When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1710: : The operation failed? The operation was successful?

   The operation continues!

   After the child is delivered, he needs to complete the combined heart-lung transplant as soon as possible.

   After some preparations, replace another person to continue the operation!

   "Artificial Heart-Lung Machine!"

   "Prepare for surgery!"

   Seeing Guo Xue at this moment is like a puppet, being disassembled at will!

   People are really scared!

  What kind of fluke? !

   What did not follow the doctor's advice!

   The paleness of language becomes very vivid under the modification of the picture!

   A surgeon is a person who confronts diseases directly.

   They are well aware of the risks and accidents they need to face.

   but can't flinch!

   The next scene is something no one can forget.

  Chen Cang needs to open Guo Xue's chest, remove all her heart and lungs, and put the healthy ones in!

   sounds very simple, as simple as cutting the head and sewing it on.

  Chen Cang made an incision in the middle of the sternum and pulled the sternum to both sides.

   followed by cutting open the pleura on both sides. At this moment, the adhesion of the pleura is serious, like a rotten mass of meat, which makes people sick!

   Seeing this scene, all professionals started to get serious!

   If you just said that the scene just now was for ordinary people, then the next surgery is for those experts!

  Chen Cang wants to separate the adhesions before heparinization.

   The time is short, and Chen Cang must do all this well.

  The adhesion inside the chest is the most complicated.

   Because there are a large number of arteries and veins, there are trachea, phrenic nerve, vagus nerve, recurrent laryngeal nerve...

   Once these things are damaged, they will cause many irreversible consequences!

   But in such an adhesion environment, if you want to complete the operation within a period of time, how easy is it!

   is really a bit difficult!

   AATS Association President Sabrina took a breath after seeing such a chest cavity!

   She deeply felt the pressure that Chen Cangneng muster up the courage to live broadcast this operation!

   He looked at Ren, and said lightly: "How confident are you of this operation?"

   Renn smiled directly: "What are you kidding me, can I do this kind of surgery?"

   Rehn didn't make a joke. The difficulty of this operation is basically all over the head and tail.

   There is no simple place!

  I encountered this situation when I opened my chest.

   "Do you think there is a chance for this operation?" Rein asked Sabrina.

   This really silenced Sabrina!

   She has tried her best to overestimate Chen Cang's surgical ability. Without any error, she could not complete the operation!

   Because of a single operation, Chen Cang cannot solve it alone. It depends on the joint efforts of the patient and the surgeon!

   Even if Chen Cang does not make a mistake, it does not mean that the patient has no problems!

   Guo Xue's situation is terrible!

   After a while, Sabrina shook her head: "No, I don't think Guo Xue can survive!"

   She was very tactful, but Ren heard what she meant.

   At this moment!

   AATS Association members are basically all watching such an operation.

   Even, it can be said that this operation is the biggest operation in cardiothoracic surgery, the most difficult operation, there is no one!

   What can be more important than watching this operation?


   The overseas live broadcast of Dingxiang.com is already boiling.

   They are already discussing frantically.

   After all, most people concerned overseas are experts in this profession.

   But there are many people in China.

   Wang Tong and Chen Jing can only patiently explain:

"This operation is estimated to be difficult!" Chen Jing's eyebrows tightened, "Did you see this glued area? It is very dangerous here. There are a large number of neurovascular airways. It is difficult to separate in a short time. It's huge!"

   "Furthermore, these adhesions can easily induce infection. After the operation...not to be optimistic!"

   "Let me show you the structure of the chest cavity of a normal person!"

   After speaking, Chen Jing retrieved a photo from the computer.

   Although everyone can't understand it, when they compare, they are stunned!

   Is this him... Can this be operated on?

   That's right!

  Chen Cangneng!

   I saw him start the separation work skillfully.

   When everyone saw Chen Cang's soft hands carefully starting to move step by step, little by little.

   is really stunned!

so amazing!

  The adhesions are like spider webs in the chest cavity, and they are divided carefully and neatly!


   "Damn, Professor Chen is too strong!"

   "Yes, this technology is rare in China!"

   "Domestic? You underestimate Professor Chen!"

   Chen Cang did not lift his head, took the scalpel, and cut the happy bag longitudinally!

   Then, after heparinization, cardiopulmonary bypass was established according to the heart transplant intubation method.

   After seeing the heart and lungs, everyone suddenly sighed with emotion!

   The heart and lungs have tried their best. Can this fail?

