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This twisty month may be the longest month at home for many people.

This month, thank you for walking by!

First of all, thank you!

This month's results are completely unexpected for veterans.

In terms of monthly tickets: I originally expected 15th place, but I did not expect to be 4th place! You guys are so powerful! Even we won the 10th place in qq reading, thank you!

In terms of subscriptions: I have added a few subscriptions this month, more than last month, and I am very happy.

The owner side: At the starting point, there is an additional silver leader, Qingyan Xiaoguan, and the people are very good. I have paid a lot for this book. Every silver has another opportunity to broadcast on the entire channel. This is for the works. It is a publicity, thank you very much!

In total, there are 19 more leaders this month: Baiyin Meng: Qingyan Xiaoguan;

The ii0505 brothers are double-ended allies, and they have got close to three allies, thank you very much!

And brother Li Wen 521 also directly rewarded the two leaders.

Old idiot is an old friend, thank you for joining us!

There are pits in the sky, ha ha, QQ client friends, every time I come to the starting point to reward, thank you brother!

Hu is the big sister in the group, and the people are very nice!

The soft fairy ... enmmmm still does not know who it is, I guess it is a big beauty!

There is also the lord of the brothers Wang Yei, Ke Ke, who has not appeared so far, haha.

I think God horse has God horse and lost 123 as a child. For the first time, the lord is dedicated to the veteran, haha, moved!

The light thunder is also the old leader at first glance, and the brothers rewarded another, moved!

Bai Jingjing's husband will not say, everyone has been curious about Bai Jingjing, haha ​​...

Nanyuan is an old friend's first book rewarding old friend. It's really been missing for many years. It's really touching to see Sister Nan.

The leader just appeared today, just joined the group, I saw it in the group, haha, asked me when it will be updated.

The big orange 321 is a veteran's moderator, snoring, thank you for your support for ticket exchanges, hard work! Veteran keep in mind.

The tiger who walks the cat step, the brother is also the first ally, thank you!

The brothers Wan Shi have been confused about the delivery and caesarean section, and have time to explain it to you, haha.

Everyone should have seen the Huahua prodigal son. He spoke in the book review area and was very moved after seeing it.

And 啾-Xueer, haha, friends in the group, fun friends, thank you!

The above is the starting point, and qq read below:

The leader "橴" haha, I checked the name for a long time before I found it out, and also read zi, thank you!

And the leader ii0505, uh, double-ended big brother.

Jaina is reading. She is a fellow and talked a lot with veterans. She had a chance to meet and drink.

money hey, the big guy in the group said one day, ready to add more, it will be given to the leader.

The same is true of "a sunny day hit by dark clouds". The good friends in the group often chat, thank you.

"Qingyan Xiaoguan" will not be said, silver boss, thank you!

Of course, there is also a young lady from the "Green Youth League" who issued monthly red envelopes several times and rewarded the two leaders. I am really grateful.

The above is all the leaders of this month. In fact, there are many helm leaders, I am also very moved.

There are now 42 confederates, so unexpected, moved!

Now the veterans dare to think about Bai Meng's hegemony, inflated ... haha.

Originally set a small goal, 50 leaders, it seems that March is expected to achieve!

Come on!


Here are some other things.

When I write, I always look forward and backward, and find that many things cannot be written because they will be blocked, but I think some things are very interesting.

It ’s medical, so I ’ve been thinking that when I have time, I will get a public account as soon as possible, posting some interesting medical stories on it, and I ’m very impressed.

There is also some medical knowledge that everyone is interested in. It is written in the form of a story and shown to everyone.

Let me talk about it when I have a public account.

Then it's the next month's effort!

I updated about 420,000 words this month and about 1.4 every day. I don't think we can relax next month and we should continue to work hard!

The rule of adding more is still the leader plus three chapters, and the bottom three chapters are guaranteed every day!

Come on!


In the new month, we try again to sprint the monthly ticket list!

Keep updating!

Come on!

In the new month, our goal is still the top ten ...


New month, ask for a monthly pass!

How about a guaranteed monthly pass for a veteran?

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