When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 769: : Fetal Head Lock

Gynecology is a large department, with three floors above and below, one of which is obstetrics.

Zhang Yan felt that it was better not to bother Zhang Jinfeng, the great director, so she directly contacted Li Yanli, director of obstetrics.

Otherwise say gynecology is busy?

This Li Yanli has been lying down in the middle of the night. After receiving the phone call, she was anxious to get up, and her husband who watched couldn't help sighing.

Gynecology is actually more tired than emergency department.

Why do you say that?

Because there are so many women in gynecology, there are problems between doctors and doctors, doctors and nurses, and even doctors and patients.

There are so many things between women.

Therefore, Zhang Jinfeng, director of the Women's University of Gynecology, directly sent all doctors and nurses to the building in order to prevent the internal fighting in the department from increasing.

Anyway, the three-story building has disrupted these people. These three months are here and where are the next three months. The effect is quite remarkable.

The interpersonal relationship of gynecology is complicated. Although the type of disease is single, the number of patients is large.

So doctors in gynecology are basically busy with very little rest time. It is common to have surgery at 11 o'clock in the evening.

After Li Yanli hurried back to the department, Zhang Yuejia fell asleep and didn't want to have any children ...

This makes Zhang Yan and Director Li Yanli helpless.

The patient's family members are even more sorry, plus helpless, sit down on the bench at the door and simply sleep.

The issue of childbirth is not a trivial matter, and the family attaches great importance to it.

Not to mention this special high-risk mother.

Generally speaking, there are several types of high-risk patients, such as those who are older than 35 years old, and those who are overweight or underweight. Those who are under 45kg and above 85kg are high-risk women, and those who have high blood pressure, heart disease or other Obstetric crisis patients, in the end, the child is more special, such as improper fetal position, etc ...

These are prone to problems during childbirth.

When Li Yanli was about to leave, Zhang Yuejia woke up again and started crying and making noises, saying that she was about to be born.

Dr. Zhang Yan, the doctor in charge, was almost crying, but this time, after Li Yanli's inspection, she found that she might be in labor!

This is good news for everyone.

As Zhang Yuejia, the first-born mother, her mental condition was relatively poor at this time, and Li Yanli began to appease.

After all, the birth process of a primipara is relatively long, usually 13-26 hours.

So if there are any abnormalities in pregnant women at this stage, it is easy to get problems.

After Li Yanli was treated from the ward, she hurriedly called on the nurse to deliver Zhang Yuejia to the delivery room to prepare.

After the encounter, Li Yanli began to talk to her family.

"This is the situation now. Pregnant women are high-risk mothers, and they are still twins. The fetal position is not normal. In this case, the risk is still relatively high."

"I also explained clearly to you by Caesarean section. We still have to try to deliver the baby, but even if the baby is born, the fetal position is also a serious problem. We can't rule out an accident, and we still need to sign the family."

After a while, it was uncomfortable for the family members who waited for one night.

Whether it was Zhang Yuejia's parents, or her husband and his wife's family, he was silent at this time.

Now is not the time to be upset, you need to make a choice.

After hesitating for a long time, Zhang Yuejia's husband took a deep breath: "Doctor, I believe in you, I sign!"

There are no shortage of strange family members in the obstetrics and gynaecology department, but there are many normal ones.

After the exchange was over, Li Yanli hurriedly prepared the nurse.

At this time, Zhang Yuejia's contractions are getting worse!

Even if Li Yanli, an experienced obstetric director who has helped deliver thousands of children in person, has to be careful at this time!

There is no doubt that Maternal Zhang Yuejia is another challenge in her career!

Holding the B-ultrasound probe, Li Yanli was constantly looking for a more suitable delivery method.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Yuejia's contractions began to become more frequent.

艳 Li Yanli glanced at Zhang Yan and said, "Be prepared, the maternal palace mouth has begun to expand!"

This is good news. The force brought by regular contractions can slightly change the fetal position.

The first stage of contractions will last a long time, and this process is also the most difficult time.

The parturient's mouth needs to be expanded to at least 10cm if the mother wants to have a successful birth, so that the fetal head can be completely delivered!

At this moment, the incubation period has reached, and Miyaguchi has expanded about 2cm.

Never feel like having a child for just a few minutes.

This is a long stage, from the expansion of the uterine cervix to the delivery of the fetus, the entire process is more than ten hours.

From 12am to 8:30 am, pregnant women finally entered the period of progress.

艳 Li Yanli did not dare to go home at night, and rested intermittently for several hours in the duty room, and the nurse on duty was too tired.

多 More than nine in the morning!

When Miyaguchi expanded, Li Yanli went through the B-ultrasound again, but this time, she was suddenly shocked!

Because at this time, there were some problems with the fetal position of the two children.

The two fetuses not only did not improve because of the changes in the contractile force in the womb, but their position problems became more serious.

If this situation develops ...

艳 Li Yanli is very worried about one thing: the head of the first fetus is stuck by the second fetus during the descending process, so that the fetal head will be locked.

This is a very dangerous situation in childbirth!

This immediately made Li Yanli nervous and upset.

Twins' fetal position is actually more complicated!

小 Some minor problems often arise.

可能 And this kind of fetal head interlocking is probably one of the most serious problems. Although it is not guaranteed that interlocking will occur 100%, but according to this fetal position, it is not impossible!

艳 Li Yanli could not take care of others at this time, and quickly contacted Director Zhang Jinfeng and other directors to start a discussion.

This situation of fetal head lock is a high-risk situation in obstetrics. If this time, generally, cesarean section will be selected.


Cesarean section is now the first to be ruled out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Several chief directors in the entire office have been thinking about problems, speaking, discussing ...

Continuously looking for countermeasures and possibilities.

At this time, the family members were also a little tired.

"Uncle, aunt, you go back to rest first, it's been one night, I'll just be here to stay!" The man looked at the old husband and mother and couldn't help but say.

"Wife, you go back, I'll call you when you have a child, this child is not a minute or two!"

"Wait, don't encounter any special circumstances ..." Zhang Yuejia's mother couldn't help praying.

I ca n’t sleep at home!

Actually, they ca n’t do anything about it, but as parents, at this time, they still hope to be around.

Everyone sighed.

The man got up and simply went to buy a few breakfasts.

Laozhangren took a deep breath: "It's thirty today!"

Everyone is surprised!

Yes indeed!

Thirty months have passed.

就是 It's New Year's Eve tonight.

It's going to be New Year's Eve, but don't do anything wrong.

Everyone is sitting there carefully and praying.

"Is the home couplet ready?"

"Okay! When Allison has a baby, I'll go back and post couplets!"

"Haha, let's spend the Chinese New Year together this year?"


"I will go home and prepare things, let's celebrate the New Year together!"

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