When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1770: : Recruiting Dean (Part 1)

On the second day, the interview officially began.

Sitting in the middle is Zhong Ran, and on the side are Qin Xiaoyuan and Tan Liguo, and the two at the far end are Father Fang and Chen Cang.

Of course, there are two staff in charge of statistics and services, both of whom are in the medical department. Yang Tong is in charge of statistics and behind him, and there is a young and beautiful girl in charge of calling people.

After everyone sat inside, the staff sent a score sheet, one for each.

Not many people participate in the job interview, after all, not everyone can approve the post of dean.

Many people got stuck in the first trial.

But even so, there are still many top talents.

Among them, there are many people who have served as directors of large hospitals, who came to Amyang for their ambition and ideals.

Probably everyone thinks this is a place full of hope, right?

The Second People's Hospital of Dongyang Province is naturally where that dream began.

After everyone sat down, Zhong Ran suddenly turned around to look at Chen Cang and asked, "Do you have any intentions?"

Chen Cang was taken aback and smiled: "Let's talk about it after the interview. It's too early to say anything, and... I don't know much about them."

Chen Cang is telling the truth, and he will talk about others when he meets people.

At about 8:30, the recruitment process officially began.

I have to say that most of the applicants are talented people.

After I came in, I was very calm, neither humble nor overbearing. Anyway, at least I have a very good spirit!

To be honest, most of these people who came, Zhong Ran knew.

After all, as the president of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Mr. Zhong's connections are definitely not a joke.

Therefore, for these people, Zhong Ran has had some contact and understanding more or less, and the interview work has been carried out smoothly.

And Mr. Zhong's question is also in place:

"How do you see the connotative development path of the Second Hospital of Dongyang Province? If you come to be the director, how to strengthen the connotative construction of the hospital."

Connotative development and construction.

This question is very difficult. After coming up, Mr. Zhong gave such a question.

However, looking back at the other party, he smiled slightly and seemed to have done enough homework.

"I think the connotative development of Dongyang Second People's Hospital is actually the development around Chen Cang. Professor Chen Cang is the core of the Second Provincial Hospital, and the construction of the core is the driving force behind the development of the hospital."

"Therefore, my plan is also very straightforward. It is to build an obvious echelon of training around Professor Chen's good department, from high-tech to backbone to general doctor..."

The interview went well.

In fact, one of the big differences between structured interviews and this liberalized random interview is that there is no format and no fixed answer routine!

It does not revolve around: "what", "why", "how to do" to answer.

This seemingly logical answer is the least pleasing in such a high-end interview situation.

After all, there is only one dean of the Provincial Second Hospital!

What is needed is not modest talent.

Therefore, if you want to stand out, you must show your own characteristics and highlights.

Only in this way can the examiner shine.

Of course, most of the ages who come to apply for the dean are between 45-55.

Those who are too young have no qualifications and experience, and those who are too old have no energy and courage.

The same is true in life. The most precious time for a person is 25-35 years old. At this time, you have enough energy to figure out what you need and fight for it.

However, the moment that truly reflects a person's glory is between 45-55, because at this time, enough life and social experience will bring back to the original.

The assessment work is carried out in an orderly manner!

Among them, there are indeed many people who shine.

For example, the doctor of management of returned overseas students.

When asked about the future, she gave a very precise answer.

International medical center, the world's high-tech medical gathering place.

In the precise answer of the other party, even Chen Cang saw a desire for the future.

Because the blueprint drawn by the other party is too detailed.

Everyone on the scene gave high scores, including Chen Cang.

When Zhu Qian arrived at the scene, he suddenly fell silent.

After Zhong Ran saw Zhu Qian, his eyes lit up slightly and said, "Please sit down."

After Chen Cang saw Zhu Qian's appearance, he was slightly taken aback. This man was much more mature than before, and he seemed to have become more restrained.

If it were not for the firm words on this application, Chen Cang would have shaken his mind.

After all, time can change a person.

It will even change completely!

Zhu Qian smiled and bowed slightly to everyone, nodding and smiling: "Thank you."

After sitting down, Zhu Qian looked around, but after seeing Chen Cang, his gaze stayed with great interest.

Zhong Ran was obviously very interested in Zhu Qian. He asked curiously: "Dean Zhu, why did you come to Dongyang Second People's Hospital? As far as I know, there are many more hospitals that have issued invitations, even... Even the current cancer diagnosis and treatment center has sent out invitations."

Zhu Qian smiled slightly: "Because there is no upper limit here!"

"It has been two months since I came out. In these two months, I haven't stopped for a moment because of one person, Professor Chen Cangchen."

"To be honest, Professor Chen's talent for medicine has far exceeded my imagination. He has a superhuman talent and sense of smell for medicine, surgery, and scientific research!"


"Professor Chen's development seems to be very smooth, and it can even be said to be unimpeded. It seems that everything is easy to get results, but I think there is a very serious shortcoming!"

"This shortcoming may be insignificant in a short time, but the later it is, the easier it will be exposed. It can even be said that...now it has been exposed!"

As soon as he said this, the surrounding area became quiet!

Many people came today~www.wuxiaspot.com~There are no shortage of top experts from all over the world and leaders of domestic hospitals.

But this is the first person to question Chen Cang!

For a moment, everyone was a little stunned.

Even after Zhong Ran and Old Man Fang glanced at Zhu Qian, they turned and looked at Chen Cang curiously, and then continued to stare at Zhu Qian!

At this time, Zhu Qian didn't seem to feel any pressure. He met everyone's gaze, his eyes were filled with determination and determination, even with a smile on his mouth.

It looked like Zhu Qian who was smiling at the courtroom!

Five years later, he has not changed!

Zhu Qian, he has changed a lot from the beginning.

Also improved a lot!

And today, at the Second People's Hospital of Dongyang Province.

Zhu Qian will prove himself.

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