When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1653: : You, shame!


Chen Cang's words really made the old leader's eyes shine.

I thought what was wrong, I didn't have time.

Now it seems that Chen Cang did it intentionally!

I don't have time, but I don't need to send it to the door.

For a while, the old leader was a little happy.

Because the more Chen Cang was like this, the more he added national attributes.

This shows that Chen Cang has a sense of honor and belonging to the motherland.

To put it simply, this is a person who has a more serious view of the country.

So, this makes the old man unhappy?

As the old man said.

However, it is not complete.

Chen Cang does not need to be a senior technical talent.

I am me, should I send it to the door if you need me?

Since you are the Queen of England, should I take the initiative to post it?

of course not!

If so, what is the point of my efforts?

Is it to serve the richer and more capable people? Try to lick them?

of course not!

We work hard for self-reliance.

We work hard for independence!

Everything we do is simply so that we can say no!

That's right, like now, Chen Cang can say no!

Ability to say no.

Because besides me, you will never find another person in this world who can do this operation.

Chen Cang has such confidence.

Even though I have talked about the procedure of the operation.

Can you understand?

Can you do well if you understand?

You know, there is only one chance!

Take risks and try as much as possible.

Chen Cang knew that in the future, he might stand on these international stages more than once.

Invited by countless people to their country for treatment or treatment, to those powerful and big families.

However, Chen Cang did not want to see that day.

What he hopes to see is that one day, members of those big families will come all the way to see a doctor.

This is ability!

While I have the ability to say no, I also have the ability to get your respect.

Here, after the queen heard this, she really fell silent. She said, "Director Xiao, Professor Chen, I'm sorry, but wait a moment, we need to discuss this matter."

Hearing the queen's words, Xiao Runfang nodded: "Okay."

The remote conference is temporarily cut off.

All the people around looked at Chen Cang with mixed feelings.

At this moment, even Hong Ji suddenly realized that the biggest gap between himself and Chen Cang was here.

Even if he was the team leader, he never said: No!

However, when Chen Cang said that he had no time today, Hong Ji was really happy in his heart!

Yes indeed!

You want to get our treatment, and you want us to take it to your door.

Moreover, the point is that William is still in our hands.

Chen Cang's words are really cool.

These old experts and professors seem to see a special dawn at this moment.

You can say no!

Xiao Runfang glanced at Chen Cang with a smile on his face. Chen Cang's refusal just now seemed to be a refusal and it did not give the British royal family face.


In the final analysis, if you think about it carefully, isn't this actually winning glory for the country?

This is to tell the other party in Chen Cang's voice that we don't need to take the initiative to deliver the service.

Seeing that Chen Cang didn't care about the olive branch that the British royal family ran out of, Xiao Runfang's heart was naturally beautiful.

And not everyone is happier...

After the video is closed!

The queen's face was not good-looking, and being so rejected was really uncomfortable.

What's more, the other party is just a doctor!

Similarly, the experts and professors at the scene were also a little aggrieved.

After all, the queen is their best honor, and the queen is rejected. What is the difference between being...?

Yili (it was blocked after she wrote it all) looked at the experts present and couldn't help but ask: "Professors, you have seen Chen Cang's surgical procedure just now."

"I wonder if the professors understand?"

Everyone nodded!

"Understood, in fact, after a careful thought, it was just a cut of the trigeminal nerve in the medullary spinal tract."

"Yes, indeed!"

"Professor Chen Cang is very thoughtful. He is very good at anatomical research. There is no anatomical basis for this operation, and it cannot be done at all!"

After hearing everyone say this, Queen Elli looked happy.

"Very well, I knew that our professors at the Royal College of Medicine are trustworthy!"

"Professors, if Prince William comes back and his surgery is handed over to you, it shouldn't be a big problem, right? Who can do it?"

Hearing the queen's question, the scene fell silent.

Everyone looked at each other, speechless.

The reason is simple!

It seems simpler, it takes two steps to think about it, one step is to open the skull, and the other is to close the skull.

Well, very simple operation.

But if it is really operated, the difficulty is very high.

Just look at the faces of these professors.

One by one, awkwardly watching his nose and nose, he didn't say a word, and didn't dare to breathe out.

It was a stalemate for ten minutes.

Queen Yili's patience was finally exhausted.

Such a team invites Professor Chen Cang to come to the UK?

It's not embarrassing enough to be here!

Too helpless. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

That's it.

She waved her hand and sighed: "Then it is decided to let William perform surgery in China. Who of you wants to see it?"

Before the words fell, everyone immediately raised their hands.

Yili is helpless, you group of boneless bones.

I just said that, and all raised their hands. Are you surrendering?

These professors blushed and said nothing.

No one wants to take down such an opportunity to witness surgery.

Queen Elli made a decision after hesitating for a while.

A plan to visit China to deepen China-UK medical exchanges, promote friendly exchanges, and establish medical cooperation came to mind.

Go must go.

But how can I not lose face?

After the video is restored.

Xiao Runfang smiled and asked, "Your Majesty, how are you thinking about it?"

Yili smiled slightly: "In fact, we have always hoped to establish a good Sino-British medical cooperation with China. I think this is an opportunity!"

"I believe in Professor Chen Cang, and I also believe in Chinese medical care. I agree with William to perform surgery in China!"

"After three days, I will take our experts for a tour."

Xiao Runfang smiled: "I look forward to the Queen's arrival."

When the others heard Queen Yili's words, they were immediately pleasantly surprised.


I really agreed.

Take the initiative to see a doctor.

Should Professor Chen ask for consultation fees next?

That's right!

This is more face.

Chen Cangcai ignored everyone. He smiled and said to Queen Yili: "Thank the Queen for her understanding, but for the operation, I will definitely go all out!"

Yili smiled.

It's not understanding, it's hard to dismantle people.

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