   Guo Xue almost exhausted all her vitality in order to become pregnant!

   Anyway, she is really fighting for life.

   But, don't feel it, so you can move the disease!

  Of course not, you will never be touched by the disease, only the doctor dares to touch the disease!

   That's right!

   Once Chen Cang shot, he knew if there was any!

   He just turned around and glanced at the cardiopulmonary union in the salt water.

   He knew it well.

   He began to remove the heart and lungs.

   During the resection of the diseased heart, Chen Cang only retained the ascending aorta, superior and inferior vena cava.

   then even kept some as stitched joints.

   Then, the next process of removing the lungs is more troublesome.

   After all, the donor just now is brain-dead. There is no pressure for surgery. After all, people are dead. What can you care about?

   As long as the original heart and lungs are not counted.

   But Guo Xue is different, she still has to live.

   So when removing the lungs, do not damage the surrounding tissues.

   But the patient's chest is not good.

   The lungs are huge!

   Even if the lungs under the heart-lung machine are not working now, it still occupies a large area.

  Chen Cang used two vascular forceps to lift the left pericardial incisal edge forward to the left, fully showing the direction of the phrenic nerve.

   As one of the most important nerves in the chest cavity, Chen Cang must be optimistic about the phrenic nerve.

   Carefully, about 3cm behind the phrenic nerve, Chen Cang made a longitudinal incision in the pericardium, extending down to the diaphragm and up to the pulmonary artery!

   Then, taking advantage of the lungs not paying attention!


   surreptitiously removed the pericardium before the phrenic nerve.

   The whole process dumbfounded the people watching the operation!

   Me him?

how did you do that?

   Even the people of AATS were blinded.

   Because of Chen Cang's ingenious operation, a wide pericardial cord that preserves the phrenic nerve and blood vessels was formed.

   This group of experts was stunned by this operation!

  The barrage exploded!

   "What's going on?" Mond Alpha looked dazed.

   Sabrina and Renn looked at each other, they didn't know how Chen Cang did it!

   Rehn couldn't help writing: "How do I...how do I feel that he quietly cut out such a tissue while not paying attention to his heart and lungs?"

   That's right!

   That's how it feels.

  Don't say Sabrina didn't pay attention, even all of them didn't notice what happened.

   And this wide pericardial cord that retains the phrenic nerves and blood vessels can be said to be operated very vividly!

   All kinds of speeches began to appear on the barrage!

   "It's not just that the heart and lungs are not paying attention, we haven't noticed it!"

"so amazing!"

   "Yeah, I learned it."

   "I learned it? I... I didn't understand it. You learned it, bragging!"


   Chen Cang's operation just now was really sharp.

   Then, Chen Cang cut open the posterior wall of the left atrium through the oblique sinus in the center of the remaining posterior wall of the left atrium.

   Then, at the same time, the left atrial remnant and the left pulmonary vein connected to it were lifted forward and separated from the posterior mediastinum tissue with an electric knife!

   This step is very dangerous, it is easy to damage the vagus nerve!

   Therefore, Chen Cang was close to the pulmonary vein during separation, but in this way, the vein may be damaged!

   So, this is almost a surgical method for survival in a crack!

  Once the operation is complete, not only will it not damage the vagus nerve in the back, but also the blood vessels.

   Regarding this, everyone can only say that the artist is bold!

   In this way, Chen Cang fully freed the hilar, ligated the bronchial artery, and then freely cut the left pulmonary artery.

   Finally, the left main trachea was clamped with a clamp, cut off at its distal end, and the left lung was taken out.

   Throughout the process, Chen Cang noticed almost every point, every step!

   did not cause any impact on the chest cavity!

   Everyone who saw this series of operations was unclear.

Chen Jing said excitedly: "Professor Chen’s operation is the most powerful lung resection I have ever seen. He has avoided almost every minefield. If such an operation fails, I think no one in the world can save. She is!"

   "Hey, I am really sighing!"

   Next, in everyone's eyes, Chen Cang also accidentally cut off his heart "while he was not paying attention"!

   Use the same method to remove all the heart and lungs!

   At this time, everyone looked at the chest cavity was almost emptied!

   Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

   Where do ordinary people have other ideas? What luck?

   No one wants to take another trip on this road!

   This may be the cruelest operation they have ever seen!

   Now, they have only one thought in their hearts!

   Can Guo Xue survive?

   is too scary after all!

   Such an operation can almost be said to change the chest cavity.

