When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1749: : Professor Zhou Botong!

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When Chen Cang said something, there was not enough shock.

But when you make it, the impact of that picture feel is very strong!

Left hand, right hand, a slow motion!

Right hand, left hand, no replay in slow motion!

This operation is too difficult!

That's right!

Accompanied by Chen Cang's operation, Jin Yien's eyes widened, and he even forgot the surgeon's instinct, and even the concept of sterility!

Can't help but raise his hand to cover his mouth!

Is this too scary?

How many people can do this kind of surgery?

Jin Yeen suddenly stunned when he saw his raised hand.

But immediately relieved!

After all... this... can you do this kind of fairy surgery?

Don't worry about these hands!


Not only Jin Yeen, but many experts from the AATS Association present were really shocked by Chen Cang's left-handed operation!

After all, how can such "famous scenes" be seen by directors who are less than 100 years old?


On the other hand, other people seem to be in stark contrast to their performance as members of the AATS Association!

Seeing Director Tao Mi, he smiled slightly, and a trace of comfort from the old father crossed the corner of his eyes, making him more accustomed.

Instead, Director Xia Gaofeng nodded frequently and said yes, and seemed to approve of Chen Cang's progress!


Director Meng, who was the youngest and least experienced at the scene, frowned slightly, her performance was not like curiosity.

It's like... doubts and accusations!

"Chen Cang, your left hand is more stable."

Hearing the sound, Chen Cang quickly took medicine and came with a bottle of physical potion!

This **** operation is not only a technical job, but also a real physical job!

Too challenging!

This scene, in the eyes of these AATS experts, made them really a little blinded!

Could it be...

All of them?

Jin Yien felt itchy, and couldn't help asking Meng Xi: "Director Meng, this operation method is so powerful!"

Meng Xi nodded: "Well! Yes, it is necessary to pay attention to the stability of the technique, but also to take into account the effectiveness of the operation. Generally speaking, it also requires a dual purpose, which is really difficult!"

"However, it's far behind Zhou Botong!"

Meng Xi never recognized Chen Cangqiang.

That's right!

After all... I am your teacher, I have to urge you to make progress all the time, not to make you complacent.

Jin Yeen's heart was shaken by the sound!

Is there someone better than Professor Chen?

This kind of one-hearted operation requires not only the left and right coordination without gaps, but also the proficiency of both hands!

Is this level even unknown internationally?

Several other people also came together and asked curiously:

"Director Meng... I don't know who Professor Zhou Botong is? What technique is he good at?"

Meng Xi pondered for a moment: "Zhou Botong...He has a technique called: left-right mutual fighting technique! Well, proficient in left-right hand, good at one mind and two purposes!"

That's right!

Good job!

Hearing Meng Xi's explanation, everyone suddenly became clear.

"This...Why does it sound like martial arts?"

Meng Xi nodded naturally: "Well, Chinese Kung Fu!"

When everyone heard the sound, their hearts suddenly shook.


When Professor Chen had surgery in the past, some people said that Professor Chen was proficient in Chinese Kung Fu. Seeing it today, it was really amazing!

Strike around!


They couldn't help but sigh.

Why is Bertong not our Korean this week?

Yes indeed!

Professor Chen is so handsome, does he have some Korean ancestry?



As the operation went deep, Chen Cang's temples were already sweating.

to be frank!

Chen Cang still underestimated the difficulty of the operation.

It was more than twice as difficult than what I thought.

The child's heart is too small.

Even under the influence of CT, you may not be able to see the details of the heart clearly.

He has to rely on him to control it!

Therefore, under such difficulty, Chen Cang could only operate cautiously.

It cannot be deep or shallow.

Because the heart is only that big.

The repair operation of the atrioventricular septal defect is just like this, slowly completed!

Chen Cang was also cautious in the follow-up work.

For fear that a little carelessness will lose all the game!

In fact, surgery is the same as playing chess.

If any step goes wrong, the whole game will be lost, there is no room for relaxation!

In this way, time passed by.

The feelings of the people around Chen Cang were already like a high mountain standing up, and the torrential river flowing continuously.

It really is like this.

Not an exaggeration at all!

Chen Cang's operation already has the core of surgery.

First: surgical procedures, bold, careful, and innovative research out of such surgical methods.

Second: During the operation, dare to do, dare to do, dare to do nothing!

Third: The difficulty of the operation is basically the most difficult cardiac surgery intervention they have ever seen.

Perhaps this is not an accurate interventional procedure.

It's the way of intervention, the difficulty and operation of surgical operation.

It's amazing!

at last!

Just as time goes by every minute and every second.

Chen Cang's surgery ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is also coming to an end!

This operation is the crystallization of innovation in heart surgery and new technology.

It is also a window for heart surgery in the new era!

And Chen Cang showed them the legendary charm of the new type of surgery today!


Of course.

Such things as surgery.

The insider is still watching the doorway, the outsider watching the excitement.

Chen Cang's difficult operation is the pinnacle of accomplishments in the eyes of AATS.

However, not everyone thinks so!

At this moment!

The media who watched the operation in the office outside did not understand the operation.

But you can probably understand one one two two.

There is no way to shoot the video, it can only be broadcast in the form of language!

"It's amazing! The interventional gun called x-pri technology used by Professor Chen Cang played a pivotal role in this operation!"

"Who would have thought that two mere guns would save this operation that "The Lancet" called a cardiac surgery nightmare!"

"The rise of Chinese Cardiac Surgery began with those guns in Chen Cang's hands!"

"The difficulty of the operation has been greatly reduced, and the magic equipment has made great contributions to this operation!"

"Professor Chen used the x-pri gun to use interventional means to easily complete this extremely difficult operation within 30 minutes."



The operation is not over yet.

However, a lot of news about interventional therapy with x-pri gun has been publicized.

After all, everyone thinks surgery is very simple!

The first step is to insert the gun.

In the second step, stir evenly.

The third step is to pull it out.


The operation was actually completed.

You say that such a device is not so powerful!

That's right, let alone Professor Chen Cang, even ordinary people can do it well!

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