aesthetics is also a treatment method."

Chen Cang nodded, he did not deny this.

Medical beauty is now more and more accepted. From the beginning, double eyelids were discriminated against. Today, eyebrow tattoos and lifts are widely accepted. In fact, there is still a long way to go in the future!

Medical aesthetics is really not just a kind of cosmetic surgery in pursuit of beauty. In fact, for many people, what they seek is treatment.

For example, large areas of pigmentation, scar removal, even hair transplants are promising!

In today's society, there are many "diseases" that do not affect health but affect people's lives. These can be solved by medical means.

Take the situation similar to Dou Xin.

Chen Cang looked at Gong Daizhen and kept silent.

Gong Daizhen plucked up the courage and said, "So, what I think is..."

"I want to build such a medical beauty brand with more medical attributes."

"But...in terms of technology, I am definitely inferior, so...I want to invite teachers to join."

"Of course, I know sir, you are too busy to take care of this."

"But I hope the teacher can give us technical guidance!"

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