When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1701: : Proof of neurosurgery transfer!

【Ding! Congratulations, the mission is completed, an elite force has been successfully created, and a neurosurgery emergency team has been successfully established. After the mission is completed, get the neurosurgery transfer mission! 】

   Accompanied by the sound of a beep, Chen Cang was suddenly surprised!

   even completed the task without knowing it?

   Thinking of this, Chen Cang was really excited.

   This emergency neurosurgery team, Chen Cang, is more concerned about Wu Hui and Huang Binhai.

   I didn't expect to complete the task so quickly.

  The task requires five people to be proficient in one neurosurgery operation at the same time, or three people have master-level skills in surgery.

   Looking carefully, something that made Chen Cang curious happened.

   Wu Hui’s Parkinson's surgery has become a master, and his intracranial tumor resection has also been unknowingly promoted to a master.

   And Huang Binhai is probably the youngest master skill: intracranial hematoma debridement.

   And there is another person, Liu Tao, whose master skill is phlebectomy.

   The other two are also proficient in surgery.

   Chen Cang is very satisfied with this result.

【Ding! You have over-fulfilled the task, and at the same time you have five doctors who are proficient in surgical procedures, three have master skills, and you have obtained rare neurosurgery transfer certificates. 】

   Chen Cang was very surprised and took out the task reward.

   This is a job transfer certificate with golden light.

   Chen Cang looked at this golden transfer certificate and was a little delighted.

   Neurosurgery was successfully transferred, and this time of study is also considered to be complete.

   The harvest this year is really great.

   Next, I only need a [transfer item] to successfully transfer, right?

Chen Cang has discovered a pattern. Usually, this kind of [promotion item] is rarely exploded. After all, Chen Cang's king-level boos have also killed a lot, but they have never exploded. After the transfer certificate, the transfer items can be obtained.

   Thinking of this, Chen Cang suddenly looked forward to it.

   After all, the neurosurgery skill tree was opened. After Chen Cang returned, he could control the overall situation as an emergency department director.

   Actually, there is a big difference between being a director and being a good doctor.

   If Chen Cang doesn't have a job transfer certificate, he has strong neurosurgery skills, and he can do such an operation at best. If he doesn't, he can choose to ask for help.

   However, there are all kinds of patients in the emergency department, you can't choose the patients!

  What you can do is to be fully prepared to face various diseases.

   To put it bluntly, with the transfer certificate, I feel more at ease.

   Walking on the way to work, Chen Cang felt that he was worthy of Lao Yu if he left now.

   After all, he has cultivated a slightly elite force.

   Emergency neurosurgery, the strength of this team is pretty good.

   Thinking of this, Chen Cang didn't feel a pity.

   Waiting to go back, there is Wu Hui in, plus the few newly recruited people, it can be regarded as operational, and then continue to improve it.

   After all, Ammonium is not the capital, there are not so many patients with multiple diseases, and it is not so stressful.


   Chen Cang came to the hospital early this morning, and went to see Xiao Nan and Xiao Bei by the way.

   Xiao Nan's symptoms have been significantly relieved, and he squeezed into a bed with his younger brother Xiao Bei, and accompanied Xiao Bei.

   Although Xiaobei hasn't improved yet, his temperature has dropped and he needs to be hospitalized for some time.

   The two children are fine, and Chen Cang is no longer worried.

   After the shift in the morning, Yu Yonggang called Chen Cang to the office.

   After coming in, Lao Yu suddenly smiled.

   That's right!

   Lao Yu smiles very little, but today Lao Yu may be in a good mood and even laughed.

   Chen Cang also laughed.

   Lao Yu was stunned:

"Why are you laughing?"

  Chen Cang was taken aback: "This... Director Yu is so happy, there must be something good."

   Lao Yu nodded and smiled: "Well, yes, I have good news for you."

   "Sit down and talk."

  Chen Cang nodded and walked beside Lao Yu.

   In fact, Lao Yu's influence on Chen Cang has been subtle throughout the year.

   The emergency department is different from other medical and surgical departments.

   The nature of work determines the working atmosphere.

   There is no room for carelessness. Lao Yu's management of doctors is semi-militarized, very rigorous, with clear division of labor, and individual responsibilities.

   Including the atmosphere Chen Cang felt, it is indispensable to emergency doctors.

  Sometimes, the emergency department is not so much a group of doctors, it is better to say that the emergency department is a group of soldiers who are ready to call at all times.

