When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 425: : Study scum, unworthy, get this ratio!

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Different people have different requirements!

Chen Cang's requirements for Teacher Meng who wants to become a master are naturally higher!


At this moment, Chen Cang was really nostalgic for Qin Xiaoli, who was quick to learn. His little incision and appendectomy had been learned a few times and he looked very good.

Teacher Meng at this time ...


Chen Cang couldn't help sighing.

Watching Teacher Meng holding the last adhesion area, peeling carefully.

Chen Cang couldn't help saying, "Mr. Meng, I said a few times just now. What you have to do here is to pay attention to the phrenic nerve. Do you know that the phrenic nerve is easy to damage? Hey, you do n’t have a long brain And ... "

Chen Cang found that after being told ten times, if you still ca n’t remember, this thing will disappear without a trace, instead of being irritable!

That's right!

Parents who have taught their children to write should have a deep understanding.

But looking at Mr. Meng who is usually very good, why ... don't have a long memory?

Does this thing have any brain capacity?

When Meng Xi heard Chen Cang's reprimand, she was not angry at all, but she turned blushing and said aggrievedly, "I'm sorry!"

Chen Cang sighed, didn't speak, and shook his head.

The anesthesiologist swallowed, and his sweat was soaked in his little green shirt ...

What medicine did Chen Cang give to Director Meng?

Why is Director Meng so abnormal today?

Should I say "I'm sorry"?

Thinking of this, the young anesthesiologist suddenly felt that Sanguan was somewhat fallen. Is this what Director Meng should look like?

What about the prestigious Meng Meng goddess?



The operation continued, and at the end of about an hour, Chen Cang felt a little uncomfortable in his throat!

For the first time, he found that directing one operation was more tiring than doing two!

After Meng Xi finished stitching, she looked at Chen Cang anxiously, her eyes full of shame.

Chen Cang sighed at this time: "Actually, the performance is very good. I was so anxious. Teacher Meng, think about it after you go back."

Meng Xi nodded: "Well, thank you, Xiao Chen!"

Meng Xi feels that she should call Teacher Chen?

Thinking of this, Meng Xi quickly shook her head, isn't it enough to shame? Said like that by their students!


Out of the operating room, the two washed their hands together.

Chen Cang thought about it and said suddenly, "Ms. Meng, you should break your original thinking and surgical procedures. This process may be difficult, but only in this way can you improve!"

In fact, it's not that Meng Xi is really stupid or anything, but that surgery is just like cooking. You need to break your own familiar comfort zone, discover your weaknesses and improve.

Meng Xi may not find out what Chen Cang pointed out.

However, even if Chen Cang points out, it may be changed subconsciously. This process is indeed more difficult!

Progress is a process of continuous denial.

Meng Xi is not the same as Director Tao Ye. Director Tao Ye's surgical experience is really rich. Chen Cang's advice can allow him to increase and broaden his horizons. Therefore, Director Tao's progress is relatively stable and rapid.

Meng Xi heard Chen Cang's security and smiled: "Well, I know, thank you, Chen!"

It is a capability to be generous in accepting your own shortcomings and correcting with an open mind.

Chen Cang smiled, just turned around, and happened to see that the neckline of Teacher Meng's green shirt seemed to be loose, so Chen Cang, who should or shouldn't see it, looked at it anyway, so he didn't lose a bit, and his sight just met Meng Xi. , Suddenly turned embarrassingly.

When Meng Xi saw this, she suddenly giggled.

Chen Cang coughed, and also smiled in cooperation.

Meng Xi suddenly asked with interest: "Xiao Chen, do you have a girlfriend?"

Chen Cang suddenly looked down, who looked down on? I look at it, but ... my girlfriend still has it. Besides, I didn't mean to see it.

"Of course I do!"

Meng Xi looked at Chen Cang's blush, and suddenly wanted to laugh. She didn't mean anything else, just watching Chen Cang's expression was a little bit amused.

Compared with traditional Chinese culture, Meng Xi went to the United States at the age of 12 and then went to Sweden to receive western culture and education. Slightly more open-minded than Chinese traditional culture. !!

After all, Meng Xi's mother is a traditional Chinese woman.

Meng Xi smiled suddenly: "Oh! The girlfriend you just talked to?"

Chen Cang stunned, is it so obvious?

Chen Cang asked curiously, "Mr. Meng, how do you know?"

Meng Xi giggled and was about to go ahead, but ... glanced under Chen Cang with a glance ...

