When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 403: : Joy of Mother-in-law

Chen Cang sighed, thinking that Qin Yue said: Mom wants to see him, this is just a joke!

I didn't expect this moment to come so fast!

It seems ... you can't joke around in the future, what if it is realized?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang was embarrassed, nervous and dazed.

Over? do not know what to say!

But it is obviously not suitable to go!

After all ... this is the first time Chen Cang has met Lao Qin as Qin Yue's boyfriend. Think about it ... there is something to look forward to!

Chen Cang looked up and looked at Qin Yue's playful eyes, his heart was filled with excitement!

What to advise!


Chen Cang smiled and walked forward.

"Hey Dean Qin!"


Chen Cang smiled and said hello.

This is the first time that Ji Ruyun has seen Chen Cang at such a close distance. He used to look across the window sill. Although he can also look around, he has not seen Chen Cang at such a close distance.

The first feeling is really good, tall and big, lean and capable, giving a very solid feeling.

Ji Ruyun smiled: "Xiao Chen, I often hear Yueyue talk about you, and I also say that I will sit at home someday!"

Chen Cang smiled: "It must be, I will come to visit the other day. I often hear Qin Yue talking about aunts, saying that you are a curve to save the country, and that you are beautiful when you are young. Today, I have a great temperament."

A bastard, comforting Ji Ruyun's photo: "come home someday, your aunt will cook for you."

Then, Ji Ruyun smiled: "Xiao Chen, you are so lucky!"

"All of a sudden, there is no burden at all! This house has all the decoration and furnishings, right, how big is the house you bought?"

Chen Cang glanced at Qin Yue: "Last time I came to see a house with Qin Yue, about 120 square meters, but the other party did not plan to sell, and suddenly called me two days ago and said it was ready to sell again, I Come and check it out today. "

Chen Cang concealed what was discussed with Zheng Guo at the time.

"Qin Yue likes it very much. I thought of buying her first down payment and giving her a surprise. As a result, when I saw an event, I didn't expect that I won a special prize. I didn't expect that the money was not paid. Still earning a lot! "

"No, I didn't expect to meet you."

In a word, everyone laughed.

Qin Xiaoyuan looked at Chen Cang, and was somewhat envious: "You kid, it's really good luck, you should fight less for twenty years!"

Chen Cang said, "Go ahead, let's go and see! It's an existing house."

Qin Yue also nodded excitedly: "Yes, mom and dad, I'll take you to see, this house I fancy."

Qin Yue and Chen Cang are not too young, so Qin Xiaoyuan and Ji Ruyun both had the idea of ​​getting married earlier.

Although the two haven't been in love for a long time, they have known each other for more than three years.

These three years have also been secretive, and may have been in love for a long time, but just don't talk to each other.

So after deciding the relationship now, the most likely thing is to get married and have children.

Qin Xiaoyuan and Ji Ruyun also thought so, and resolved the child's life-long affairs as soon as possible.

Although it is only the first time, Ji Ruyun is very good with Chen Cang's senses, but it still takes a while to get in touch.

But anyway, marriage is after all children, they just have to be willing.

Parents are in a hurry, but what they want to do most is to hope that the children have a good ownership.

It's not that Qin Yue is looking for someone who is rich and capable, at least looking for someone who is good, reliable, and practical.

Looking at Qin Yue and Chen Cang looking happy together, Ji Ruyun and Qin Xiaoyuan were satisfied.

After entering the room, the two looked at each other, the layout and orientation of the room were very good.

The two turned around slightly and watched Qin Yue and Chen Cang walk around in the empty house, repeatedly plotting the future of the room. Even Qin Yue already had the appearance of the protagonist and wanted to be in her small home Fang Fang Yan.

Suddenly the two of them felt that this was fine.



At noon, Qin Xiaoyuan invited guests, and the four of them ate a light meal together.

In fact, Qin Xiaoyuan was very satisfied with Chen Cang itself, but ... as the director of the hospital, he had to carry it, but at this moment, it was no different from ordinary people.

Talking and laughing while sandwiching vegetables and eating.

It can be seen that the family of three is very warm.

Chen Cang and Qin Yue sat on one side, and Ji Ruyun and Qin Xiaoyuan sat on one side.

After eating, Ji Ruyun looked at Qin Yue and Chen Cang and couldn't help but smile: "Hey, otherwise, the children are so old!"

Qin Yue muttered her mouth and said with a smile, "Mom, you are not old!"

Ji Ruyun smiled: "It's not old yet, it's full of creases, and it's not because of your dad and you!"

When Qin Yue heard it, she couldn't help but comfort her: "Mom, who doesn't have any wrinkles! We'll do it the other day."

Speaking of this, Qin Yue suddenly shot Chen Cang: "Aren't you often going to the plastic surgery hospital now? Is there any wrinkle removal technology?"

Chen Cang suddenly hesitated!

I Cao!

Suddenly realized!

Finally know why the system has to AS AS wrinkle removal!

This is to conquer Mother-in-law!

All of a sudden, Chen Cang realized that how he was playing with his mother-in-law during this time did not learn in vain.

Not bad!

With such hesitation, Chen Cang chose to activate instantly.

[AS Master of Anti-Wrinkle, is there special training? 】


Chen Cang's blinking effort appeared in the special training space ...

When I opened my eyes again, my mother's face had changed!

Chen Cang discovered for the first time that when [Wrinkle Removal] and [Beautiful Eyes] were combined, such a big change would happen!

Thinking of this, Chen Cang felt excited!

After half a minute, Chen Cang probably had an idea.

When Qin Yue saw Chen Cang stared at Ji Ruyun's face for a long time, he couldn't help but pat Chen Cang: "What are you staring at my mother? You talk!"

Even Qin Xiaoyuan couldn't help but wonder, what do you guys want to do!

Ji Ruyun was looked at by Chen Cang for a long time, but she was very calm. She could see that Chen Cang's eyes were exquisite and thoughtful, and she was very professional and calm, like a doctor looking at a patient.

Turning his head to look at Qin Xiaoyuan, he couldn't help but glance.

Chen Cang slowly said: "Auntie, the wrinkles on your face can be completely eliminated, and with hyaluronic acid, it can properly fill the skin and make a lot of changes!"

As soon as the words came out, Ji Ruyun blinked his eyes: "Really? Xiao Chen? Can my wrinkles disappear?"

Chen Cang nodded: "Well ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's all right, and there is no trace left, it's very natural!"

Chen Cang looked at the skills at this time:

[AS Wrinkle Removal: Master Class; Special Effects: 1, No Trace; 2, Natural;]

Both special effects are very powerful and seem ordinary, but these two are the most practical.

Because the user group of wrinkle removal is all about 40-50 years old or older, people of this age are too old. People in this age group don't like much changes on their faces. The only requirement is to eliminate wrinkles. People can't see it, and after the operation, it's better to take it naturally, don't feel like you have moved the knife at a glance.

Therefore, Chen Cang's special effect can be said to be just right!

When Ji Ruyun heard it, his heart moved: "Xiao Chen, would you do this operation?"

Chen Cang nodded: "Well, I'm good at it."

After this remark, Ji Ruyun was very happy inside!

Chen Cang's eyes were also very satisfied.



ps: Three more hands on, thank you for tasting.

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