When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1720: : Disrespect the boss too much!

   According to the current stage of medical development.

   Spinal cord injury of this degree is definitely a difficult operation.

   During the physical examination, Chen Cang could clearly determine the location and severity of the nerve damage caused by the patient!

   Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a level 100 king-level boss!

   Even the experts and academicians around are a little confused at this time, let alone the little doctor below.

   Doing spinal cord repair surgery is basically a fight between gods, which is not an exaggeration!

   Here, Chen Cang has not yet started the operation, and Yu Yonggang around him took the lead in taking the lead, occupying the best position and completing the position!

   He finally understood why Xu Ziming and the others always made a lot of noise because of an operation!

   At that time, Yu Yonggang always said shamelessly.

   Now he understands!

   This is not a shame, this is a yearning for knowledge!

   What shame in pursuing knowledge?

   Seeing Yu Yonggang's movements, Yang Wenwu, Yan Zhengjun and others realized that the next operation might be the core operation.

   To put it in a fashionable way, it is: the meaning of surgery!

   It's a pity, Lao Yu has already made the first step, and they hurriedly came over!

   Chen Cang doesn't mind either.

   After all, there are not many secret operations in this operation. To put it bluntly, the patient's condition is not serious, and it is not time to expose his unique skills.

   Therefore, you can learn as much as you can, and Chen Cang will not stop him.

   Seeing Chen Cang's acquiescence, everyone was happy in their hearts.

   also smiled at Chen Cang.

   Chen Cang is looking forward to it now, the full-level boss, king-level boss, what kind of reward can this top-level monster bring to him?

   At this time, Chen Cang gave his assistant Wang Qian the osteotome and mini drill, and then took the curette and special pliers.

   At this time, Qu Jinguo, the director of the Department of Orthopedics of the Capital Third Hospital, seemed to find that he had affected Wang Qian's operation and quickly apologized!

   "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"

   Qu Jinguo had an apologetic eye, took the initiative to apologize and admit his mistake, and then staggered the two positions, giving Wang Qian a more spacious space!

  Wang Qian stood by, embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

   is approaching... these experts in front of you are not ordinary people, they belong to the existence of orthopedic masters, and the tall doctoral supervisors in their eyes are not worth mentioning in the eyes of these few people!

  Wang Qian really did not expect that one day he could let Academician Qu Jinguo apologize to him, and take the initiative to take two steps back!


  Qu Jinguo Academician, Hedong for three years, Hexi for three years!

   Have you forgotten how stupid I was when I and my teacher were operating with you on the operating table?

At this moment, Wang Qian had only one idea, so he took off his mask and said to Qu Jinguo: "Academician Qu, don’t bully the young man, you have to stand aside and watch my surgery...well, don’t pay attention to the details. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to assist Teacher Cang!"

   Qu Jinguo's words made Wang Qian swell for a long time. This bull, he waited for the operation to be completed today, and will be in the circle of friends for a year. The only pity is that there is no video!

   At this time, Chen Cang's eyes can clearly see the thin bone fragments and the fracture fragments protruding into the spinal canal in the spinal canal!

   This may seem trivial, but in this operation, it seems to be very important!

  Because what is the spinal cord?

   It is in the spinal canal, the upper end is connected to the medulla oblongata, and paired nerves are sent out on both sides, which are distributed to the limbs, body walls and internal organs.

   It can be said that the spinal cord, like the brain, is the center of many simple reflexes.

   And the gray matter and white matter of the spinal cord are mainly composed of nerve cells and myelinated nerve fibers!

   The more subtle the debris cleaning process, the less damage it causes.

   However, these bone fragments are in the spinal cord and must be taken out by X-rays to determine the location!

   In this way, secondary damage is already inevitable.

   Chen Cang actually already knows that these "red" fragments are there, but... you can't take them out directly, right?

   Thinking of this, Chen Cang deliberately coughed and looked up at the film. This time he spent 3 seconds pretending to be serious!

   Then, the cleanup work started!

one slice!

   Two pieces!


   As more and more things were taken out, the surrounding old masters were suddenly forced!


   just need to take a look?

   Is it possible to find everything accurately?

   Seeing that Chen Cang seemed to be able to pinch out some small things as long as he started, everyone was stunned when he saw this scene!

   Moreover, Chen Cang could perceive the location of the bone fragments hidden inside the spinal cord almost without searching!

   This fucking!

  With such memory, judgment and sense of space.

   Still need to take pictures and eat rays every day?

   Still worried about damaging the spinal cord?

   Are you still afraid of such a delicate operation?

  Mom never has to worry about my surgery anymore!

   It didn't take long for Chen Cang to clean up.

   That's right!

   Chen Cang is very confident.

  Yu Yonggang discovered that Chen Cang had stayed by his side for a whole year, but he didn't know enough about him? ? !

   Have you survived a dog this year?

   Thinking of this, Yu Yonggang feels a little sorry.

   Chen Cang said lightly: "Take a film and see if there are any fragments."

   Seeing Chen Cang's tone, everyone was suspicious for a while, Chen Cang said this sentence completely to give the X-ray camera face!

   Otherwise, he doesn't do it rare.

   As expected!

   The result came out, clean and without any impurities!

   Everyone looked at the cleaned spinal cord, and there was almost no secondary injury. Everyone couldn't help but sigh!

   is really amazing.


   Suddenly, the BGM in Wang Qian's mind automatically sounded!

   I just thought that the inner crowd looked at you more!

   never forget your bone fragments again!

   I thought I could see each other again when I filmed an x ​​movie again.

   I didn’t expect that from now on I could only miss it alone~www.wuxiaspot.com~Ah!

  You are in the spinal cord when I miss you!

   look back at you by the bed!



   In this way, watching Chen Cang understate the incision of the wound, understate the bone quality, and then understate the removal of the remaining bone fragments.

   Unknowingly, Chen Cang has done half of the operation lightly!

   This makes everyone start thinking about life.

   Could it be...

   Do we have any misunderstandings about spinal cord injury surgery?

   Is surgery really that simple?

   The operation is half completed like this, why don’t we even have a nervous atmosphere!

   You must know that before Chen Cang came, their group was like ants on a hot pot.

   What about this time?

   One by one is as comfortable as a koala.

   Not even the chief doctor Chen Cang, even... sweat!

   If everyone can see the disease level, they will definitely shout:

   You disrespect this full-level boss too much, right? !


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