When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1706: : What is fair in this world!

   After Chen Cang returned to Amyang, he went to see Old Man Fang.

   He is much better than before, but he still lives in the intensive care unit. There are a few more pots of green plants in the room, a few more fish, and a little more home-like feeling.

   Fang Yonglin is very happy for Chen Cang's return.

   The old man said a word to Chen Cang, which is especially deep in his memory.

   He said: Sometimes, you don’t need to make the most correct choice, because what is right and wrong?

   Over the years, I have been influenced or guided my thinking by certain words.

   Let us have today's three views.

   Until one day, I suddenly discovered that maybe what I insist and believe is not necessarily correct, but it may be.

   That's right!

   This is this world, there is no absolute right or wrong, only should or should not.

   And this should not be, there is no absolute limit.


   Guo Xue's life has three turning points, for which she needs to make three different choices.

   At this point, she has done a lot of things she thinks she should do.

   Including today, even if many people do not support it, she still chose to get pregnant.

   This may be the worst choice she has made in her life.

   In everyone's eyes, she is wrong.


   She is the only one who thinks all this is right.

   There may be really no fairness between people and people.

   After some people are born, they are accompanied by hundreds of millions of wealth.

  Some people have talents after they are born.

   There may be people who are unremarkable, but you are lucky enough because you are healthy.

   When you look at the beauties of luxury cars and villas on the Internet with your mobile phone, and complain about your background in poverty, have you ever thought that some people are also looking at you, with envy in their eyes!

   Poverty can be changed.

   But there are some things you can't change at all.

   rickets, deformities, ugliness, deaf-mute, blindness... These people may have been truly lost at the starting line when they were born.

   However, they never admit defeat to fate.

   The purpose of their efforts is simple: to live!

   You might say, where are so many such people?

   How come I have never seen it on the street!

   Ok, I will tell you the answer, because they dare not come out.

   Just like you humble yourself in your poverty, they also humble yourself in their illness and pain.

  Even, how far can a wheelchair go?

   How many handicapped routes in our lives have been made into projects.

  The blind path leads directly to the wall, to hell?

   In front of the wheelchair is a high step.

   How many people die every year because of this kind of thing?

   No one has counted, right?

   Because no one pays attention to their existence.

   People who have followed can't make a loud enough voice.

   You might say that there are very few such people.


   In fact, there are not a lot of them. There are more of them than the rich in this world!

   is like how many very rich people you have seen in your life.


there must be!

   But are there really many?

   Guo Xue also complained, why is he different from others and has blue lips?

   Can't exercise vigorously, can't participate in sports meets, can't run, can't... even make... love, you need to make progress gradually!

   But she never gave up living a hard and serious life.

   However, pulmonary hypertension is called "cancer in cardiovascular disease"!

   Due to insufficient pulmonary circulation and hypoxia, the lips are blue-purple, so the patient is also called "blue lips" patient.

  This disease can lead to heart failure. If effective treatment is not available, the average life span of patients is only 2.8 years.

   In the whole country, there are tens of millions of patients with pulmonary hypertension, and only 20 to 30 thousand people have received treatment.

The key is!

   There is no cure for pulmonary hypertension, and patients need to take medication for life!

   Under the action of the medicine, Guo Xue looked the same as normal.

   go to school, go to school, fall in love, work, get married!


   Finally, there are still hurdles to pass.

  That is pregnancy!

  If you are not pregnant, patients with pulmonary hypertension will not be much different from ordinary people as long as they take medicine.

   Because severe congenital heart disease with severe pulmonary hypertension is an absolute contraindication to pregnancy.

  Once pregnant, the body will definitely be uncomfortable. During pregnancy, when the heart function cannot be compensated, the compensatory heart rate will increase due to pulmonary hypertension and hypoxia, the cardiac output will increase, and the heart load will increase!

   itself has a lot of load, now it will definitely increase again, leading to heart failure, and even increasing the risk of production.

   Moreover, it will have a serious impact on the development of the fetus.

and so!

  Perhaps for everyone, pregnancy is happy and means the birth of a new life.

