When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 437: : Pure Guardian

Qin Yue was going to surprise Chen Cang!

I prepared for a long time, wearing a very beautiful dress, appeared as the host at the annual meeting.

Qin Yue feels that after Chen Cang sees himself, he will be amazing!

Thought of this, Qin Yue suddenly felt very happy.

这个 At this time, Zhang Youfu came over, turned around, and didn't see Chen Cang. He suddenly stopped, went out to the sign-in table, looked it over, and found Chen Cang!

This kid ... overslept?

I thought of this, he quickly called Chen Cang!

No one answered, but now Zhang Youfu stopped.

This bastard, won't you really oversleep?

Zhang Youfu found Zhang Zhixin and Chen Bingsheng and called Chen Cang next to each other. No one answered.

At this moment Zhang Youfu was furious.

This will start immediately. What is this boy doing?

Qin Yue saw this and asked, "Director Zhang, what's wrong?"

Zhang Zhangyou said bluntly: "Cang Cang, haven't got up yet, have you made a few calls and no one answered!"

Qin Yue froze, took out his mobile phone: "I'll try it?"

Qin Yue took a break and no one answered.

At this moment, several people froze.

Qin Yue said: "No, he still contacted me in the morning. I guess he was on the road. Didn't hear the phone?"

Zhang Youfu is sweating on his head in a hurry.

After all, today's annual meeting, the director of 301, Zhou Hongguang, vice chairman of the National Hepatobiliary Surgery Society, participated for the sake of Chen Canglai.

If Chen Cang does not come, this is not to indicate that they want to release pigeons!

Qian Qianliang also came over at this time: "What's wrong, Director Zhang, so anxious?"

Zhang Youfu said, "Xiao Chen hasn't come yet."

Qian Liang looked for a moment and looked at his watch: "It's not enough time, let's talk later."

Uh ...

Uh ...

沧 Cang Cang saw the system task, and suddenly hesitated!

I did not hesitate and chose to accept.

As for the director of the Society of Hepatobiliary Surgery ...

Hey, nothing!

沧 Cang Cang glanced down at the woman, sighed, let's talk, it is important to save people!

At this time, in the 120 ambulance, four or five people carried the stretcher and pushed the car, and flew in the first aid box!

At this time, the police haven't come yet!

Xiao Xiaolin was holding the box and Lele was holding the bed. After coming over, Chen Cang greeted the woman to the stretcher, and carefully lifted it to protect the cervical spine.

Cang Cang said quickly: "Get in the car first!"

After speaking, he and Lele moved upwards.

这个 At this time, several other doctors on the other side had a follow-up doctor, Zhang Xueliang of Orthopedics, who carried the man to another ambulance.

In contrast, men are most fractured, while women ... may be life-threatening!

You must now be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

沧 Cang Cang turned and looked at Kobayashi: "Kobayashi, optimistic about this child, is a family member, take it to the hospital first."

After speaking, with Lele, with the help of the master Lao Yang, he was sent to an ambulance, and the ECG monitor was quickly connected.

沧 After the monitor was linked, Chen Cang's face suddenly changed!

The blood pressure is less than 70 at this time!

He breathed faster and faster.

This is not a good sign.

Is there a **** chest?

This is an issue that must be considered.

A blunt injury caused by a violent impact such as a car accident can cause the diaphragm to rupture. When the diaphragm is ruptured, a large amount of bleeding in the abdominal cavity can flow into the chest cavity, causing a large amount of hemothorax, compressing the lungs, causing danger to life. of.

At this time, Chen Cang became more and more worried about the patient's life state!

此时 At this moment, the little boy was nervous and straight forward, not sure if he was afraid or ...

Holding his mother's right hand with both hands, he carefully squeezed it. If he didn't dare to force it, he was afraid it would be broken.

Mother closed her eyes at this time, let him feel what is fear!

I want to cry, but dare not cry!

Dad said that when Dad was not around, he was a little man, and he wanted to protect his mother.

A 27-year-old child was just when he was in contact with the world, but he also had an ignorant understanding of the world.

He knows that he has to protect his mother with a small body, just like a cartoon!

But ... he didn't know what to do.

In the small body, confused at a loss.

He has watched TV series and knows that a car accident can kill someone.

His eyes stared at the complicated curves on the ECG monitor.

Looking at the values ​​that are constantly beating.

Listening to what the uncle said in front of his mouth was constantly saying something responsible.

Looking at the medications that my aunt injected into my mother ...

For the first time, he knew about these uncles and aunts in white ...

The patient's vital signs are very unstable, the amount of bleeding is too large, and if the fluid is too late, there is a problem.

Moreover, a large amount of blood in the chest cavity must be punctured to extract, otherwise the respiratory function cannot be recovered.

上 On the car, all four people are busy!

Cang Cang bit his teeth and made a decision.

Otherwise there will be a big problem.

I turned and said to Kobayashi, "Give me the piercing bag!"

Xiao Xiaolin nodded immediately.

The puncture needle is connected to the drainage bag. The driver Lao Yang's car is very stable and Chen Cang's hand is more stable.

Quickly, puncture successfully!

The blood ran down the drainage tube into the drainage bag.

The patient's breathing rate finally decreased.

But ... this does not mean that the patient is back to normal.

At this moment, there are more and greater dangers waiting for Chen Cang them.

At this moment, the little boy watched the blood stay in the bag, and was shocked, and stood upright and sat down.

I quickly got up again.

I was a little scared and a little worried.

He quickly looked up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ watching the constantly beating numbers and complicated curves on "TV".

I soon arrived at the hospital!

沧 Cang Cang and Lele immediately sent the patient for an abdominal examination. After the examination was completed, the rescue operation was started directly.

The blood had already been drawn, and the inspection division immediately proceeded to conduct the inspection.

The blood transfusion was waiting, waiting to be replenished with fresh blood.

The little boy was taken aside by Xiaolin.

Xiao Xiaolin comforted: "Don't be afraid!"

The little boy nodded and said nothing.

Xiao Xiaolin remembered that the little boy hadn't seen anything along the way, staring at the screen of the ECG monitor.

Su suddenly asked, "Can you understand the TV on the car you just watched?"

The little boy choked and said, "I don't understand ..."

"But I watched TV and said that the line became a straight line, those numbers became 0, and my mother was gone ... I want to watch him ... don't let him disappear ..."

After saying a word, I couldn't help crying!

Xiao Xiaolin was also soft-hearted.

This is a ignorant little boy, the simplest guardian of his mother!

Uh ...

Uh ...

Zps: For the time being, we will continue tomorrow.

:. :

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