When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1656: : Sign the informed consent form!

After Chen Cang saw the system prompt, he was stunned!

[State of scientific research assistance guidance]?

What use is this...

【Ding! Scientific research assistant guidance status: After the activation status, scientific research can be carried out under the guidance and assistance of the system to expand scientific research thinking, improve scientific research ability, and improve scientific research speed and inspiration.

Reminder: This state is very precious, please grasp it carefully and don't waste it! 】

After Chen Cang heard the system prompt, he suddenly remembered the original [Famous Teacher Guidance], which was very powerful, and even the posture of going to the toilet was clearly explained!

Now this scientific research aid plus guidance is definitely enough!

Thinking of this, Chen Cang felt more and more that he had to fool the queen away as soon as possible, and then began the journey of Parkinson's research.

It is best to draw a successful end to this trip to the capital before going back.

Chen Cang has feelings!

This reward this time will definitely allow him to overcome Parkinson.



The day of the operation came unexpectedly.

There are many police cars around the capital emergency center.

In the past, the scalpers, Erdao drug dealers, medical professionals, gray ambulances... and a series of surrounding products disappeared.

The news of the Queen of England's visit to China aroused unease in Ugly Country.

After visiting China, at noon that day, Xiao Runfang and the old leader brought the visiting team and the Queen to the Capital Emergency Center Hospital.

And this time, Chen Cang also officially met William's parents, Queen Eli and Prince Philip.

The old leader personally introduced Chen Cang.

Queen Yili looked at Chen Cang with a calm expression.

She thought for a long time how to say hello and what to say after meeting Chen Cang.

But after seeing Chen Cang, the 70-year-old man really couldn't figure out how this young man came up to reject him?

Isn't our noble medal not alluring at all?

(Don't refer to the 94-year-old queen of reality. This story is purely coincidental. If there is any similarity, it is purely made up. Yes, the parallel world, otherwise it is too similar and easy to be blocked.)

After the introduction of the old leader, Chen Cang also took the initiative to bow and greet him, but he did not appear humble or arrogant.

After all, there should be no less etiquette.

These British experts and officials also looked at Chen Cang a little curious.

It was this person who refused the Queen's invitation.

Yili was also very polite when she saw Chen Cang, and she was also relieved.

To be honest, she was actually... very worried that Chen Cang would do something.

Queen Yili nodded and smiled: "It's nice to meet you, Professor Chen Cang!"

"Thank you very much for operating on William. You will have our most sincere friendship."

Yili smiled very kindly. If most people see the queen being so polite to herself, they will be very excited.


Chen Cang was very calm.


In the curiosity of everyone, Chen Cang faintly took out a pen from the pocket of his white coat.

This action directly made everyone alert!

Even the bodyguards around the Queen and the old leader changed their faces: What is he going to do!

At this moment, Chen Cang handed the pen to the queen and said something that made everyone feel unforgettable.

"Hello, Ms. Yili, I am William's chief surgeon. This is the informed consent form for the operation. This is the condition notice. This is... Just sign here!"

Even the leader was taken aback by this sentence!

I almost couldn't help laughing.

In this scene, everyone present was dumbfounded!

Looking at Chen Cang's serious face, he found that this man... is not joking.

God's informed consent.

This is too... amazing.

Xiao Runfang couldn't help covering his face.

And the old horse behind him saw this scene, his scalp was tingling!

With a cry in his heart, Chen Cang, a dog thief, has forced his cultivation to a superb level part-time.

There was no wave of gratitude for the Queen, but instead pulled out an informed consent form for her to sign.

This operation is absolutely amazing!

Brother, born to be a doctor, you are so showy!

Queen Yili looked at Chen Cang and stared at him earnestly, with shock on her face!

To be honest, the queen in her seventies has experienced a lot of things.

But, to be honest, she has seen it with humility and humility, and has seen it with disdain, and there are more people who slapped the horse!


She swears that she has never seen such a show.

Looking at the pen handed over by Chen Cang.

She really didn't know whether to pick it up or not.

Chen Cang said earnestly: "This is the procedure of the operation, sorry, I can't do it for you without this."

Xiao Runfang nodded, proving that Chen Cang did not deliberately find fault.


Queen Yili and Prince Philip, with the help of seven or eight medical experts behind them, spent a lot of effort to analyze each clause.


The two signed.

Chen Cang smiled slightly: "Thank you for your cooperation."

After speaking, he turned to everyone and said, "I am ready to start the operation."

The old Ma, who was stubborn, had long since entered Chen Cang's team.

The queen winked at the experts.

Several experts quickly followed Chen Cang into the operating room.

The operation is about to begin.

The anesthesia is Zhou He.

Chief sword Chen Cang.

One help Wu Hui.

Hu Chuanbang, Second Help~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xue Zhengren and Yang Ming also came here to help, and do some dispensable work.

Wu Hui is now Chen Cang's right-hand man.

To be honest, Wu Hui is very grateful to Chen Cang. If it were not for Chen Cang, how could he have the opportunity to stand on such a platform?

Looking at the academicians around them, they all looked at themselves enviously.

All of this, Wu Hui is very contented and very interesting.

At this time, William appeared in the office, his hair had been shaved.

During the two days of getting along, William and Chen Cang also began to talk and laugh.

He found that Chen Cang was really good, a friend who could make equals.

Before the operation started, William smiled and said to Chen Cang: "Chen, if you cure me, I will give you my manor in Hong Kong."

Chen Cang smiled slightly: "Are you sure it's not because you can't pay the management fee?"

William suddenly laughed.

Randomly and seriously even looked at Chen Cang with an imploring look: "Please, Chen!"

Chen Cang smiled: "Well, don't worry."

Seeing William and Chen Cang talking and laughing, Queen Yili and Prince Philip were also relieved.

They did their homework when they came, and heard that in China, the surgeon needed money for the surgeon.


They just forgot.

Thinking of this, Queen Yili was a little worried, but she was relieved when she saw the smiles of Chen Cang and William.

The operation begins.

Zhou He reconfirmed: "The local numbness?"

Chen Cang nodded: "That's right!"

Hearing Chen Cang's words, the expressions of several British experts behind him suddenly changed!

This...Do you use local anesthesia for medullary brainstem surgery?

They all started talking in a low voice.

At this time, Chen Cang, who was about to start the operation, suddenly said harshly: "Watch it quietly, or go out to discuss."

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