When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1703: : 1 group of old foxes!

   Quietly since 2021.

   For the Chinese, the arrival of New Year's Day is nothing more than an addition of three days of holidays and a new calendar.

   The specific life does not seem to have changed much.

   Of course, for foodies, there may be multiple excuses for wanting to eat delicious food.

   But today’s Capital Emergency Center.

   is an extraordinary day.

   Chen Cang's training period is coming to an end.

  Perhaps a fellow is insignificant for this huge national tertiary hospital, and can't make any waves.

   There are three to five hundred people studying here every year, and the number of students is one thousand to eight hundred.

   These people come in a hurry, but also in a hurry, and they won't have much impact on life.

   But Chen Cang's departure caused the hospital to hold a farewell meeting.

In the huge venue, Chen Cang bowed to everyone present and solemnly said three thanks.

   The roar of applause from the audience is the best response and answer.

   That's right!

   Chen Cang is going back.

   Seeing the crowd boiling, Chen Cang was also very moved.

   This farewell party is meant by the big guys, after all... in this hospital, many people have endured Chen Cang's kindness.

   It can even be said that because of the existence of Chen Cang, this hospital has reached the highlight of his life ahead of time!

   The four departments directly entered the top three of the year.

   Such an honor has made many people salivate.

   also made many people panic!

   Xu Ziming, He Zhiqian and others are really helpless.

   Now, the dean, the director of the health and health committee, the minister of health, etc., are all letting them complete their experience in the near future.

   But the ghost knows how to write it?

   Even they didn't know why their department was inexplicably selected for selection!

   Now let them write successful experiences.


   Their successful experience is also very simple, just two words: "Lie and win!"

  The key, obviously, these two words can't pass the test at all.

   Thinking of this, everyone was helpless for a long time.

   Xu Ziming now really wants to carry the load and run away!

   Follow Uncle Chen to Amyang.

   After all, how did his own heart surgery go up? Which one didn't have a 13 number?

   Isn't it because Chen Cang brought it?

   From the international issue of non-stop heartbeat to the hot aortic replacement, it can be said that Chen Cang has helped the cardiology surgery to save at least 20 years!

   Chen Cang let this department directly save 20 years of struggle.

   Looking at Chen Cang, who had just left the tendon, He Zhiqian actually had a feeling of tears. After all...Professor Chen was right in the thigh, but he didn't stay in general surgery for too long, so he went directly to neurosurgery!

   Isn't general surgery not fragrant?

   Is the large intestine not fragrant? Still unpalatable? The liver and spleen are okay. We still have a thyroid gland!

   Xu Ziming sat next to He Zhiqian and saw Lao He's mind, and couldn't help but comfort him: "Lao He, sad!"

   Yu Yong just heard the sound, and the corners of his mouth twitched. If Chen Cang knew about it, he would definitely regret holding Xu Ziming up.

   This is exactly the same as the mourning meeting!

   Seeing Yu Yonggang's optimism, Xu Ziming couldn't help but said, "Lao Yu, are you not worried at all?"

   Yu Yonggang was slightly dazed: "Worry? What are you worried about?"

   Xu Ziming hurriedly lowered his voice and asked: "How do you write the experience that the leader asked you to write? Chen Cang is gone...you are not worried? The ranking next year will be straight off the cliff, so shameful!"

   Yu Yonggang smiled mysteriously: "I sent an emergency team to Chen Cang. Their results... should be counted in our department!"

   Say this!

   Suddenly Xu Ziming and He Zhiqian took a breath!

   This trick is cruel!

   Curve to save the country!

   "Who did you send over?"

   "Ma Yuehui!"

   When I heard it was an old horse, Xu Ziming couldn't help but give his old thumbs up: "Absolutely, send the old horse over, and send an academician horse the next year! Congratulations!"

  He Zhiqian also started muttering who should be sent over there!

   But after thinking about it, I can't give it away to anyone except myself!

   He Zhiqian couldn't help asking: "Lao Yu, Lao Xu, you said...Can I send myself there?"

   Hu Chuanbang, one of the four difficult brothers and sisters, also nodded again and again: "Yes, I also want to send myself to study."

   Just as the four were whispering, Wu Tongfu in front couldn't help coughing!

   The voice is very deliberate!

   looks like a warning!

   That's right!

   Wu Tongfu heard the voices of several people behind him, and his heart was panicked.

   You **** you are all gone, so do I!