   Because, it seems that only the emergency department cannot refuse the patient.

  110, 119 and 120.

   These three calls are probably going deep into the heart of every Chinese.

   As long as you call, no matter whether it costs money or not, someone is definitely coming. These cannot be refused.

   Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that soldiers are trained in emergency room.

  Yu Yonggang's time this year has a relatively large impact on Chen Cang.

   Lao Yu smiled and looked at Chen Cang: "Actually, a good personality is a good thing, but as a director, you must have a sense of distance from the doctor below."

   "Because the relationship is too close, some people will think your words don't work well."

   "However, in the emergency department, life-threatening matters, sometimes your words are military orders and must be enforced, so...Chen Cang, you have to pay attention to this."

  Chen Cang nodded: "Thank you, Director, I see."

   Yu Yonggang nodded, feeling a little,

   One year ago, Chen Cang, who used simple intervention techniques to rescue patients, now... has reached such a height.

   To be honest, Yu Yonggang himself is a little bit emotional.

  Actually, it is hard to reach the peak of academics in this life for emergency patients.

   Because you are not deep enough in any subject.

   Yu Yonggang is also very open-minded, he doesn't seem to care about it at all.

  The same is true of old horses.

   He and Lao Yu are similar in some ways.

   The spirit and energy almost came out of a mold.

   In Lao Yu's words, Lao Ma is the soldier he trained.

   Yu Yonggang said as he took out an envelope from the drawer and handed it to Chen Cang: "Open it and have a look."

  Chen Cang was a little curious: "What?"

   said, opening the envelope casually.

   Chen Cang found that there were also some certificates of advanced studies.

   Chen Cang was stunned when he saw it!

   He discovered that one of them turned out to be an old horse.

   Immediately afterwards, he continued to look back.

   Huang Binhai!

   Liu Tao!


   Chen Cang was shocked the more he looked!

   The entire emergency neurosurgery team, the team members trained by Chen Cang are there.

   There are two or three people in orthopedics.

   Ma Yuehui's name is among them.

   There are two other members of the third group.

  A total of eight people!

   After Chen Cang finished watching, to be honest, he was surprised a lot.

   Yu Yonggang smiled and said, "These people are most familiar to you."

   "Your emergency department has just started, and I am just an ordinary emergency department director...I can't help."

   "It’s hard to finish things at the beginning, but it’s not easy to get started."

   "The emergency neurosurgery team was brought out by your own hands. You can use these people first. You can use them smoothly. You can stay, if they don't, you can return them."

   "Ma Yuehui...Although the people are a little mixed, it's very good, and your relationship is good. His orthopedics is very good. This time I sent him to him. He still doesn't know. You can talk to him."

   "Actually, Ma Yuehui has a good surgical talent, especially in orthopedics. Unfortunately, his family... restricts his development, coupled with me in the emergency department, there is no future for development!"

   said this, Lao Yu was a little embarrassed.

   "This, Chen Cang, I beg you, Ma Yuhui."

   "He has a good chance of becoming a top orthopedic surgeon, but over the years, he has been with me for too long, and he does all the dirty work in the emergency department. To be honest... I'm actually in my heart, sometimes I feel guilty."

   "I was in the orthopedics department at the time, and you have heard of Ma Yuehui too, but he came directly after I came out to the emergency room."

   "You said, there are already 40 people, so I can't just keep doing this!"

   "He, you know, I always feel that everything doesn't matter, but in fact... there is also a strong energy in my bones."

   "Help him if you can."

   Chen Cang felt a lot of joy in his heart when he thought of the old horse going to Yangyang with him.

   He thinks that Lao Ma and Lao Chen will match very well.


   At least both of them are the masters of soft food and hard food!

   Lao Chen is very chic now. He does surgery every day and doesn't worry about money at all.

   After all, there is a good-looking, virtuous wife who can make money. What is the experience?

   Lao Ma and Lao Chen know this very well.

   They must have a common topic.

   Chen Cang smiled: "Well, good."

   "Director Yu, I can't guarantee anything else, but...when he comes back, I will give you an academician and a triple prize!"

   After Lao Yu heard this, his breathing became stagnant.

   He hesitated for a long time, and snorted: "I want to go what you said!"

   "This dog... is really **** luck!"

   About this, Chen Cang also has to admit.

   good background!

  Good wife!

   But I can always meet noble people.

