When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1821: : Chen Cang's plan

[Renren Novel Network]

Head surgery! ?

This news has accelerated the heartbeat of everyone present before it shocked others!

Once this operation is carried out, it is no exaggeration to say that this will be the first in the world!

Moreover, head replacement surgery means more than just a disease breakthrough.

It means the comprehensive height of neurosurgery!

It involves the development of multiple disciplines such as vascular anastomosis, nerve repair, nerve anastomosis, spinal cord nerve connection, and spinal cord nerve growth.

The ability to complete a head replacement surgery means more than just the height of an operation!

And it means a comprehensive height of this discipline!

So why else is it said that head replacement surgery is powerful?

Because this represents the comprehensive height of neurosurgery!

Like a bucket, no shortcomings are allowed.

Because this is not an operation that can be done independently by a country in the current era.

Even the World Neurosurgery Federation dare not take such an operation as a goal or plan to do it.

And Chen Cang suddenly told everyone about this now.

It feels like...

Yes, just like in the Qing Dynasty, someone suddenly said: Shall we build an atomic bomb? !

This feeling is exactly the same!

It is really hard for everyone to accept.

Have we reached the level of surgery for head replacement?

Everyone is very excited, it is really too exciting to attach.

In the past, if they performed an operation, they would feel a little closer to the West!

Every breakthrough makes them feel that we are gradually becoming stronger.

Today, when Chen Cang told everyone the news, this kind of inner shock was like the feeling that a poor student from the bottom has become the first in the school!

The inner shock is unparalleled.

Xue Zhengren looked terrified and uneasy. His hands trembled, and he didn't notice that the soy juice had flowed down the table and onto the shoes.

"Really? Professor Chen...you...can you have a head replacement?"

Chen Cang nodded and smiled: "That's right."

With Chen Cang's confirmation, everyone was shocked!

They looked at Chen Cang with surprise.

But Chen Cang was very calm, as if what he said just now was just a very common sentence.

But is this?

Not really!

This sentence may become the backbone of the nation!

Xue Zhengren said in a pleasant surprise: "Propaganda, we must propagate!"

"I want to let the world know that we Chinese can have head replacement surgery!"


"Professor Chen, you are amazing!"

Xue Zhengren's voice was so loud that everyone around him looked at him.

This is a well-known breakfast restaurant. The bean juice here is very famous, and the people who come to eat are all in old Beijing.

Xue Zhengren's loud noise obviously aroused the crowd around him.

He quickly smiled awkwardly and apologized to everyone: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

"I am so happy, I apologize to everyone!"

"Boss, I will pay for the breakfast for everyone present today! I invite everyone to drink soy juice!"

The boss was ashamed.

Please have soybean juice!



In the morning, Yang Yi drove Chen Cang and Huang Binhai back, leaving Wu Hui to invite people, and Xue Zhengren to promote!

In the car, Huang Binhai looked at Chen Cang with some excitement: "Teacher... why don't you tell me earlier that you will have a head change operation!"

"If you had said earlier, you would definitely have an award this year!"

Chen Cang smiled: "The technology has only matured recently."

Chen Cang also discovered it by chance.

If it is only an animal surgery, Chen Cang does not need the intraoperative wake-up combined neuro-electrophysiological technique just obtained.

However, if it involves people, it's different!

Head replacement surgery must ensure that the body is innervated by nerves.

And this intraoperative wake-up combined with neuro-electrophysiological technology can completely realize intraoperative exploration.

The day before yesterday, Chen Cang really thoroughly studied such a technology.

Chen Cang himself did not expect to make this plan today.

Perhaps it should be said that Mr. Peng Ling confirmed Chen Cang's ideas.

This operation!

To be honest, Chen Cang was not 100% sure in his heart.

But try, still need to try.

He suddenly said to Yang Yi: "Yang Yi, drive to the New Drug Research Institute."

"it is good!"

After speaking, Chen Cang suddenly said: "Huang Binhai, you go with me, we will try the animals, and you will give me a shot."

Huang Binhai nodded, oh, and suddenly stopped!

He turned to look at Chen Cang: "Teacher! You...you wouldn't do it on a person without having an operation on an animal?"

Chen Cang nodded naturally: "Is there a problem?"

Huang Binhai was speechless!

Yes indeed!

Is there a problem?

There are rumors that Professor Chen usually only needs three at most to learn one operation.

Occasionally only one is needed!

Now it seems……

Professor Chen's surgery depends entirely on his mood, and he can do it without one!



Wu Hui opened the list and saw the dense list on it. He was taken aback for a moment.

Because he found that there was only one Chinese in the invitation list!

That is Wu Hui himself!

In addition, the second person is very dazzling!

Jack Pass, this man, is the Vice President of the World Federation of Neurosurgery.

However, the international status is very high!

Has a huge influence in functional neurosurgery.

Just the World Neurosurgery Federation Jury, there are many pumps!

In addition, there are nine invitation lists on the list!

All are neurosurgery experts from many countries in the world.

And these people are already review experts or vice-chairmen of the World Federation of Neurosurgery!

At this moment ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he understood what the teacher meant.

The teacher invited these people to join this operation.

While letting them witness it with their own eyes, they are also telling each other that I have such strength and hope that you can join us or support us.

After all, it is too difficult to gain a great influence in a short time.

What should I do in one month?

The world’s first head replacement surgery, this honor, to be honest, no neurosurgeon can refuse!

And Jack Pass is even more so!

The purpose of his whole life is to achieve head replacement surgery!

Unfortunately, three consecutive failures made him give up this dream just last year.

After all, functional neurosurgery itself is closely related to head replacement surgery!

It can even be said to be the foundation!

If Chen Cang wants Wu Hui to be in power, he must have people's support.

Similarly, Chen Cang wanted to carry out his next big move.

these people!


They also have valuable technology that attracts Chen Cang.

Once these people are invited, Chen Cang doesn't plan to let them go!



ps: There is only one chapter today. In the next few days, from the 2nd to the 4th, the updates of the veterans may be unstable or even broken.


The veteran will remember everyone's vote, I owe it first.

After this time is over, we will definitely add more!

Everyone's rewards and votes will be added!

thanks for your support!

Last thanks: Hu’s 300,000 rewards, thank you Sakura’s 50,000 monthly red envelope, thank you!

The veteran will definitely make it up later.

Double ask for votes.

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