When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1766: : The dean of the prison!

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The incomplete version of Bole Eye is simply a magical skill for Chen Cang now!

Thinking of this, Chen Cang directly did not delay and automatically blocked the old couple who showed their affection.

Don't care even if your blood sugar spikes!

The screening of the dean's information began, for fear that this unreliable skill would suddenly not work for a while.

By then it will be over!

After thinking of this, Chen Cang quickly found a blank piece of paper and started taking notes.

Write each individual's score on it, so that you can get a rough understanding.

Scoring is just a very important reference basis.

But Chen Cang didn't plan to use scoring as the only factor.

Sometimes, when choosing a person, subjective factors such as three views and personality are also very important.

Five people participated in this dean review.

Qin Xiaoyuan, Mr. Zhong, Tan Liguo, Chen Cang, and Mr. Fang!

Mr. Fang has been in better condition recently, and his whole body has improved a lot compared to before. It can be seen that the operation performed by the fledgling Chen Cang was very successful!

As the veteran of the Second Provincial Hospital, Mr. Fang, with so many years of experience, even Mr. Zhong must respectfully call Mr. Fang.

Five people come for public interviews, score points, and select the dean according to the ranking.

I have to say that this time there are a lot of applicants for the dean recruitment.

Even internationally, many overseas Chinese and foreigners have come to sign up.

Chen Cang's information can be seen quickly!

He believes in systematic judgment.

[Chen Xiaoli: Comprehensive score: 76 points, scientific research ability...]

[Xu Mine: Comprehensive score: 65, scientific research ability...]


Everyone who can reach the level of dean tells the truth that the information is very solid, and the honor alone has several pages, let alone scientific research results, papers and other materials.

Therefore, it takes a lot of time for Chen Cang to see and remember these people one by one.

And the ability of the system...Chen Cang was quite convinced.

The scores of most applicants are concentrated around 70 points, fluctuating up and down.

Occasionally one or two scored 80 points, and Chen Cang had already registered.

There are also some Chen Cang who has five-star ability in a certain field.

After all, these are rare talents!

If it can be incorporated into its own team, it should be a good choice.

Just when Chen Cang reached the last ten copies, he was suddenly taken aback!

[Zhu Qian, male, born in 1975, former president of Beihe Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine...]

After Chen Cang saw this name, his eyes suddenly narrowed!

Dean Zhu is out of prison? ? ?

Chen Cang suddenly got excited in his mind and quickly took out Zhu Qian's information and looked at it seriously!

I hope I didn't read it wrong, right? !

Zhu Qian was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment for several crimes five years ago. He hasn't come out yet, right?

However, the information is indeed Zhu Qian, it must be correct.

After all, it is impossible for two people named Zhu Qian to appear in the post of Dean of Beihe Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, right?

You know, when Chen Cang was still in university, Dean Zhu Qian was already the elder of the Yangtze River Scholars. He was selected as one of the "Top 100 Deans in China" and the winner of the "Doctor Bethune" three consecutive times.

But it was not these honors that really made Zhu Qian famous.

Most people still feel very strange to this name.

The real sensation was a major medical dispute in 2016.

And this is also a rare case in China where the president took the lead in being sentenced.

Zhu Qian was very young at the time, only 41 years old, but he was already the chief director and concurrently dean of a provincial hospital. He could be said to be very high-spirited, but Zhu Qian's pinnacle in the field of thoracic surgery was really strong, as the leader of the chest in North China. , It is innovative to do the ultimate in lung cancer resection.

However, his radical surgery for lung cancer has also attracted strong attention in the world's No. 1 cancer journal.


At the peak of Zhu Qian's life, he ushered in a major turning point in his life.

Beihe Province is not very far from Shanxi and Mongolia, and where coal mines are popular, there is a common disease, that is, silicosis.

Silicosis may not be well understood by everyone. He also has a name called pneumoconiosis.

Mainly due to long-term inhalation of a large amount of free silica-containing dust during the production process, the lung disease is mainly caused by pulmonary fibrosis.

In the early days of coal miners, due to the existence of many problems such as protective measures, most of them had silicosis of varying degrees over many years.

But in the early stage, patients with silicosis are not serious, and patients generally have no symptoms.

However, the longer the age, the more serious the situation. In the late stage of silicosis, breathing difficulties, hemoptysis, chest tightness and even general conditions are life-threatening.

Perhaps it should be said that the times make heroes, and in such an environment, Zhu Qian can be considered as a talent.

However, Zhu Qian, whose father is a coal miner, feels the same for these patients. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

During 2010-2016, while studying silicosis, he was surprised to find that there was a very high incidence of silicosis in a certain part of Bac He Province, and, most importantly, the chance of silicosis patients turning into lung cancer was extremely high. Big!

The discovery of this research shocked Zhu Qian, who was originally only conducting a population study and a census!

Therefore, after in-depth research, he discovered that there are a special kind of dust in several coal mines here, which can stimulate the bronchial epithelium and induce cancer!

After getting this information, Zhu Qian did a lot of work, such as publicity, science popularization, research, etc...

Even let the people of this coal mine pay compensation, because this is directly related.

The dean of a district touches the interests of a group.

Zhu Qian was targeted.

But he did not give up, and continued to make various struggles and efforts to fight for compensation and justice for the local patients who had turned to lung cancer from silicosis.

The young and energetic Zhu Qian suffered a lot from this.

At that time, the country did not pay much attention to certain dust pollution, and the research was in a relatively blank area.

For this reason, Zhu Qian personally paid out his own pockets to fight the lawsuit.


At a critical time, these patients turned away.

They are not willing to anger the big boss, but... hoping that the big boss can offer their children a job.

After all, many rural people can't even get a job in coal mines.

And the salary of this job is very high.

More than one hundred thousand a year, this kind of income is very high in the countryside, and it can even change their destiny.

Zhu Qian went to the mine to collect data privately, but encountered a mining disaster. Fortunately, the problem was not big, but after learning about the matter, he was taken to court by the mine.

After all, Zhu Qian is not a coal miner, and he violated the rules when he entered.

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