   However, for them, pregnancy is painful, because it means a critical illness notice!



   Outside the office, Guo Xue's family was silent, because they didn't know what to say!

   Guo Xue's husband, Li Xuefeng, looked at the ceiling silently at this time.

   At this time, Guo Xue was still in the ward, in a stable state, but... it was getting worse every day.

   They went to Xiehe, to Huaxi, and then came to the Capital Emergency Center.

   But at that time, Chen Cang had just left on his front foot.

   After Xu Ziming saw Guo Xue, Yizheng refused the idea of ​​surgery.

   Because as long as the operation is completed, it must be destined to be a way of no return.

   In this world, there is no patient who has been stable after a combined heart-lung transplant during pregnancy.

   Xu Ziming has never been so arrogant that he can complete this operation!

   But the most important thing is not whether the operation is successful.

   But surgery should not be done!

   Because of his wife’s pregnancy, Li Xuefeng has become the biggest villain!

   became the target of collective attacks by female boxers!

   Similarly, Li Xuefeng’s parents have also become the objects of old-fashioned feudalism.

   It seems that for a time, Li Xuefeng's family has become a wrong model.

   You should not force your daughter-in-law to get pregnant!

   Is it really impossible to adopt a child?

   said that Li Xuefeng's family is not responsible, for the sake of the children, they don't care about Guo Xue's life and death!

   Some people even started calling the police. Both the police and the Women’s Federation participated in this investigation!


   They underestimated the perseverance and persistence of female boxers.

   They just want to force their good for prostitution, they want to ruin their families, and they even want to see the world they think!

   They don’t even know that there is something called love in this world.

  So much so that the Li Xuefeng family is in such a state of being misunderstood by the world.


   They did not refute.

   Li Xuefeng is taking care of the miracle seriously, and his parents are also taking care of their daily lives.

   This time Guo Xue’s pregnancy was even hidden from all of them!

   After learning that she was pregnant, Guo Xue found an excuse and left home.

   Until six months of pregnancy, I couldn't hide it, and then I confessed everything!


   Guo Xue's mother even forced her to die.

   But you don't know how paranoid a paranoid woman is.

   When Guo Xue cried loudly and said: "I just want to be a wife, a mother, even if there is only one day!"

   "Couldn't it work?"

   "You always use what you think is the right thing to let me do."

   "I am also a person, and I have my own choice and life."

   "Am I not worthy of having children?"

   Guo Xue is lucky!

   I found a husband who cherished her, loved her, and spoiled her.

   But, loving this thing is really easy to feel owed.

   Even, the better Li Xuefeng treats her, Guo Xue will even have a burden in her heart!

   She suddenly realized that maybe they need a child of their own.

   So, Guo Xue started to check various information, and indeed there was a successful pregnancy.

   But she overlooked a problem, that is, there are individual differences in disease.

   Small probability events are always harmful!

   Sure enough, in the first month of pregnancy, Guo Xue began to experience shortness of breath. From the third month, crazy coughing, dyspnea, fatigue, and going upstairs were all problems!

   In the fifth month, she even fainted due to lack of blood supply to the brain due to ischemia and hypoxia!


   For the child, Guo Xue had to bear it.

   She consulted more than a dozen doctors and experts, and got the same answer: terminate the pregnancy!

   Unfortunately, she refused.

   This road, it is not easy for her to walk today.

   Now, it has been more than seven months.

   She has no way out!



   Li Xuefeng looked at the pale ceiling, without any color on it, which looked like his current mood.

   To be honest, he has made various preparations in the past two months!

   It seems that the answer is no longer important.

  The important thing is, if a child is born without a mother, how should he explain it?

   If Guo Xue is gone, should he find a mother for the child?

   He dare to swear that if he remarries his wife, even for children, he will be sprayed by the group of female boxers on the Internet.

   He has already experienced it these days.

   In such an era of information explosion.

   Li Xuefeng did not know that he had entered the sight of so many people somehow.



   Li Xuefeng got up and looked at Guo Xue's blue lips through the window.

