When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1713: : The weird key!

   A farce, so that the emergency morning was suddenly full of vitality.

   With this set of theories of the grandfather and aunt, Chen Cang suddenly discovered that what a luxury is not comparable to an ordinary patient in our ICU.

   There are tens of thousands of brackets or bridges.


   Thinking of this, Chen Cang felt that he had learned a lot this morning.

   However, in the morning when Chen Cang was in the office, a special patient came to the emergency room.

   "Professor Chen, there is an intractable disease." Wu Hui hurried out and said to Chen Cang.

   Chen Cang was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

After    finished speaking, he followed Chen Cang to the outside.

   "Doctor, doctor, come look at my hands!"

   A great **** of about sixty years old sat in the office with a painful face, surrounded by a group of doctors, all of them tightened, and seemed to be embarrassed by this aunt!

   Chen Cang couldn't help asking: "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

   When the old lady heard this, she stretched out her hand full of pain: "Doctor, look, my hand hurts!"

   Chen Cang immediately asked: "What's the matter?"

   The aunt pointed to Luozhou and said, "He broke it for me!"

   Luozhou looked helpless.

   Chen Cang frowned suddenly and asked, "What's the matter?"

   Luozhou helplessly explained: "An ambulance came just now, and a patient on the cart was rushing to the rescue room. Where is this auntie standing, I took a hand."

   "As a result, this aunt touched the doorknob with her hand."

   "Director Chen...I'm sorry." Luo Zhou really didn't want to trouble Chen Cang and apologized.

Auntie    quickly said: "Young man, I don't blame you. I also understand that you are probably busy. Don't worry, Auntie is not a bad person!"

   "I feel like I was stabbed by a needle, and it stings. It really hurts."

"I'm not worried about others, I'm worried about being infected with those strange diseases. You know, in this world, look at it, look at it! I read on WeChat a few days ago and said that there are many bad people now! Plug it in those buses, vending machines! And the door handles of hospitals, some AIDS patients like to do this!"

   This aunt has a very quick tone, Barabara said a lot!

   Chen Cang was helpless, the door of the emergency department was open every day and closed every day. How could there be needles?

  Who is ok!

   However, to be on the safe side, Chen Cang took his aunt's hand and carefully checked her right palm, but did not find any needles or wounds.

   And if it was acupuncture, there would be trauma, Chen Cang started staring, and the wool did not see!

   Chen Cang looked at Luo Zhou who was nervous, patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's okay!"

   "Well, Yali, take your aunt to make an X-film of your hand!"

   "Auntie, don't worry, we will give you a free inspection!"

   Auntie nodded quickly: "Okay, I am not taking advantage."

   After half an hour, the X-ray results came out, and there was nothing unusual about the right-hand X-ray!

   Fractures, bone and joint abnormalities, soft tissue abnormalities, foreign bodies, etc. have not been seen...

   Is it nerve damage?

   Thinking of this, Chen Cang did a detailed neurological examination for her.

   But, there is nothing wrong with it!

   The tingling sensation of this aunt is not radiating pain, nor does it extend beyond the palm of the hand. There is no change in the pain when the posture is changed, no tenderness and percussion pain, unlike nerve damage.

   Chen Cang suddenly thought of a possibility, would he... touch porcelain?

   Thinking of this, Chen Cang felt that it was not impossible!

   After all, my hands hurt inexplicably. There must be a reason, right?

  Chen Cang said suddenly: "Auntie, this is more troublesome, we may have to have an operation to check!"

   "You may be a dangerous and complex nervous system entanglement irritation pain, there are not many in the world, and the nerves in your hands may even be cut short!"

   I heard Chen Cang say this.

Aunt    suddenly said that the pain was no longer there, and she refused to have an operation for examination.

After   , the aunt said to Chen Cang, "Are you the director?"

  Chen Cang nodded: "Yes."

The aunt said: "Director, I'm from a foreign country, and I don't know where I am. I don't know where to go. Besides, I'm also worried that my hands will suddenly hurt. Or... you let me stay in the hospital and observe Observed?"

   Chen Cang felt helpless when he heard it.

   The hospital is a hotel, you can live if you want?

   Everyone suddenly realized, this is the encounter with porcelain, right?

  Chen Cang said: "We don't have any extra beds here. They are all for patients and for rescue."

   Chen Cang also didn't want to cause trouble, so he asked the nurse to take the patient away quickly, so don't delay seeing other patients.

   Qin Yali is a better person, she hurriedly pulled her aunt away, and kindly took out the mobile app, and checked her a bunch of nearby hotels, so she persuaded her away.

   I thought this thing would be over.

   But, what no one thought was that in the evening, the old lady came again!

   Everyone is ready to get off work, and when they see her, they "cock".

   Qin Yali still has eyesight and quick hands, she greeted her first and asked her what happened.

   The aunt immediately turned on the complain mode.

"Doctor, you can’t live in a hotel, it’s not safe. Think about it. There is an organization called the Dark Web. Just find us and take us away for human experiments. And... Think about it, if I were cut off. What should I do if I lose the kidney?"

