When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1668: : I love you guys


Chen Cang has been involved in many disciplines and has been criticized by many people.

The so-called "greed to chew but not chew" has been used by many people to describe Chen Cang.

I think Chen Cang has the opportunity to shine in many fields, but why should he dabble in so many industries?

It happens to be in so many subject areas!

However, Chen Cang has never forgotten his original intention.

Even when he first came out to study, he had such a purpose.

Cardiac surgery is a common critical illness in emergency department, so it is the direction chosen by Chen Cang Research Institute.

Chen Cang also hopes that through the system, he can learn more subjects and enrich his foundation.

Chen Cang glanced at Deng Ming unexpectedly.

Unexpectedly, he knew so much about himself.

Actually, this is not a secret. Chen Cang smiled and said, "Well, you were right, I'm curious, how did you know?"

Deng Ming said happily, "This is actually my dream too!"

"Actually, the proportion of people who can be rescued from emergency room every year is extremely low, and compared to the world, this proportion in China is even lower!"

This is a fact.

It is not purely technological backwardness that is caused by various reasons.

Deng Ming's tone was a little excited.

It seems... after meeting Chen Cang, the desire to express his ideas.

However, in the rescue vehicle, Chen Cang was also idle, so he listened.

Deng Ming said, "Professor Chen, I have been a Doctor Without Borders for a few years, and I have witnessed many pictures with my own eyes!"

"It is impossible to average medical resources, and how to successfully rescue with limited resources is the core appeal of first aid!"

"I think this is very important!"

"Just like an emergency department, patients who can really be sent to the hospital for rescue can even...not strictly be an emergency!"

After talking for a long time, Deng Ming looked at Chen Cang and said, "Professor Chen, I want to follow you!"

"Trust me, I... I am not afraid of hard work."

Chen Cang smiled and said nothing.

Deng Ming didn't care when he saw it.

This is Professor Chen Cang!

The world’s most famous medical genius, if it were so simple, would not be Professor Chen.

However, Deng Ming is confident enough.

He believes that he is okay.

While talking, the car sprinted past to the second building of Jingming Community.

Deng Ming has decided that he must perform well today.

While talking, a group of people went upstairs.

At this time, an old lady was lying on the sofa, breathing a bit hard, and could hear a clear wheeze!

Chen Cang was taken aback for a moment, could it be asthma?


And coughing...

This is a bit curious.

Is it an acute lung infection? Or pneumonia?

Seeing the doctor coming, the patient's family quickly got up, "Doctor, hurry...hurry up and save my mother!"

At this time, the old man was already a little blurred.

Chen Cang frowned when he saw this.

He said to Deng Ming, "Open the airway and give oxygen."

Deng Ming nodded, these things have been prepared in advance.

Does the patient have difficulty breathing, or should I consider COPD first? Or pulmonary heart disease? lung infection?

At this time, when Deng Ming was preparing, Chen Cang had already picked up the stethoscope.

Start auscultation of the heart and lungs.

At this time, the patient's lips have obvious cyanosis, which is the performance of ischemia and hypoxia!

Respiratory disease?

Severe COPD?

Watching the patient grow up with asthma, Deng Ming methodically began to prepare to relax the breathing muscles, and the patient kept breathing.

Chen Cang listened to the voice meticulously, and was surprised to find one thing!

Except for the lower breath sounds in the right lung, the patient's heart and lungs basically did not have any abnormal signs!

This news is undoubtedly a very serious challenge for Chen Cang!

No physical signs, but such a serious situation.

What is the reason?

But at this time, the patient's breathing did not improve much.

Originally, he was unconscious, but now he fainted.

This scene directly scared the family members dumbfounded.

Chen Cang couldn't figure it out, but Deng Ming was already sweating.

Deng Ming did not expect that he would encounter such a dangerous and complicated thing the first time he was on a mission.

Chen Cang couldn't help but roll his eyes!

In this place of the hospital, there is really a phenomenon that bullies newcomers!

It is not the elderly who bully the newcomers, but the patients.

Whenever a newcomer arrives, there will always be a special patient who will give him a chance!

At this moment, Chen Cang suddenly discovered through a stethoscope...

The patient's heartbeat is getting weaker and weaker!


Chen Cang's expression changed.

What the **** is it?

Just took the stethoscope away.

The patient suddenly stopped breathing and cardiac arrest.

At this moment, Deng Ming was suddenly blinded!

Chen Cang was also dumbfounded.

Well...just... stopped my heartbeat and breathing?

Deng Ming was really going to be scared to cry.

Just now, I am very ambitious and talked about how I rescued patients when I was in Afghanistan and Iraq!

But now, in such a peaceful and prosperous city, there are still all kinds of rescue items, but watching the old man's heartbeat and breathing disappear?


Although Deng Ming had soaked his clothes through his sweat, he still reacted quickly and quickly performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The female relatives of the patient's family members were so scared to cry!

Men are also nervous!

Okay, why is it so?

During Deng Ming's cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Chen Cang asked, "How was the old man's health before, and what disease did he have? Are there any predisposing factors for this sudden situation today?"

The series of questions caused the family members of the patients to start saying each other!

"My mother has been in poor health since she was a child and is easy to catch colds!"

"Yes, two coughs in three days, but two cold medicines are fine!"

"Small problems continue, but there are few major problems!"

"Yes, at such an old age, there is neither high blood pressure nor heart disease, just a little activity is asthma and dizziness, people are too weak!"

After Deng Ming did five rounds of CPR, the old man's heartbeat recovered.

"Alright, Professor Chen, I'm recovered!"

Deng Ming was really scared at this moment!

Damn it!

Life is more dangerous than the battlefield.

Indeed, in life, what you need to face is a variety of complex diseases, not simple trauma.

In this way, it is more complicated.

At this time, Chen Cang was taken aback when he saw the **** old lady's heart return to the position where it was beating after it was beating!

Afterwards, place your hand on the patient’s chest and feel the heartbeat gently!


He started percussion of the heart~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing this scene, Deng Ming was dumbfounded.



When do you have a heart percussion?

Are you kidding me?

Deng Ming dared not speak.

At this moment, Chen Cang took a deep breath.

He suddenly thought of a rare disease!

"Saber syndrome!"

Moreover, the situation of the elderly is quite special, maybe we have to deal with it quickly!

The situation cannot be resolved at all here.

At this time, Chen Cang said quickly, "Hurry up to the hospital!"

Deng Ming "do not deal with it?"

Chen Cang shook his head, "I can't do it, go to the hospital first!"

Deng Ming nodded, although he didn't understand what happened to the patient, he could only go with Chen Cang and lift the patient towards the elevator!


Sometimes, if people are unlucky, drinking cold water will stuff their teeth!

A few people just got into the elevator!

Suddenly click!

Power outage!



s too tired today.

Because I was training in my hometown, I got up at four o'clock in the morning, went to see the venue in the morning, and came back at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Take a break, it's just over seven o'clock.

Can't finish writing, so sleepy...

I'll go to bed first, and I will make it up on Saturday tomorrow. I'm really sorry, please support me.

By the way, someone asked me whether my recent writing is science fiction or true.

This is all derived from the true content of the paper and restored through the form.

Again, many of the contents of this book can be restored to life, including surgery.

Of course, there are fake ones too, but I haven't compiled them yet, and there may be ones later.

That will become an imaginative future... Well, it has to be yy.

Good morning everyone.

Love you guys.

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