Chen Cang bowed his head, his face suddenly turned red ...

Originally thought that he had a bull surgery operation and read countless prosperous, but after all, he could not escape his fate!

Thinking of Teacher Meng's smile again, Chen Cang felt embarrassed and complacent.

Chen Cang also discovered for the first time that this teacher Meng ... is really not what it looks like!

Under this mature appearance, a heart ... (you fill it in) is hidden!

Sighing, Chen Cang went to the locker room and changed clothes, and found that Meng Xi was waiting for herself at the door of the operating room.

Chen Cang smiled awkwardly.

Meng Xi followed with a smile.

After a few seconds ... the two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

This feeling is just like friends!

Fortunately, at eight o'clock, nobody was there.

Otherwise, you will definitely be scolded for neurosis!

I have to say that today's surgery has made the relationship between Chen Cang and Meng become a teacher and a friend.

The difference in age is not big. It would be impossible to get along with the traditional teachers and students.

The two walked together and talked and laughed. It was just a joke between friends. It didn't matter.

After returning to the office, the three Ge Huai are still working overtime!

It's over eight o'clock now?

Chen Cang is curious. Today is World Overtime Day?

Ge Huai saw Teacher Meng coming back and said quickly: "Director Meng, the medical records are finished. Do you sign now?"

Meng Xi was in a good mood. She looked at Ge Huai and smiled, "It's hard, Doctor Ge, tomorrow, it's not early, I'll go first."

Ge Huai smiled immediately.

Meng Xi is wearing a sportswear today, very youthful.

Meng Xi left first, and Chen Cang stayed for a few more minutes.

Seeing Ge Huai's happy look.

Chen Cang couldn't help but sigh: "Mr. Ge, wouldn't you like Ms. Meng?"

In a word, the other two bloggers in the office suddenly raised their ears, and Ge Huai was immediately exposed by Chen Cang, and his blushing was not enough.

"Don't talk nonsense! What's the matter!" Ge Huai whispered quickly.

Chen Cang couldn't help saying, "Mr. Ge, you're wrong!"

As soon as Ge Huai heard it, he looked at Chen Cang with curiosity. Did Mr. Meng and Xiao Chen secretly say something during the operation?

Thinking of this, Ge Huai quickly asked: "Oh? Xiao Chen, what advice do you have?"

Chen Cang snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "Counseling is impossible, but ... there is a little suggestion!"

Ge Hua's eyes flashed at once: "What advice!"

Ge Huai just finished speaking, and suddenly felt two blogs by his side, suddenly angrily: "What are you doing here!"

A blog said: "You don't like Teacher Meng, why can't we listen!"

Second bozan: "Yeah! Fair competition, let's say, statistically speaking, if u1 = Director Meng likes you, u2 = Teacher Meng does not like you, in this case, establish a statistical analysis and follow the chi-square analysis , You need the p-value! "

When Ge Huai heard it, he immediately became unconvinced: "You are wrong, you cannot make this assumption. Chi-square analysis is not applicable to this! The three of us are competing. In this case, we need to discuss in groups, first perform a group analysis, use the F value, and P It doesn't matter! "

Immediately joined the battle: "No, the F value is not visual. We also need to consider type 1 errors and type 2 errors. If we use meta analysis here, I think it is even more ... You see, we need to establish a scale in advance. ,then……"

Chen Cang watched as a courtship competition turned into a statistical contest.

Is it ... is the world of Xueba really so colorful?

Need a meta-analysis to find a girlfriend?

Chen Cang was suddenly very fortunate. He took it down before Qin Xiao licked the doctor. Otherwise, it would be difficult to start in the future. What if he asked himself how much p is equal to?

I don't deserve to join such a high-end battle!

Stop it, stop it!

Looking at Sanbo's argument, Chen Cang suddenly felt very envious.

People with culture find objects ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sure enough, it is based on data analysis ...

Chen Cang looked at the posture in front of him. It seems that the three have already discussed the coding of personality, hobbies, height and other data, and the tables are all ready ...


By the way, what do I suggest?

Why is nobody listening?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang said, "Mr. Ge, I have a suggestion ..."

Ge Huai was impatient: "Clay playing Kai! Don't bother me to calculate!"

Bo Er nodded!

Bo three like!

They found that there was nothing more scientific than a scientific data test!

Yes, love is also proportional.

Study scum, unworthy, get this ratio!

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