When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1675: : 1 carelessly... caught the spring?


After returning to the department, the old lady was immediately sent to the ICU for monitoring.

Qiao Chengan carefully considered every detail and inspected the old lady.

Not because of how tall and mighty the old lady's family members are, but because Chen Cang is Qiao Chengan's benefactor.

If it weren't for Chen Cang, my own home would have been gone!

Not to mention the wife's illness.

So when Qiao Chengan encountered this situation, he took the initiative to use his power to help Chen Cang reduce hidden dangers.

This kind of out-of-office surgery is a lot of trouble, even if it is successful, it can be found out, let alone failure.

A successful doctor often has a group of people behind him helping him with the aftermath.

Perhaps, it can also be called...wiping your ass!

Wu Tongfu came out of the intensive care unit, looked at Qiao Chengan, and asked worriedly: "Is it all right?"

Qiao Chengan nodded: "It's okay, but there are some infections. If anti-infection treatment is given, the problem should not be big."

"The patient's heart and lung functions are extremely poor. If you really wait to be sent to the hospital, you must...the people will be gone!"

Hearing Qiao Chengan's words, the family members of the patients and several doctors around him were a little grateful.

"Fortunately, you met Professor Chen, but if you change individuals, you may not dare to do this kind of thing in the elevator."

"The old lady is very lucky!"

Listening to the feelings of several doctors, the patient's family members thought of Chen Cang's face, and their heartfelt gratitude was born.

At this time, Chen Cang just came out, and the family members of four or five patients rushed over:

"Professor Chen! Thank you very much!"

"Without you, my mother today...hey, thank you very much."

In the corridor, the patients who came and went, seeing this scene, seemed to have a lot more trust in their hearts.

Chen Cang smiled: "It's okay, it should be, take good care of your mother."

After speaking, Chen Cang got up and went back to the office.

After walking, Chen Cang felt really good. It had something to do with his mood. Of course... Sometimes, it could also be because a pair of comfortable underwear is more pleasant than a pair of comfortable pants.

After Deng Ming returned to the office, he quickly inquired about information.

I searched a lot, but couldn't find what Chen Cang called "correction of pulmonary venous drainage without extracorporeal circulation"!

Is it because I have little knowledge?

He contacted the teacher at Harvard Medical School. After the phone was connected, when Deng Ming told the teacher what happened today, he didn't expect that the teacher was stunned!

After a long time, he slowly said, "Deng Ming, your chance is really good!"

"You know Simon?"

Deng Ming nodded: "Well, the star surgeon at Cleveland Medical Center, a student of President Wren."

The teacher slowly said: "Ryan and Simon have applied to study in China a long time ago. It has been more than half a year since the Chinese name is called Ma Simeng, but... they have never had a chance."

"It's really a rare opportunity for you to follow Professor Chen. Come on!"

After hanging up the phone, Deng Ming realized.

I... accidentally caught the spring?



In the following time, Deng Ming was completely integrated into the work of the department.

Whether it's sticking up a laboratory test sheet, asking for a medical history, or a physical examination, Deng Ming is always at the forefront.

This surprised Hou Liang.

The young Harvard doctor who was still arrogant two days ago has suddenly changed sex?

To be honest, when Deng Ming first came, he was not welcome.

In fact, any system is like this, and there is xenophobia.

Especially Deng Ming is a little proud.

But now, looking at this sensible, hardworking and well-behaved Deng Ming, Hou Liang is still a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, Chen Cang finally received a call from Yang Lan.

"Professor Chen, you will have time, I have found a new partner!"

When Chen Cang heard the sound, his expression was happy!

"Oh? Who?"

Yang Lan quickly said, "Leader of the Alzheimer's Disease Project Department of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Professor Zhang Muzhang!"

"I heard from my friend that Professor Zhang's project is about to end, and we just contact him now."

"Professor Zhang is a major player in the field of pharmacology research in my country. The most important thing is that people have a ready-made team in their hands. I think we can fight for it.

"After all, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's have many similarities. He has Alzheimer's drug development experience, and he will definitely get started with Parkinson's quickly!"

Chen Cang's heart was indeed moved after listening to Yang Lan's words.

"Well, you say time, we will go there together."

Yang Lan nodded: "Okay, Professor Chen will go personally. I believe the success rate will be very high. I will contact Professor Zhang now!"

"With the addition of Professor Zhang, our process will be faster!"

Yang Lan was a little excited.

And why is Chen Cang like that?

After hanging up.

Chen Cang turned on the computer and directly searched for Zhang Mu.

Interlacing is still like a mountain.

Although they are both connected with medicine, Chen Cang and Zhang Mu are both famous figures, but they just don't know!

However, Chen Cang is engaged in clinical practice, and Professor Zhang is engaged in scientific research. The two systems are still very different.

The next query really surprised Chen Cang~www.wuxiaspot.com~Zhang Mu: Currently a researcher at the Capital Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, engaged in neurological and immunopharmacological research and new drug research, concurrently serving as a national "major new drug" An expert in the overall group of the major special project, the vice chairman of pharmacology of the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Pharmacology, the Chinese Pharmacological Society...

Looking at this large number of positions, Chen Cang was salivating!

In these days, Chen Cang has also developed a sharp eye.

how to say?

Some of these social and academic positions have high gold content, and some are purely nameless.

For example, the World Medical Federation and the World Federation of Pharmacology, one word difference, one is the fighter in the cottage, and the other is the International Association of Niubi!

This is no different from Pheasant University.

And what kind of associations at home and abroad, on both sides of the Taiwan Strait...This series of associations are really emerging in an endless stream. Look at the tall, carefully check... Not to mention!

With the addition of this big man, Chen Cang felt that the research progress would definitely speed up.

The current Parkinson's research has reached a critical link.

What is missing is such a pharmacological expert.

Another expert in molecular biology will live.

In the afternoon that day, Yang Lan called Chen Cang back, but... the tone was a little subtle:

"Professor Chen, I contacted Professor Zhang."

"But... there may be some changes in the situation."

Chen Cang was taken aback for a moment, and asked quickly: "What's the matter?"

Yang Lan sighed: "I didn't know it for a while, and the news may not be accurate. I also heard what my friends said, so let's talk about it when we meet in the evening."

"At seven o'clock in the evening, Professor Zhang asked us to chat in the laboratory."

Chen Cang nodded: "Okay, you send me the address."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Cang was a little unsure.

However, let's talk about it later.

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