When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1695: : The resignation of 400 people!

   The next day, Chen Cang returned home in a low-key manner with money.

   In the first-class cabin, Chen Cang looked at the clouds outside the window beautifully, and he was suddenly relieved!

it's good now!

   We have money, we have a place, and even top talents have been abducted from the United States.

   The Tedanis Laboratory made an announcement on the day Chen Cang left!

   said that the Tedanis laboratory was officially disbanded, and he and some of the key members of the studio will be merged into the Chen Cang research institute together with Tedanis.

   Less than half a day after the announcement, it instantly entered the field of vision of countless scientific researchers.

   For a while, there was a lot of discussion outside!

   has everything to say.

   "This Tedanis is too soft, and once failed, he joined the opponent's camp!"

   "Yes, Roche has invested a lot of money in him. What about it now? Just leave!"

   "A lot of people in the laboratory blocked them, but they didn't stop them. Taidanis even fired these people!"

   "Tedanis disappointed me so much, I still want to win the Nobel Prize? It's a far cry!"

   "Indeed, a person who doesn't insist on his own ideas, talk about scientific research workers!"


   There have been more and more attacks on Tedanis on social media.

   However, to everyone's surprise, none of Tedanis and his team came out to speak.

   Taidanis even stopped everyone's impulse.

   They are already doing all kinds of finishing work, after finishing, they are about to leave here and go to China!

  For this line, everyone is full of expectations.

   At the beginning, when they faced such a sudden change, they were also full of puzzles and doubts.

   even said to Tedanis: "Professor, we can start all over again!"

   "That is, we are not afraid of losing!"

   "I don't even care about the eyes of others!"


   Taidanis looked at these people willing to follow him at this time, and was a little touched!

   But he didn't insist, but said to everyone faintly:

   "Thank you everyone, thank you for your trust, but I really want to scold you, because you should not trust me, but science!

   If we do scientific research, we can allow ourselves to fail, but we must not deny our mistakes.

  The industry we do is full of countless unknown forks.

   We have never been afraid of others' mockery, but blind cognition. "

   "I'm very fortunate that we are still fighting side by side, but starting today, we need another person to take us forward."

   "Obviously, I...may not be the leader."

   "Professor Chen is very good. He actively invited me to join, regardless of the premonitions, and even welcome everyone."

   "And, please believe me, this time we go to China, we will gain honor and dream!"

After   , everyone was not talking and arguing, and left again. This is inevitable. Not everyone is willing to go to a strange country and city.


   is determined to stay.

   This morning.

   Countless media and reporters gathered outside the luxurious laboratory building, but at this time the laboratory was already empty.

   Various discussions have begun in the media!

   But in the face of such a situation, the two magazines "Nature" and "Physiology Review" made their voices at the same time!

   Support Tedanis!

   also expressed that they are very optimistic about the CP of Chen Cang and Tedanis!

   is an authoritative magazine after all. Their vocalization has reduced the offensive speech a lot, and many people have begun to think about this issue rationally.

   Although I do not want to admit it, it is undeniable!

   Tedanis will definitely become the Nobel Prize winner when he goes to China this time.

   Similarly, Chen Cang will definitely become!

   Therefore, most of the current swearers and despisers are those who admire jealousy and competition.



   After returning to China, Chen Cang went directly to the former Alzheimer's Institute of New Drugs.

   The gate here has been replaced with a new name.

   Chen Cang happily ran towards the office building.

   is holding a huge sum of money!

   with excitement!

  He wants to tell everyone, we are rich!

   At this time, many people stood in the courtyard of the huge research institute.

   Chen Cang saw this, and was too embarrassed to go up and bother, so he froze in place.

  A meeting?

   He saw Zhang Mu standing on the platform under the national flag in front, with more than 400 people standing underneath. They should be all scientific research workers, right?

   Chen Cang stood there, waiting.

   After all, it is inconvenient to interrupt during a meeting.

   Here, some people pass by one after another.

   After Chen Cang saw it, he asked curiously: "Hello, excuse me, why don't you go to the meeting?"

   Several young people smiled: "Oh, we are from the Institute of New Cardiovascular Drugs. Professor Zhang and they are now leaving for the last flag-raising ceremony."

   Chen Cang heard the sound and nodded.

   "Oh... have you all moved in?"

   Those people nodded: "Yes, the leader urged us to start research as soon as possible."

   "Our professors are also worried that they won't be able to get results. At that time... our project department will not escape the fate of Professor Zhang."

   "I heard... Originally, 212 of them chose to leave, but now, no one has left."

   A few people chatted and left in no hurry, watching Zhang Mu's final flag ceremony.

   Listening to Zhang Mu's voice from afar!

   "Everyone will take a break these two days. When Professor Chen comes back, we will leave!"

   "I believe ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time we leave, we are for a better future!"

   After hearing this, the people around couldn’t help saying:

   "Professor Chen is really capable!"

   "Who would say no? I am a little envious of such a good talent policy, housing, children's school, and family work."

"What are you envious of, Professor Chen is amazing, but... I heard that now they have an uncertain future there, and they didn't say anything about the treatment. How many of them have a way out for scientific research in China? Private!

  Which of the large foreign scientific research institutions is not supported by a large group, or how expensive it is to study a new drug, if I don’t know, the cost of researching a new drug this year has reached 800 million US dollars. Who can hold it! "

   Another older person sighed and said, "This time, I really don't know whether it is good or bad. One is a stable development trajectory within the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the other is a beautiful blueprint outside the system. No one can sleep well!"

   Hearing this sentence, a young man suddenly asked, "Teacher, what do you mean? Isn't Professor Chen Cang's scientific research institution in Dongyang Province also built by the provincial government? Isn't it a career editor?"

   The older middle-aged man sighed, "No! That is a private scientific research unit, and Dongyang Province is willing to support it, hey! This time, Dean Zhang has already left the job collectively with more than 400 people!"


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