   What else can I say?

   Although Yu Yonggang said dog things on his lips, he was still very happy inside: "You have a heart."



   came out of Lao Yu's office.

  Chen Cang is really happy.

   The emergency neurosurgery team packs it away.

  In addition to Lao Ma and two emergency orthopedic backbones, it is a perfect configuration.

   Lao Yu still has me in his heart.

   Back to the office, Lao Ma walked over like Chen Cang with a magnet.

   stabbed Chen Cang in the arm with an elbow, widened his eyes and asked, "What did Lao Yu tell you?"

  Chen Cang smiled and said, "It's a good fate to say that you are a dog!"

   Lao Ma didn't mind, but sneered: "He is envy! Naked envy!"

  Chen Cang suddenly said curiously: "Leader Ma, I have a doubt, I want to ask you."

   Lao Ma was taken aback: "You say it!"

   Chen Cang smiled and said, "You said, if I become your director one day, how would you call me?"

   Lao Ma sneered: "Bah, you are the only one who is still my director. I, Ma Yuhui, starved to death..."

   In the future, Lao Yu appeared: "Ma Yuehui, you come to my office."

   Lao Ma glanced at Chen Cang: "When I come back, I will talk to you well!"

   Chen Cang suddenly smiled.


Ten minutes later.

   Lao Ma looked at Chen Cang griefly: "Cang'er, promise me one thing, can I not see you Director Chen?"

   Xu Aiqing was sitting there looking at the medical record. Hearing Lao Ma’s words, he almost couldn't hold back a smile.

   "Hahaha... laughed at me!" Li Yue also laughed directly.

  Chen Cang smiled and said, "You don't even starve to death..."

   Old Ma’s head was like a rattle, shaking back and forth: "No, I'm really starving to death."

   "As long as you can be an academician with you, my old horse... Mainly, I think it's weird to call you the director."

   Hearing what the old horse said, everyone was stunned.

What does    mean?

   Call the director to be an academician?

   There is such a delicious soft rice in the world?

   Hou Liang saw this and quickly looked at Chen Cang: "Director Chen, what do you think of me? I can call the director!"

   The room boiled suddenly.

   You know, Chen Cang said that you are an academician, and you are basically half stable.

   The rest, basically depends on good luck.

   Lao Ma glared at Hou Liang: "Lao Hou, you are not kind, come first, then come first, I will go first, not much, at most two years, you will go again in two years!"

   Hou Liang was taken aback: "Where to go?"

   Lao Ma said of course: "Go to the academician training base!"

   "Oh! That is the emergency center of Dongyang Second Hospital!"

   "Our hospital has established a partnership with Dongyang Second Hospital, and regularly sends some doctors to exchange and study. I am the first batch!"

   Suddenly, when everyone heard this, their spirits came!

   This is good news after all!

   "Cang'er, that's the decision!" Lao Ma looked at Chen Cang and said seriously.

   Chen Cang was also dumbfounded.

   To be honest, his orthopedics skills are very average.

   is a bone setting technique, which is also a master bone setting technique of Wang Xiangjun, director of the emergency department of the First Hospital of Dongda University.

   With this move, it is obviously unrealistic to try to calm the old horse.


   Flicker first and talk about it later.

"see your performance!"

   The old horse immediately became happy when he heard about it~www.wuxiaspot.com~: "It just happens that my wife is pregnant, so I took it to Amyang to cultivate and cultivate. I heard that there is a villa in yours, is it expensive?"

  Chen Cang nodded: "Well, Jingming Villa Hotel, right? It's close to Jingming Villa, it seems more than 1,000 a year, if you live for one year, it might be cheaper."

   Chen Cang feels that the local tyrants are different. This type of high-end hotel stays for one year.

   Lao Ma shook his head: "No! Cang'er, you have misunderstood me. I'm talking about how much the hotel is, and I want to buy it."

   "At that time, I will give you the whole room, and you will live next door to me!"

   "Yueyue is about to get pregnant too?"

   "When the time comes, I will live together. If it doesn't work, I will be a high-end confinement center somewhere!"

   "Yes, I think something is going on!"

   "Cang'er, do you want to invest?"

   Chen Cang was stunned when he heard it!

   He really underestimated the extent of the local tyrants!


he likes.

   This time, Chen Cang felt that it would be beneficial to bring the old horse around.

   "No money!" Chen Cang said lightly.


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