   My nose suddenly sore.

   Why is this world so unfair?

   All kinds of past days come to mind.

   Li Xuefeng couldn't help crying, Guo Xue was all in his mind!

   Li Xuefeng’s most helpless thing is to go to the drugstore to buy sildenafil every month.

   Every time, the little girl who was selling drugs looked at herself with strange eyes.

  So that, Li Xuefeng could only travel all over the city to buy this medicine.

   Guo Xue often teased Li Xuefeng: "Now the whole city knows that you like to buy this thing, and everyone knows you... hey!

   No one wants you except me! "

   Li Xuefeng always smiled at this, he never thought about divorce, but... but he didn't know that besides divorce, there is another possibility, that is, widowed!

   Every time at this time, Guo Xue would act like a little licking dog, acting like a baby in his ear.

   "Ah, I eat more sildenafil than you can eat! Haha...I am so ridiculous, I won't become a man, am I?"

   Every time, Li Xuefeng was amused by this simple girl.

   Guo Xue often asks herself.

   Like or dislike children.

   Li Xuefeng always shook his head: "No, the child is so troublesome, I have one baby is enough!"

   But Guo Xue also knew that Li Xuefeng wanted a child.

   Two people are like this.

  Life is the same.

   You never know what will happen tomorrow.

   In fact, taking sildenafil is the cheapest medicine for pulmonary hypertension.

  Research shows that the monthly cost of taking sildenafil to treat pulmonary hypertension is more than 700 yuan, and Viagra is more than 2,000 yuan, which are significantly lower than other treatment options.

   Therefore, Mr. Zhong has supported Viagra three or four times, hoping to include "Viagra" in the medical insurance coverage.



   With the arrival of Guo Xue, Dongyang Second People's Hospital has once again become a hot topic!

   This "net celebrity mother" Guo Xue, who became popular unexpectedly due to illness, attracted a lot of media and gossip.

  In such an era where anyone can be the media, the media is about to lose its proper role and even begin to move towards a wrong public opinion orientation.

   Almost everyone is touting Guo Xue's greatness.

   Such a woman who can give up her life for the sake of her children seems to be worthy of publicity, care, and care!

   The "vicious" family members who accompanied him were also key figures in the topic.

   is worth to spurn, to contempt!

   I don’t know what’s going on overnight. It seems that things that have a dime relationship with women will be amplified by interested people.

   Therefore, the atmosphere of the Second Provincial Hospital was a little more depressing for a while.

   After Chen Cang encountered this matter, he also started to solve it himself.


   Compared to the media propaganda, Chen Cang is a bit disgusted.

   Because this is not a cure at all, but a gamble.


   This is a moral kidnapping in the name of love!

   He invited Zhang Jinfeng, the director of gynecology department, and brought Meng Xi and others to the ward.

   Zhang Jinfeng took a deep breath, looked at Guo Xue, and said again:

   "Miss Guo, I still advise you to terminate the pregnancy~www.wuxiaspot.com~In this way, your chances of survival will be greater."

   "Now, your pregnancy risk is very high, maybe you should wait, our medicine is developing, maybe in a few years, pregnancy is not impossible!"

   Guo Xue’s family members are all standing beside him. Li Xuefeng is sitting on the side of the bed, touching his wife’s hand, a little pale and a little cold.

   Everyone in the family is persuading her!

   "Yes, Xiaoxue, you think about it again!"

   "Child, there can be no more, but you are gone...really gone!"

   "Yes, there are a lot of punks nowadays, why are you young people not as enlightened as our old people." Li Xuefeng's mother persuaded.

   It's 9092 now, so what's the problem of protecting the big and the small?

   is basically an individual, who knows what a long stream of water is.

   Whenever minor incidents happen, it is absolutely because the person involved took the initiative to do so.

   Li Xuefeng did not speak, if he could persuade him, he would have come over long ago!

   Today, it is no longer a question of persuasion, but what should be done next!

   Thinking of this, Li Xuefeng sighed long.

   He glanced at Guo Xue, and when the two of them met their eyes, she laughed.


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