When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1681: : I am incompetent!


"Goodbye, my science, my college!"

The appearance of this sentence directly caused many people to cry!

Once, these are our beliefs.

Nowadays, faith has collapsed under the pressure of life.

Science is still faith, but we no longer dare to believe it, because I can't believe it!

It's like I can't afford a car and a house.

I can't believe it!

"Goodbye, my science, my college!"

Below the post, there were many replies, and they even swiped the screen.

"Reported by a researcher from the Faculty of Physics!"

"Reported by a researcher from the **** Academy of Biomedical Sciences!"


For a while, this place turned out to be a place to check in.

Some people have said that the more people there are, the more bitterness there will be.

The visible prosperity cannot conceal the invisible bitterness after all.

Everyone didn't understand before, but now.

Looking at the familiar faces, everyone looked at the text, but they were already in tears.

What they bid farewell is not other things, but past beliefs.

They were moved to tears, not others, but the past.

They want to bow to their former self and say, "Thank you!"

I also want to toast a glass of wine to my former dream and say, "I'm sorry!"

Dreams are always out of reach, spring, where are you?

We waited year after season, but finally withered in winter.

"I am 35 years old, my child is 5 years old, and my wife is 33."

"I took the Hukou in the capital, but I didn't enjoy the capital's dividends."

"The envy of others puts me under pressure."

"I can't go home because I'm afraid of being looked down upon."

"The children of elementary school classmates have gone to elementary school and even started junior high school. Classmates from university who did not enter graduate school have switched to medicine. They are now the regional general manager, driving a Wrangler, living in a villa, and can afford it. The house in the capital prepares children for the funds for studying abroad."

"I don't go to every gathering because I'm so afraid that my veil of hypocrisy will be exposed, revealing my false prosperity and dreams of poverty."

"When we are with friends, we talk about children the most, because we dare not talk about dreams."

"Now, I finally understand a sentence: How can I dare to enter the prosperity when I am a poor person, and how can I dare to mislead the beautiful woman with the breeze."

"As a husband, I am incompetent,

As a father, I am incompetent,

As the Son of Man, I am incompetent! "

"This glass of wine toasts you, what you used to be, you used to be full of enthusiasm, you used to go forward bravely, you used to be in white clothes, you used to be humble and great!"

"Sorry teacher, I'm sorry for your appreciation and cultivation of me.

In the past, did I always look down on you and bow down to the leader?

But now I found out: You have kept your life faith in a poor body! "



The person who wrote this confession did not flinch, and directly posted an offer below.

This is an invitation letter from California, USA!

The salary given to him above is $200,000 per year.

After seeing such news, everyone did not blame each other.

Everyone can't blame it.

If the gain is not proportional to the effort, how long can such persistence last?

Qi Lianshan sat in the office and sighed.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences is a high-ranking official unit.

It is at the same level as the Ministry of Education and is directly under the jurisdiction of China gwy.

Who could have imagined that such a thing would happen.

in fact……

This is not the first time that I have resigned, but this time the number is really too large.

Although these people have not resigned yet.


The speech outside has been overwhelming.

It must be dealt with in time now, or else it's really going to the end, but don't let it go.

In the office, both Yu Shuangyong and Zhang Mu were silent and somewhat silent.


I don't know who sighed first.

The other two also sighed "Hey".

This problem is no longer something they can solve.

A scientific research institute such as the Chinese Scientific Research Institute is a high-ranking official unit, which is at the same level as the officials in Xinjiang.

This means that many people will rush to it.

However, even Qilian Mountain, the dean of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, cannot control the deep-rooted environment.

"Goodbye, my science, my hospital!" Qilianshan muttered to himself, his nose sour.

"Hey... don't blame the children!"

The old man let out a long sigh, and slowly said to himself where he was:

"It's our fault and didn't support them."

Qilian Mountain is only 63 years old this year, but it looks like a 70-year-old man, his hair has long been lost, and his complexion is very bad because of staying up all night for a long time.

Zhang Mu couldn't help saying: "President, everyone has not left yet."

"I...I haven't approved yet."

Qilianshan sighed, "It's okay if it's approved."

"I can still move... the pot!"

After speaking, Zhang Mu and Yu Shuangyong suddenly noticed the old man's back. They bent over at some unknown time. Are they old?

Someone must be responsible for this matter.

Zhang Mu couldn't hold on to such a big event.

"Professor Zhang, you are worried, this matter will not affect you."

Although Qilian Mountain is old ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is loud and loud.

Zhang Mu sighed: "Dean, I'm not afraid to take the blame."

But, speaking of this, Zhang Mu suddenly said:

"President, in fact...we still have a chance, and I have not approved their resignation."

"I told them to give me a week. If the problem cannot be solved, I agree to everyone leaving."

Qilian Mountain was taken aback: "One week? Why?"

Zhang Mu blushed and did not speak yet.

Yu Shuangyong couldn't help but said in surprise: "Lao Zhang, you... are you stupid? Do you really believe that Chen Cang can get you a research institute?"

"This is not a problem that one billion 800 million can solve at all!"

"This...hey! The more you live, the more naive you are?"

When Qilian Mountain heard the sound, he became curious: "What's the matter?"

Zhang Mu then explained what Chen Cang had gone to the research institute that day.

After listening to it, Qilianshan couldn't help but his eyes lit up!


Immediately sighed again.

This is too difficult.

Moreover, if the government is not tough, scientific research is ultimately unfair.

What is needed is not only funding, but also a scientific research environment.

Can Chen Cang give it?

too difficult!

It's a pity that if Chen Cang gives him a few more years to let him grow to a certain level, maybe he can really support the sky.


Now he is fledgling...

Moreover, this huge and deep-rooted relationship cannot be changed overnight!

What is needed is boldness and courage to draw salaries!

Moreover, what is needed is the cooperation of the government.

Need to be united.

What is needed is a soul figure.

Chen Cang can be a soul figure, but...

Is there any leader who has the determination to move forward?

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