   And next, the most important thing is that the matter has arrived!

   That is combined heart-lung transplantation.

   Wang Tong explained: "Heart-lung transplantation requires precise and seamless suture of trachea and blood vessels!"

   "Perhaps many people think it is very simple, but this is a transplant, which comes from different tissues. To fit, you need a superb level of suture."

   "It can be said that combined heart-lung transplantation is one of the most difficult operations at present.

  Or everyone has no intuitive concept of this difficulty!

   Let me tell you a few figures:

   Since its success in the United States in the 1980s, the operation has been performed in no more than 3,000 cases worldwide, and the result has been less than 1,000 people. In my country, the success rate is less than 100!

   In the whole world, there is no successful heart-lung transplantation for pulmonary hypertension during pregnancy. "

   Hearing Wang Tong’s introduction, all the people watching the live broadcast were startled.

   What does it mean that there is no success?

   Guo Xue’s family members are also watching the live surgery!

   After they saw Academician Wang Tong’s explanation, everyone was silent!

   Now, the child is saved!

   But does Guo Xue have a chance to survive?

   Li Xuefeng and his family are already obviously nervous and uneasy.

   At this time, almost everyone has no expectations for such an operation!

   That's right!

  Professor Chen, he has done his best.

   He has expressed surgery as an art.

   He strives to do everything well.


  Probably what Professor Chen is facing is still failure.

   For a while, everyone looked at Chen Cang who was undergoing serious surgery, and they all felt distressed!

   Professor Chen, who knowingly failed but headed for it resolutely, what is he doing?

  The next surgery, every step is difficult!

   are all dangerous.

   But Chen Cang has forgotten the success and failure of the operation.

   In his eyes, there are only two words: Go all out!

   Seeing this, Meng Xi was a little moved.

  At this moment, she finally realized how difficult the operation is!

   There are some things that cannot be described in words.

   However, Chen Cang did not give up.

  Overseas, all AATS members who watched the operation became silent.

  The barrage is very clean!

   No one seems to be watching it.

   But on the contrary, they are very serious and seem to treat them with an attitude of worship and learning.

this moment!

   It seems that everyone understands Chen Cang's profound meaning.

  The doctor will work hard to treat the patient.

   But not every patient can be rescued.

   Even if the one who operated on him is a genius!

   However, treatment is ultimately a matter of two people.

   also need to consider the patient's own situation, self-reaction, and accidents!

   The upper part of the tracheal carina was cut off. After Chen Cang carefully trimmed it, he took part of the tracheal secretions and gave it to Meng Xi: "Take it for bacterial culture."

   After speaking, **** up the secretions in the trachea.

   Then the lungs and heart were placed in the chest cavity.

   and cleverly avoid those key blood vessels and nerves.

   Trim the recipient trachea!


   Are the tracheal orifice sizes inconsistent at both ends?

   This is simply a small problem in Chen Cang's hands!

   Time goes by every minute!

   Finally, Chen Cang has sutured the airway and is about to wait for his lungs to ventilate!

   At this time, everyone is nervous!

Can    succeed?

   At this time, Chen Cang couldn't help but get nervous!

   At this moment, I don’t know how many people are waiting in front of the camera to watch this operation.

Look forward to……

   can it succeed!

   Professor Chen has tried his best.

   He has made the operation perfect!

   However, surgery does not mean recovery, no matter how good surgery is, it cannot guarantee a perfect recovery for the patient.


   Smooth ventilation!

   After seeing this scene, everyone cheered!

Did you make it?

   This stranger who has nothing to do with them, is she going to be saved?


   Professor Chen is really awesome!

   There is joy in the operating room!

  The great rivers north and south, the other side of the ocean, everyone is excited.

  Lung ventilation is complete!

  Chen Cang is also greatly encouraged in his heart!

   Continue, there is still heart that has not been processed!

   Come on!

   Then, Chen Cang began to stitch the heart opening continuously with 4-0 polypropylene thread!

  He needs to have the aorta anastomosed!

   Then, one after another, he began to open the upper and inferior vena cava, exhaust the gas in the heart, and open the ascending aorta!

   I need to recover my heartbeat!

   At this moment, Chen Cang started to tremble!

   can be successful, we have to wait for the heart to rebeat!

   At this moment!

  All the spectators watching the operation couldn't help standing up.

   They feel that they may have to witness history first.

   This may be the first successful patient in history!

   unprecedented success!



