When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 655: : Speed ​​of Life and Death (2)

At this time, everyone was aware of what happened!

The murderer stabbed the nurse with a knife, and his life is now unknown.

Chen Cang hugged directly to the operating room!

Li Weiyan and three others followed Chen Cang.

Don't delay a minute!

At this time, the patient is in a critical condition and may face death at any time.

The operating room is on the third floor, not on the first floor. It is obvious to use a push bed to wait for the elevator. At noon, the staff is dense and the elevator is the hardest time to wait.

So Chen Cang directly held the injured nurse and climbed up the elevator.

This scene was shocked in the eyes of everyone behind him.

How much is Huihui?

Everyone knows!

At least one hundred and fifty pounds, and Chen Cang held up and ran upwards faster than them. Isn't that shocking?

However, this is not the time to consider this. The operating room has been informed of the situation and the door has been opened!

Waiting for the arrival of Chen Cang and others, Wu Tongfu was having a meal. After learning the news, he ran down the chopsticks and ran towards the hospital!

Medical staff are injured!

Can he sit still?

And it could be fatal!

The knife penetrated into the heart and pulled out again. This damage is doubled!

Jiang Wenrui, the director of the emergency clinic on the first floor, heard that the nurse in his department was stabbed by the patient. The whole person's face changed, and he hurried to see the head nurse.

The head nurse said nervously, "I just came here, it seems to be sent to the rescue room!"

At this time, a little nurse ran over, with tears in her eyes, and said loudly, "Director, head nurse, Sister Huihui was sent to the operating room!"

"Huihui seems to have pierced his heart with a knife! You are all blood in the stands!"

At this time, you can still see blood stains in the lunch box, the medical records, and the computer screen, as well as the bite of the blood bun!

When this sentence was spoken, it seemed as if a sharp knife penetrated into the atrium of the two people, causing a choking!

Jiang Wenrui stood up and looked at the mob, his eyes were full of anger, and his eyes were full of resentment!

Tall Jiang Wenrui dragged the man's collar directly and slammed it onto the wall!

He had a very strong physical condition in the long-term emergency department. His eyes widened, and he slammed his throat directly on the man's throat. He did not speak or snored. The anger in his eyes seemed to kill him!

The leader of the security team greeted people and dragged Director Jiang away!

"Director, don't be impulsive! It's not worth it, it's not worth it, let's save people first!"


Jiang Wenrui's fists shook a little. This is the soldier under his own hands. The nurse Huihui is still pregnant with the child!

This fuck, kill two lives!

Thinking of this, tears flashed in Jiang Wenrui's scarlet eyes.

This little girl was recruited by himself in the first place, because she has good physical strength, is not afraid of suffering or tired, and has a cheerful personality.

Now, it ’s going to be stung!

He was very angry, with a volcano on his chest that was about to erupt.

But reason told him that he couldn't do it.

When he let go, the man wailed and suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Jiang Wenrui frowned. "What's wrong?"

The captain of the security suddenly said, "When a doctor saw righteousness just now, he was holding the knife to kill the doctor. The doctor was just defending and hurt him!"

Jiang Wenrui looked at the head nurse and pointed at the mob, "Who is this?"

The head nurse said, "Feng Hongfang! It was the patient who was rescued last night. The rescue was successful afterwards, but I don't know why he died last night. The family of the other party started to fuss from this morning!"

Jiang Wenrui's face changed, and he said to the security leader, "Send it for inspection first, put it in the hospital, call the police, and then send it to icu!"

"By the way, keep the video and make a few copies!"

"Contact the TV station."

After speaking anxiously, Jiang Wenrui got up and left.

After coming out, he asked the little nurse just now, "The operating room where the group went with Huihui?"

Today ’s incident happened suddenly, the little nurse was a little nervous, and after thinking about it, he said, “Doctor Li Weiyan in group 32, and a young tall guy in their group, he saved Huihui sister, he held Sister Huihui and Doctor Li went to the operating room! "

After hearing the news, Jiang Wenrui's face suddenly changed!

This **** bad!

Group 32 is one of the four groups just set up. The most important thing is that the new face is likely to be the guy who sent the hand surgery to participate in the surgical skills contest today.

How can such a rescue get 32 ​​groups!

Thinking of this, Jiang Wenrui picked up the phone and called the director of the Department of Emergency Cardiac Surgery, "Lao Kang hurried to the operating room, my **** nurse, our mother was choked, you **** come!"

He hung up and made a few calls in a hurry.

At this time, Jiang Wenrui frankly called Wu Tongfu's phone!

Compared to Huihui's life, what kind of face do you want?

"Dean Wu, come quickly, Huihui is gone!"

Before the words were over, I saw a man walking in with a dignified expression wearing white clothes!

Jiang Wenrui's face suddenly changed!

"Dean Wu, please hurry up, now ..."

Wu Tongfu nodded "Go!"

Jiang Wenrui nodded "OK!"

A few people walked up to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Li Weiyan looked at Chen Cang, his heart was uneasy, and his body was sweating.

Can't save?

Don't do it. They watch Huihui wait for death?

Word of rescue ...

What if something goes wrong.

After all, this may be a heart rupture. Such a big problem and major operation, he did not dare to guarantee that he would do well.

But wait?

When the director came, everyone was dead.

At this time, Tang Lingling suddenly said, "Hui Hui is pregnant now!"

In a word, everyone was shocked!

Your mother!

Two lives!


Chen Cang's face changed slightly, and he originally wanted to do it with his own strength.

However, in order to ensure the health of the nurse and the health of the child.

Without any hesitation, he chose to activate Bai Qiun!

Bai Qiun comes!

This is the top man in cardiac surgery.

Chen Cang understands that this may be his own competition and assessment, and he does not want to cheat.

But at this moment.

What's important?

The patient's life is more important than anything!

Just cheat.

Anyway, cheating by strength!

As a top 99 oss!

After Chen Cang's activation, the momentum of the whole person changed dramatically.

Even Li Weiyan, who was preparing to speak, couldn't help but stun it!

Chen Cang didn't hesitate and said to several people immediately

"Call the blood transfusion department and organize blood transfusions!"

"Ventomy, rehydration!"

"Tightly monitor arterial pressure and central venous pressure to correct shock!"


"Anesthetist, get ready for surgery!"

Chen Cang's doctor's advice said like a military order, people could not help nodding.


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