When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1781: : Someone from the hospital to teach?

That's right!

Where there is Chen Cang, there is no bottom line!

This is the case with the upright journal Nature, a model worker in the industry!

Is this different from non-technical impulse writing?


In any case, this may be the closest they have ever been to these top journals.

This is "Nature"!

For a while, everyone was eager to try.

And the same!

Chen Cang went to the Chen Cang Research Institute and said the same thing again.

Everyone at the institute was even more stunned!

Their demand for papers puts great pressure on scientific research.

Now there is a top-level opportunity in front of you. If they don’t know how to cherish it, it’s really **** you!


Zhang Mu and Taidanis looked at Chen Cang and couldn't help but said, "Professor Chen...it can be mobilized, but...it's obviously not a long-term way to adjust your emotions and enthusiasm like this falsely!"

Chen Cang was speechless at once: "I mean it!"

The two are indifferent!

Chen Cang didn't explain it either. After returning, he himself prepared ten articles.

at last!

a week later.

The article is complete.

At the end of the clinical trial, Chen Cang wrote a paper in addition to watching movies.

Now for the DTI imaging results, Chen Cang is suddenly enlightened.

I wrote an article directly called: "Parkinson's Early Diagnosis: The Emergence of the Fifth Generation of DTI Stereotactic Technology!" 》

And there are many articles of the same level!

at last!

At this time, Yotel of the journal Nature also had early propaganda in place.

At the same time, Nature Journal published a press conference!

The name is: "Parkinson's Countdown"!

The theme is exactly the same as the special issue.

This name is too domineering, so once it was released, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

In the face of the media's doubts and doubts, Yotel did not refute, but smiled faintly: "Perhaps it is more shocking than what I said!"

"Trust me, for those Parkinson's patients, this term has become a thing of the past!"

Such remarks made the media feel that the editor-in-chief of "Nature" should be changed. This editor-in-chief is a little bit open-minded!

Too fake!

No matter how everyone talks about it, it is undeniable that the "Nature" special issue "Parkinson's Countdown" is still hot!

The degree of topicality and heated discussion keeps this thing rising to the top!

No one believes that Parkinson will become history.

At this time, "Parkinson's Countdown" finally came out!

When everyone saw the front cover, they were stunned!

Very domineering cover!

It was a big fist with the word Parkinson in his hand. Obviously, this fist was about to crush Parkinson!

In the upper right corner is a vivid countdown!

Very shocking!

However, when they saw the editor-in-chief, they couldn't help but froze for a while!

"Chen Cang!"

After seeing this name, everyone was a little silent.

Could it be Chen Cang's discovery again?

When everyone began to watch carefully, everyone's expressions were just like the original Yotel, full of excitement and shock!

The first article: "Research on the possibility of early diagnosis and treatment intervention in human Parkinson’s disease based on the results of early diagnosis and treatment intervention in Parkinson’s rats"

Chapter 2: "Parkinson's Early Diagnosis of DTI Imaging Technology-Pioneer of the Fifth Generation of Stereotactic Technology"

Chapter 3: "The folded pathological α-nucleoprotein is neurotoxic"!

The fourth...the fifth...the sixth...

Every article stimulates people's G-spot fiercely!

Grasping everyone's heart, making them worry and shocked!

At this moment, everyone has only one thought in their hearts: terrible!

How terrible is this person?

How deep is his research on Parkinson!

How profound is his research on pharmacology and pathology?


Professor Chen has such profound research on mechanical physics and molecular physics.

Whether it is the fifth generation of stereotactic technology, or the DTI conjecture of the discovery of tensors.

Both are classics and legends!

No one thought of it!

It turns out that Parkinson can really get up early to prevent it?

Early diagnosis, early intervention and timely treatment!

It seems to have become Parkinson's treatment guide!

This time, even the World Parkinson's Medical Center was shaken.

The president of the clinic made a public speech, saying that the special issue of "Nature" "Parkinson's Countdown" really might make Parkinson history!

This time!

Chen Cang shocked the world again.

Everyone looked at Chen Cang's name with emotion.

Chen Cang is really the first person in the field of Parkinson's research and clinical field!

The World Parkinson's Clinic publicly issued a letter of thanks to Chen Cang!

Publicly commend and thank Chen Cang for his research on Parkinson's, which has helped more and more Parkinson's patients.

For a time!

China, Ammonium Yang, Provincial Second Hospital.

Many people came here.

The international flight ticket to Ammon was also successfully postponed to three months later!

Such a terrifying number reminds people all the time.

Amyang, this city is really not simple anymore.

The early diagnosis of Parkinson's by DTI technology seems to be the main reason for attracting people!

After all, many people with high Parkinson's diagnostic scores are still worried about their health.

Everyone went here to check.

As for those who are at risk during the examination, intervention and treatment should be started as soon as possible!

People who want to perform DTI inspections on rainy nights have been photographed for many weeks.

And now!

All dozens of hospitals in Nunyang City have installed DTI nuclear magnetic technology.

When other countries saw that the manufacturer was Google, they immediately got up and went to Google.

Hope to get this device!

Bruce was very excited at first.

Chen Cang is really amazing!

He never expected such a thing to happen. UU reading www.uukanshu.com


When he saw Chen Cang's last supplementary clause, he was dumbfounded!

This kid...

What a hell... enchanting!

Bruce can only make excuses, saying that the technology is immature, Professor Chen is still at night, and he can order in advance a year later!


Everyone believes it.

There is no way to believe it.

After all, the emergence of DTI technology has opened the horizons of many people.

This is not only helpful to Parkinson, but also a radical change to the entire fourth-generation stereotactic technology.

And at this time!

Chen Cang, who stirred up a tumult this time, received a notice from Zhu Qian, who had just become the dean.

"Professor Chen, we have invited an academician in the field of emergency neurosurgery: Professor Shou Weixiang to teach, mainly for emergency vascular open surgery."

"Professor Shou Weixiang's Shou's emergency department opening technology is very powerful, it is not easy to be able to invite!"

"Organize everyone to learn."


ps: I wrote it late, sorry, everyone read it in the morning.

The update is resumed tonight, the general affairs are over, and the wedding date is set. On October 4th, everything will be almost troubled.

There is no time during the day, so I can only stay up late. I hope everyone can understand.

Recommend a book by the way:

"Three Kingdoms Begins with Fudge Liu Bei",


Han Lingdi Xiyuan renting officer, do you want to rent?

rent! Of course rent! Because as long as it happens to be rented for the last term before the death of the emperor, it is equivalent to renting directly and becoming the landlord! Zuguanzu became a prince!

So, how can Kuangfu Hanshi only rely on fighting hard?

Performing meritorious service and buying an official are the most efficient kingly way.

However, before doing all this, Li Su first had to make a strategic trick on the upright lord.

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