   If it doesn’t work, I’ll go to Dongyang Second Hospital to be the dean. Don’t even think about it!

   I'm so angry.

   The meeting was held for less than two hours.

  Chen Cang stood on stage and shared some clinical experience and clinical research ideas.

End of the meeting!

   In the evening, Wu Tongfu arranged a hotel to send Chen Cang off.

  The hospital was responsible for this time.

   The top leaders have nothing to say about this. After all, how much progress Chen Cang has brought to the Capital Emergency Center this year is already written on the surface.

   The annual profit of the Capital Emergency Center this year has exceeded two or three times that of last year!

   Now the operating room is not enough, it has to be turned around!

   And the people in general surgery and heart surgery who were willing to pay for the operation on Chen Cang made a lot of money!

   Now if Chen Cang says he wants to do a project, he has no money!

   I don’t know how many people are willing to pay!

   Moreover, Chen Cang really gained a lot of people's hearts.

   During his year in the emergency center, he helped many people to relieve siege, how many patients were saved, and how many diseases were overcome.

   even helped the entire hospital to increase its influence.



the next day!

   In the yard of the Capital Emergency Center, hundreds of people came even though they were not working!

   That's right!

   Of course, these people are not here to send Chen Cang.

   is here to accompany Chen Cang.

   Wu Tongfu looked at so many people and couldn't breathe with heartache.

   How many people have to leave!

   Although I said that I don’t feel distressed, but... it’s a fake to watch so many people follow Chen Cang to leave!


   While Chen Cang's assistants were counting the number of people, another wave came!

   At this moment, Wu Tongfu's face changed, and he really couldn't hold back: "Why are there so many people! Isn't it only fifty or sixty? How come there are... so many people at the scene?"

   "Who is the number of Tongji!"

   "I didn't see so many people at first?"

   Everyone nodded suddenly, looking blank and at a loss.

   The secretary was also curious. He looked through the list and couldn't help but said, "Dean, the staff is right, maybe it was... to see him off?"

   Hearing this, Wu Tongfu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

   He is really scared now!

   At this time, the number of people in the yard has been counted!

   Wu Hui took the list and started to roll the call: "The Parkinson's medical team, come to me! Get ready to roll the call!"

   While talking, everyone at the Parkinson's Medical Center leaned over.

   Wu Hui started the roll call.

   That's right!

   Naturally, where did Chen Cang go? Of course, where is the Parkinson Clinic going!

   No place?

   Stop joking, okay!

   Do you think Dongyang Province is bigger than the capital city!

   The boundary of the capital is flat, and there are a lot of tens of thousands. What about ammonium?

   The most important thing is the place!

   Of course the Parkinson’s Clinic will move away!

   The deputy dean in charge behind watched Wu Hui relentlessly pull everyone away, and even the nurse stood in the team happily.

   Heart is like a knife twist!

   You know, within two months of the establishment of the Parkinson's Medical Center, the operation broke the 500-unit mark!

   has provided the hospital with more than one billion in income!

   What a huge number!


   is such a cornucopia, at this moment, it is about to leave them.

   Seeing this scene, the hearts of these deans are extremely complicated.

   These money, but a large amount of research funding, is also a large amount of bonuses, and can also carry out the construction of the hospital branch, maybe I can sneak a little into my pocket.

   Seeing this, Wu Tongfu couldn't help but said: "What kind of expressions each one!"

Even Su Haoqiang, the deputy dean in charge of scientific research, was a little reluctant: "Hey, Lao Wu, you really don’t feel bad about it? Parkinson’s Medical Center, if this is in our hospital, with funding, the scientific research power will rise, even if there is no Chen Cang next year. , Our world ranking can also stabilize at 50!"

  Wu Tongfu wrapped up a down jacket and looked at the crowd with unambitious eyes: "Let me say, you guys one by one, if we didn't have Chen Cang, we used to be pretty good!"

   "Furthermore, Parkinson's surgery has been done so many, we learned that there are more than 500 operations, more than one billion! Staying is enough for us to develop!"

The secretary to the dean couldn’t help saying: "But... Dean Wu, Professor Chen has also taken away our remaining scientific research funds... More than one billion yuan is also included in the scientific research funds, which belongs to the exclusive expenses of the Parkinson Clinic... "

   Hearing these words, Wu Tongfu's expression suddenly changed: "What?! I...I..."

   After talking for a long time, Wu Tongfu hasn't recovered for a long time!

