When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

: Line one thousand six hundred and fifty: sure...not very high!

Even the royal family, the symbol (mascot) of Britain's national strength, still cannot escape the torture of trigeminal neuralgia.

Moreover, this Prince William nearly committed suicide because of trigeminal neuralgia!

Therefore, over the years, Prince William has been tortured by illness and rarely participates in such international exchanges.

But the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and the British royal family has a lot of assets in the world.

After all, even if they have no rights, capital makes their lives carefree.

As the youngest son of the Queen, William was awarded the Earl of Kokari, Baron Furun...and many other lords when he was an adult.

You can see the preference for him.

However, when William was twenty-fifth and sixteenth, severe trigeminal neuralgia caused the young and promising earl to encounter problems.

In the following five years, after various treatments and surgeries, there was some improvement in the middle, but the recurrence got worse!

Frequent attacks, irritation will aggravate the pain, in severe cases, it may even last for a full hour!

So that William had a tendency to commit suicide.

Therefore, this has always been the empress's heart disease!

When William's wife told the Queen about Chen Cang's news intact, Queen Elizabeth was suddenly surprised!

Immediately hope to have a detailed discussion with Chen Cang.

Then I directly contacted the academicians of the Royal College of Medicine and invited them to participate in tomorrow's video conference to discuss the feasibility of this operation.

The operation cannot be done.

Hong Ji and Chen Cang walked together and walked out of the operating room.

William was sent to the ward, and it was estimated that he would wake up soon.

And Chen Cang was brought to the office by Hong Ji.

Xiao Runfang warmly introduced these officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and William's wife to Chen Cang.

Chen Cang... To be honest, he doesn't catch a cold.

He is no longer a little doctor who had just come out of Amyang and had never seen anything in the world. Now Chen Cang said unambiguously, he could not pay much attention to this little prince.

However, because this involves a diplomatic relationship, it is not the face of the monk but the face of the Buddha!

That's why Chen Cang is so dedicated.

Moreover, Chen Cang is looking forward to today's task reward.

Xiao Runfang was arrogant at this time.

After all, our Chinese doctors are so powerful that you, Prince William, cannot be cured by others, but they can be cured in China!

There is light on the face!

Even the old leader looked at the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a smile, implicitly with pride.

Looking at Chen Cang, he nodded in satisfaction.

This kid has given himself a face, and he has given his country a face.

It is estimated that London is very lively today.

This group of British guys need to discuss seriously.

Thinking of this, the old leader felt that Chen Cang's face became more bearable.

However, because the anesthesia has not passed tonight, there must be no way to talk in detail.

The staff went to settle William's wife and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

When Chen Cang was about to leave, the old leader stopped Chen Cang.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry, what baby is hiding in the house?"

The old leader's words with a smile suddenly narrowed Chen Cang's distance.

At the same time, the surrounding experts were stunned.

The old leader actually joked with Chen Cang?

Chen Cang turned around and smiled awkwardly: "No no, leading me wrong."

The leader came over, followed by Xiao Runfang.

Without outsiders, words can be spoken.

"Professor Chen, is the idea you mentioned today feasible?" the leader asked with a smile.

Chen Cang nodded: "Well, it's quite tall."

"Have you done it?"

Chen Cang blushed, does virtual space count?


A word made everyone stunned.

Hearing Chen Cang's words, even the leader was silent for a while. After a while, he asked, "I haven't done it...how sure are you?"

Chen Cang smiled awkwardly, thinking of his nearly 100% success rate in the later stage of his virtual space, and decided to be conservative: "Well...maybe not very high."


When I heard Chen Cang's not very sure about this, the leader was still worried, and everyone around was ready!


When they said 90% in a calm voice, everyone was silent.

This...Is this low?

It was the first time Hong Ji had dealt with Chen Cang, but he looked at Chen Cang's serious expression and wanted to ask him seriously:

Are you sure you are not here to pretend to be forced?

That's right!

Even the leaders were joked by Chen Cang.

Pointing at Chen Cang and cursing with a smile: "You kid..."

Chen Cang smiled awkwardly.

"Go back early, don't have any pressure, do what you can, and it's okay if you can't. The Sino-British friendship does not need a little prince to influence."

"But... if you can do it well, give you a credit!"

"Go back, we don't care about food here."

Chen Cang suddenly discovered that in fact, the leaders on the TV weren't paper people, they were also living old men with flesh and blood!

Sure enough, the leader's remarks made everyone laugh.

Chen Cang couldn't laugh or cry, said hello, and left dingy. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Xiao Runfang looked at Chen Cang's back, very envious.

This old leader seldom joked with one person.

I have been with old leaders for so many years, and old leaders rarely do this when facing their children.

Don't talk about Xiao Runfang, Hong Ji and others saw Chen Cang's leaving figure with emotion and envy.



On the next day, Chen Cang came to the hospital early.

Under the leadership of Hong Ji, Chen Cang went to see William first.

After seeing Chen Cang, William's eyes lit up, like seeing a savior!

"Professor Chen! Hello!"

Before Chen Cang could speak, William hurriedly said: "I heard that you have a chance to treat my trigeminal neuralgia. Please, help me!"

William looked like most patients.

After experiencing too many medical failures, William has been desperate, and when he heard that there is still a chance today, just like a drowning man grabbing the last straw, how could he give up?

Chen Cang nodded: "This is my duty, but surgery is risky, you should know."

William gave a wry smile, shook his head, a trace of sadness and helplessness flashed in his eyes, and there was a sense of noble hesitation in the whole person.

This made Chen Cang stunned.

This... a few generations of aristocratic influence is really deep in the bones.

His mother's even melancholy is so temperamental.

William said with a wry smile: "It makes me feel very hard to live, this kind of pain...it just makes me feel unhappy."

"As long as the pain can be relieved, I am willing to take any risks!"

Upon seeing this, Chen Cang wanted to get the informed consent and operation notice.


This is not realistic.

In the morning, the prince and his queen need to have a discussion.

A big family is also troublesome.

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