When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1746: : Listen to me, yes!

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Just after the news spread that Chen Cang was willing to accept South Korean Zhong Shuo.

For a time, more and more professionals began to discuss.

"The Lancet" has always been very partial to Chen Cang, and directly expressed his opinion that Chen Cang has the responsibility and responsibility!

However, more people are discussing what Chen Cang's method is!

After all, Zhong Shuo's surgery has been discussed by many people.

Even countless people have been diagnosed with complete pulmonary vein drainage, ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus, pulmonary hypertension...

This bunch of technical terms may seem very complicated!

Yes, it is so.

Basically, the mortality rate of such patients is extremely high.

Those who can survive by chance will not survive for three years.

So, is there really any point in struggling for such a life?

Everyone does not understand.

I don't understand why Chen Cang suddenly accepted Zhong Shuo.

Could it be... can he really save it?

Maybe not!

Even though Chen Cang has great abilities, this time everyone does not believe that Chen Cang can really save the patient.

Because no matter what means you choose, it is very limited!

Even several cardiac surgery journals with high impact factors have begun to use this to increase their influence!

Now Zhong Shuo is a hot spot in the field of heart surgery.

And Chen Cang is also a fever!

Who wouldn't want to come here for a while?

Moreover, the way the professionals rub the heat is still very professional.

"I don't think Professor Chen Cang can complete this operation, but in any case, Professor Chen Cang is willing to work hard for it, and it is worthy of our respect."

"First of all, the methods of cardiac surgery are very limited now!"

"The first type is cardiac arrest. The use of freezing technology has obvious advantages, but the disadvantages are also very significant. Once cryogenic freezing technology is used, the operation time for the patient's operation is less than 40 minutes. Repair of defects and vascular transfer is impossible!"

"Secondly, the use of non-stop heart technology, this is undoubtedly inseparable from the cardiopulmonary bypass machine. Once the patient uses the cardiopulmonary bypass machine, it will definitely cause perfusion injury, which is irreversible. Therefore, even if Professor Chen is good at low temperature and non-stop Without a doubt, this is also an unrealistic method!"

"In the end, it was Professor Chen’s unique x-pri technology. After this mysterious intervention appeared at the AATS2020 conference, it completely disappeared. But according to the description at the time, it is obvious that x-pri The gun’s operating space is limited, and it also includes many small holes, which makes it difficult to complete the operation."

"I am not a negative person. I can only find a lost person who cannot find the truth. I hope that Professor Chen can save Zhong Shuo, but I also hope that Professor Chen Cang will not use Zhong Shuo as a profit-making tool!"

This representative article has been reprinted and cited many times after it was published.

There is no doubt that this author has said to the heart of others.

But at this time.

A piece of news added three to five points of credibility to this conspiracy theory.

March 12, 2020!

Wanhe Group and Dongyang Second People's Hospital announced their cooperation and started the first batch of clinical trials of x-pri technology!

The number of the first batch of volunteers is as high as 200!

The first clinical trials with such a large population are indeed a bit shocking.

Similarly, Chen Cang, as the main person in charge of clinical trials, is also a main participant, serving as technology and guidance.

After the announcement of this news, Zhong Shuo's affairs and the news of Wanhe Group's x-pri technology were also connected together!

More and more people are beginning to think that Chen Cang's operation by Xiao Zhongshuo is most likely to increase the influence of x-pri clinical trials.

Someone starts, some dare to follow suit.

After all, the tree attracts the wind.

Chen Cang has developed too quickly, and there will indeed be many people who have opinions on him.

Now, Chen Cang suddenly announced that he would start clinical trials of x-pri technology.

Moreover, the news that Chen Cang is a shareholder of Wanhe Group spread like wildfire.

But at this time, Chen Cang also accepted the news from the Korean kid Zhong Shuo.

Putting all of this together, without even deliberate guidance from the media, you can logically think: This time, in order to increase the influence of Wanhe Group's x-pri, Chen Cang has to start a trial with Zhong Shuo!

For a time, various reviews and media emerged endlessly.

Begin to make various satires and embarrassments to Chen Cang!

Everything is said!

However, it is more that Chen Cang has changed!

Will the dragon slaying boy now turn into an evil dragon?

But is it true?

Someone calmly analyzes.

Someone watched the fire from across the bank.

More of it is not too much to join in the fun!

Even many doctors in South Korea began to doubt Chen Cang's motives!

Only Jin Yien trusts Chen Cang!

As a member of the AATS Association, Jin Yien has witnessed the rise of Chen Cang with his own eyes. He has never been such a person!

Just the day after Chen Cang announced the news.

A plane made a special trip from Seoul to China Amyang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this line!

Is hope!

"Professor Jin, I now doubt Chen Cang's motives, I think..."

A doctor kept persuading along the way.

Kim Ye-eun is a little annoyed.

He said coldly: "Do you dare to do Zhong Shuo's operation?"

The man was speechless for a while: "I...I...this..."

Jin Yeen put a smile away and said seriously: "Professor Chen dares, I believe he can too!"

"From now on, stop talking about this matter!"

The doctor was speechless.

In this way, all kinds of rumors on the Internet came out in a mess.

Chen Fen and Chen Hei have started quarreling many times.

And at this time!

Jin Yien brought the children and experts who had come to watch the operation from afar to China Amyang!

After the two sides met.

Chen Cang ignored any greetings and politeness.

Just politely completed the handover ceremony.

And at this time, Chen Cang also began to carefully check the little boy with many pipes all over his body.

There are so many onlookers around!

It includes association members from Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and other places.

They dared not make a loud noise, waiting for Chen Cang's inspection to complete.

Chen Cang checked in detail.

He wants to check how feasible his surgery is!

Finally, after one disappeared, Chen Cang's eyes lit up and he turned to Meng Xi and said:

"Director Meng, prepare the patient for surgery tomorrow morning!"

Hearing Chen Cang's words, everyone was stunned!

Sure enough?


Is it so fast! ?

Is Professor Chen already confident?

Seeing Chen Cang's expression, everyone was hesitant to say something, but... but still wanted to say something.

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