   Even Chen Cang is the same!

   In the operating room, everyone is staring at Chen Cang.

   Waiting for his final order.

   Let the heart beat again!

   At this time, Chen Cang took a deep breath. For the first time... he felt his hands trembling slightly!

  He is nervous!

   Seeing Chen Cang's hands trembling, everyone who knew Chen Cang was stunned!

   This... may be the first time Professor Chen is nervous! ?

   "Isoproterenol!" Chen Cang said lightly.

   "Maintain heart rate 110 beats/min!"

   My heart is beating!


   finally jumped!

   After everyone looked at the heart-lung machine, the patient's heart and lungs started their first exercise!

   They are totally excited!

   Everyone's face is filled with excitement and excitement.

   Professor Chen did it.

   unprecedented success!

   With such an operation, Chen Cang has achieved an operation that no one in this world can complete!

   Tension and anxiety rippled in Chen Cang's heart.

   He knows that this is temporary.

   Because the system did not notify him at all, the operation was successful!

   Chen Cang took a deep breath.

   He tried his best.

   This is all he can do.

   At this time, everyone discovered that Chen Cang was already soaked.

   Such an operation cost Chen Cang all the energy.

   made him exhausted.


   a long time!

   Chen Cang said to Meng Xi: "Close your chest."

   Meng Xi nodded.

   At this moment, she realized what kind of pressure Chen Cang was carrying.

   Chen Cang has warned the world whether this operation is successful or not.

  Life is not a fluke.

   Someone is helping you with their lives!



   After the operation, Guo Xue woke up!

   After this news spread, the whole world boiled.

  Professor Chen, once again completed the impossible for everyone!

   This winter, the first snow fell in the sun.

   In the first week after the operation, Guo Xue hugged the baby and burst into tears.

   She saw it!

   This child belongs to her and her husband.

   This photo has become popular on the Internet.

   This child was named "Li Anyang".

   Everyone is feeling the success of the operation.

   But Chen Cang knew...

   The operation still failed.

   Maybe it was not his own failure, but the patient's body, which could not support such an operation.

   half a month after surgery.

   The patient had a rejection reaction.

   The reaction was very serious. Guo Xue began to cough violently, fever, and difficulty breathing. The examination showed severe hypoxemia.

After   , the patient's condition continued to become serious.

   X-ray manifestations are ambiguity around the hilar and diffuse focal pulmonary infiltration, combined with pleural effusion.

   For the first operation in the world, many people from home and abroad have come to hope for rescue.

   Facing the family's plea!

  Chen Cang just said lightly: "Get ready for... funeral!"

   The rejection did not cause Guo Xue's illness.

   But on February 9th, on the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, Guo Xue left the world because of infection!

   She... After all, she did not escape her fate.

   However, when Guo Xue left, she left with a smile.

   No matter what the sickness tortured this woman, her wish was over.

   On this day, Chen Cang made an announcement to the world:

  "Every mother is great, but remember that miracles rarely happen. Believe in science and follow doctor's orders. Perhaps one day, we will have a better way to solve problems that cannot be solved now!

   Trust me, trust the doctor, stop kidnapping the doctor in the name of love.

   Because we are already working hard to move forward! "

   "The New Year is coming, I wish everyone a good health."

   After the news was sent, no one blamed Chen Cang, they had clearly experienced this incident, and they all praised Chen Cang.

   like the doctor!

  Doctor and patient~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It should be so, trust each other!

   isn't it?

【Ding! The benevolent mission of doctors is triggered. Your surgery has saved the hearts of thousands of patients and enhanced the understanding of doctors and patients. Hereby you will receive a super reward: Color transfer items (Neurology)]

   Chen Cang was stunned!

  I thought, what rewards would I have if the operation failed?

did not expect……

   I did not expect it to trigger the benevolence of the doctors, and to obtain colorful transfer props!



  Ps: I didn't do anything today. I wrote nearly 15,000 words in front of the computer all day, and I finished writing this story.

   wrote out the hearts of the people, the waywardness, and also the awesomeness of Professor Chen!

  The veteran thinks he is still satisfied.

   Hope everyone likes it.

   Like to help vote for it. Thank you! The end of the month, please support!

   Finally, I would like to thank the 50,000 rewards from "Beida Zhuang's Fattest", thank you brother.

   Thank you for the 10,000 reward of "The Sea is Purple", thank you for your support!

   ask for a monthly pass!


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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