   "What if the hotel has a camera?"

   "Also, some AIDS will deliberately put needles in the bed..."

   Chen Cang suddenly frowned!


   Do you have any misunderstandings about needles?

   Chang Lina has changed shifts. After hearing this, she couldn't help but blurted out: "I'm sick! You are a persecuted delusion! Persecuted delusion!"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, maybe... Does this lady really have mental problems?

   Chen Cang took a deep breath at this time, his neurology diagnosis is perfect!

   But, I still didn't see anything strange from this lady.

   Then, Chen Cang performed CT and MRI of the head and some blood tests for the aunt.

   Then he settled down and went through the formalities.

  The key is that the aunt is very cooperative, and also takes the initiative to go through the procedures for the money.

   That's it, the night passed.

   Luozhou night shift, Chen Cang asked him to do more snacks, maybe this aunt may be mentally ill.

   But Chen Cang has not diagnosed now.

   Although Rashu was nervous, he nodded and agreed.

   The next day, the result came out, but it was normal!

  Head CT and MRI: No obvious abnormalities were seen.

   In the blood test, except for a little anemia and a little low white blood cell, liver and kidney function, electrolytes, thyroid function, blood sugar, blood ammonia, vitamin B1, infection indicators, AIDS and syphilis were all normal.

   Chen Cang even kept a urine sample to test whether the aunt had knocked the medicine, and the results were all negative.

   It seems that this aunt with abnormal mental behavior is not like a patient in God.

   Chen Cang thought of this and gave her some simple cognitive checks.

"Which city are you in now?"

   "Bac He Province"

   "Where is the capital?"


   "How much is 100 minus 20 minus 20 plus 20?"


   This time, the situation became more complicated.

   Chen Cang decisively made a MoCA scale for her and only scored 21 points.

   Reminiscent of her messy speech before, it seems that she really has a cognitive impairment.

   But, I didn’t expect that the more she talked, the more excited she became. She said that she grew up in the United States and was very talented since she was a child.

   Both elementary school and high school skipped grades, then went to work as an agent for the FBI, and then went to NASA to do a mysterious research.

   Now I return to China to join the national security department of China!

   In order to keep "state secrets", she has never been married, has no family or friends.

   Finally, she also mentioned that she had worked as a volunteer in a mental hospital, but was not hospitalized.

   There is no doubt mental illness.

   Here, Luozhou is going to contact the mental hospital.

   However, Chen Cang suddenly hesitated, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

   Where did you miss it?

   At this time, it happened that the mental hospital called and said that the diagnosis of mental illness was not casual. The most important thing was to satisfy most of the time for 1 month or more.

   But this aunt has not even been there for a day since she was admitted to the hospital, and no one can prove whether she has a mental illness.

   But now that all the organic ones are eliminated, isn’t that the primary psychosis left?

   "Didn't she say that she had been in a mental hospital? Maybe she ran out there." Luo Zhou was even more convinced that she was mentally ill.

   "Yes, yes, and her blood prolactin increased in her blood test, maybe it was caused by the antipsychotic drugs she had used before." Chen Bingsheng said directly.

   "I was thinking, why is she anemia?" Chen Cang said suddenly.

   "Anemia? Isn't it normal!"

   "Yes, mental illness is a bit anemia at the same time. Originally, mental patients' diet is not balanced. Mild anemia is normal, right?"

   When everyone was talking about it, they were about to send this patient away.

   Chen Cang's brain told Rotating, and suddenly, the clues came through, and a message filled his mind!

   "Yes, I remember it!"

"It is written in the textbook chapter on mega-baby poverty that patients with mega-baby poverty caused by vitamin B12 deficiency can have neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as distal limb numbness, gait instability, ataxia, depression, memory loss, hallucinations, Delusion and even insanity!"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned!

   Chen Cang said quickly: "I will add iron and vitamin B12 to check and see the effect!"

   On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, suddenly this aunt recovered miraculously.

   The news ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ made everyone in the emergency department feel emotional.

   Lao Ma glanced at Chen Cang and couldn't help asking: "Cang, how can you do everything!"

【Ding! Diagnose anemic insanity sign, the difficulty is higher, get the neurology skill tree key x1! 】

   Chen Cang was overjoyed, so that's it?

   After the diagnosis is clear, can I get a key?

   And the key happens to be able to open the skills on the skill tree?

  In this way...

   Chen Cang suddenly discovered that this job transfer was really making a lot of money.

   However, looking at the difficulty determination, Chen Cang frowned slightly, maybe...what's the clue?

   But anyway!

   Being a doctor really can't take the details seriously, we must always be alert.

  Any clues may lead to different results!

   It's better to dig into the roots of the crime.


  Ps: I think this medical record is very interesting, share it with everyone.

   Anemia can cause mental illness.

  Please ask for a monthly pass. It's the end of the month. Please give me some help, please!


   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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