When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1708: : Success or failure?

   Chen Cang's remarks quickly spread across the Internet!

   Such an operation "in the name of love" seems to have entered the sight of many people instantly.

   This time, everyone has calmed down too!

   Then, many experts in the field of cardiac surgery across the country expressed their views on Guo Xue's situation.

   also expressed support for Chen Cang!

   Medicine can't withstand temptation, I hope everyone can follow the doctor's advice. Now that you think you don't follow the doctor's advice, you must be prepared for the operation to fail!

   Although the words are cruel, they are facts.

  The adult world does not mean that you need someone to pay for you if you make a mistake.

   However, the news that Chen Cang still decided to undergo surgery also instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

   Chen Cang's sentence before he conquered pulmonary hypertension, only doing such an operation, also made this operation full of legend!

   More and more people are following!

   The operation will open the live operation.

   Language is pale and weak.

  Only the cruel operation process will make everyone realize that there is never a fluke in operation.

   Every doctor's order and guideline can be formulated, it is a case of surgery that I don't know how many times!

   Until now, the achievement of 0 success rate shows a problem: surgery, there is no possibility of success!

   Chen Cang received many calls today.

  There are domestic and foreign ones.

   All are to make Chen Cang be cautious.

   Such an operation fails and it fails. Why is it broadcast live?

   itself is a very risky operation with a high probability of failure.

   Everyone avoided it, but you took the initiative to open a live operation?

   Meng Xi also touched Chen Cang's office at this time.

   After two days of fermentation.

   Meng Xi realized that there were so many things behind such an operation.

   For a while, Meng Xi was a little embarrassed.

   She feels wrong!

   She shouldn't ask when so many people question Chen Cang, she must have put pressure on Chen Cang.

   Thinking of this, after Meng Xi entered the office, he cautiously called out: "Chen Cang?"

   Seeing Chen Cang ignored him, Meng Xi's heart trembled. He wouldn't be angry, would he?

   "Director Chen?"

"Teacher Chen?"

   "Professor Chen?"


   Chen Cang suddenly became ashamed, turned around and stared at Meng Xi: "What's wrong?"

   Meng Xi smiled awkwardly: "I... I'll apologize to you."

   Chen Cang's face was black: "Do you know what went wrong?"

   Meng Xi looked at Chen Cang like this, and she became nervous. She was breathing fast and felt a little tight in her white coat. She put her hands behind her back and pulled her fingers.

   "I shouldn't be like that in the office... I was wrong."

【Ding! Favorability +10! 】

   Chen Cang was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly stopped speaking, but... still had sharp eyes.

   "I should give you enough face in front of others!"

【Ding! Favorability +20! 】

   Chen Cang continued to be silent, staring at Meng Xi!

   "I should...I don't dare anymore. Will I still listen to you in the future?"

【Ding! Favorability +30! 】

   Chen Cang is not satisfied yet!


   is still 40!

  Go on, give it some strength, Ollie!

   Thinking of this, Chen Cang turned around and pretended to ignore it!

   Meng Xi can't help it!

   directly pinched his waist with bulging hands, and asked Chen Cang loudly:

   "The surname is Chen, what do you want my mother to do!"

   "If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you!"

  Chen Cang turned around and looked at Ms. Meng who was righteous and full of energy, and almost laughed!

   He couldn't help sighing, and shook his head: "Mr. Meng, you are not young..."

   "You can't just grow your brains!"

   "You are the director, not a doctor anymore."

   "Before any operation, what you need to consider is how the operation failed and how successful it was!"

   "Medicine is not something you can do with blood!"

   Meng Xi heard Chen Cang calling herself Teacher Meng, and then asked carefully:

   "Are you not angry anymore?"

   Chen Cang rolled his eyes: "You think I am so careful!"

   Meng Xi whispered: "It's not much bigger anyway! Little chicken belly!"

   Chen Cang was ashamed: "It's a small belly chicken intestine!"

   "Okay, you can go to work quickly."

   Meng Xi said, "By the way, the patient's family has already contacted the transplantable heart and lung."

   Chen Cang was taken aback for a moment: "So fast?"

   Meng Xi nodded: "They started this preparation a month ago, but no hospital has been willing to accept them."

   "So, the operation has been delayed."

   "Just like you said, the other party is really not prepared for the failure of the operation, they are really... lucky."

   Saying this, Meng Xi sighed with emotion.

   Actually, such people are still very dangerous.

   The most complicated thing in this world is not surgery, but human heart.

  You will never guess how many hideous people are behind the name of love!

  Chen Cang nodded: "Okay, let's go out."

   Meng Xi said, "Shall I invite you to dinner with Yueyue? I apologize to you!"

"No time to!"

   "Sniff! I have made an appointment with Yueyue!"

   Chen Cang was speechless.



   In the afternoon of the same day, a disclaimer appeared.

   Guo Xue finally completed the pre-operative preparations and wrote a disclaimer.

   Chen Cang is very serious from beginning to end!

   This actually made Guo Xue aware of the seriousness of the matter.

   To be honest, she hesitated at this moment!

   However, things have come to today, and there is no way out.

   Guo Xue admitted that he still had a fluke.

   But the development of the situation has made her realize that it may not be as simple as she thought.

   Guo Xue touched the child in his stomach and smiled.

   wrote a disclaimer!

"I am a patient with congenital heart disease and pulmonary hypertension. I am 33 years old this year. The risk index of pregnancy and childbirth has reached a high warning line. In order to have a normal person... I choose to give it a go and leave the baby behind. support!"

   "In order to reduce your worries, I hereby write down this disclaimer. During the operation and the production process, any problems that occur are related to the expensive..."

   After writing the disclaimer, Chen Cang took a look and handed it to the medical department of the hospital.

   At this time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the patient's condition began to deteriorate!

   That afternoon, Guo Xue started to have a nosebleed, and the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension became more and more obvious.

  The hospital has begun to make various preparations!

   The next morning, Guo Xue's blood oxygen saturation was in a critical situation. At this moment, if the fetal development in the abdomen is not dealt with, there will definitely be an emergency!

this moment!

   The arrow is on the string and I have to send it.

   At this time, Chen Cang began to announce the operation as soon as possible!

   The media heard the sound and immediately began to pay attention!

   This will be an unprecedented, only one operation!

   is success or failure?

   Everything is unknown!


  Ps: Thank you for the 20,000 reward from the boss of "Feng Guo Wuhen", thank you.

   By the way, I recommend a book: "I Can Only Make Bad Films", the author is Wu Ma Xing, the author of a great god, and he writes very well on entertainment. The last book was a god, and it was blown up.

   Okay, friends who like it, check it out.

   By the way...Remember to vote for the veterans to feed. It's the end of the month, and the veterans are almost growing up. Everyone has monthly tickets to feed them in time. Please, okay.


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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