   "What else... what else did he take away?" For a long time, Wu Tongfu sighed, and he was helpless when he was angry. After all... I took it all away, so I can't get it together!

   "It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't matter if you take it away!" Wu Tongfu comforted himself!

   Su Haoqiang was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean? Old Wu, don't...what do you have to follow?"

   Hearing Wu Tongfu's words, several deputy deans suddenly narrowed their eyes.

   Did Old Wu stay behind?

   Wu Tongfu smiled mysteriously!

   "We are now a cooperative hospital with the Second People's Hospital of Dongyang Province, and we have sent a lot of key personnel. Isn't the results of these people our results?"

   "Moreover, we can get scientific research results without having to spend money on training ourselves!"

   After speaking, Wu Tongfu showed a mysterious smile.

   When everyone around heard it, they immediately gave a thumbs up: "Old Wu, that's okay!"

   "Yes, this one is absolutely perfect!"

"so amazing!"

   "Dean Wu is still clever!"

   Wu Tongfu dealt with it indifferently, smiled slightly and made himself profound.


   The next scene made them dumbfounded.

   accompanied the roll call below.

   "This, the second group: the non-stop heart research center is divided into groups, come here, let's call it!" A man nodded and said!

   This voice came, Wu Tongfu suddenly felt his heart tighten!

So sad!

   But I can bear it!

   Our heart surgery member is inside.

   But, the following voice made Old Wu panicked!

   "Three groups! The trainees from the emergency center hospital are here for a roll call!"

   "Four groups! Xiehe Hospital has been named for the training personnel of Dongyang Second Hospital!"

   "Five groups! The Affiliated Hospital of Capital Medical University is calling for the trainees of the Second Hospital of Dongyang Province!"

   "Group six! The Tiantan Hospital is calling for the training personnel of Dongyang Second Hospital!"


   Seeing the roll call one after another, the leaders of several hospitals of the emergency center were dumbfounded.

   "What's the situation?" Wu Tongfu's eyes suddenly widened, looking at all this blankly.

   The other deans were also dumbfounded.

   at a loss!

   Everyone can't understand why this happens.

   How Xiehe, Capital Medical University Affiliated Hospital, Tiantan Hospital... all these people will come!

   Several deputy deans looked at Wu Tongfu. Could it be that...this is also Dean Wu’s successor?

   At this time, several familiar faces appeared in the crowd!

   Wu Tongfu hurried over.

   "Dean Li, why are you here?" Wu Tongfu quickly asked as he watched Li Kai in the crowd.

   Li Kai couldn't help but said, "I... Am I not here to send off our members?"

   Wu Tongfu looked curious: "Send the members? You guys..."

   Li Kai laughed: "Oh! By the way, some time ago we established a cooperative relationship with the Capital Emergency Center. Now it is a cooperative hospital. The Capital Provincial Second Hospital is also the designated internship training location of the Union Medical College."

   "It's a pity, I didn't get the qualification for the affiliated hospital!"

Here, Li Shao, the dean of the Affiliated Hospital of Capital Medical University and part-time Vice President of Capital Medical University, heard the voice: "Hum! I thought that our Capital Medical University did not win the affiliated hospital because you Xiehe got on board first! So we only fight for it. It was awarded the title of a brother hospital and a cooperative training of doctoral students."

   "Unexpectedly, it's not Concord!"

   When Wu Tongfu heard it, his face was gloomy!

   These old and cunning deans.

   Unexpectedly, they also thought of establishing a cooperative relationship with Dongyang Second Hospital.

   is too shameless!


   Tell me you are all key medical schools~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How come this is the case? !

  呸! I can't look down on you.

  Wu Tongfu is really wronged, there is no way, everyone is backed by the school, they can engage in a cooperative training of masters and doctors.

   I only won a brother hospital.

   This is my own money!

   You use my money to train your doctors.

   is too shameless.

   Wu Tongfu didn't smile, and wanted to drive them away.

   But, in the adult world, how easy is it...

   Everyone around watched this lively scene.

   Everyone who was named was full of honor and joy, as happy as being named on a gold list.

   Enjoying the envy of everyone around!

To know!

   There is a nickname now in the emergency building of the Second Provincial Hospital of Professor Chen.

   is called the Small Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the alias is called "Academician Training Base"!

  I can go there for gilding, but it’s much better than going abroad.

   You need to know where is the cooperative medical location of the Mayo Clinic.

   Even the group of people from abroad rushed to it, but the quota is limited!


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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